Voluntary H. Lividum bite.


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
From mexico here so I can do a direct translation:

Lady: This isnt a game(as in, not a joke/just for fun). Ricardo is going to put his hand in the tarantula [enclosur]. Its going to bite him so that you can see that a bite will not kill ok?
This isnt a game... check it out.

[Tarantula bites, twice if im not mistaken]

Lady: (whispers) It just bit him. We can see the little holes of the fangs penetrated

Guy: Now the pain begins. *giggle* Blood can come out sometimes but usually its just pain.

More info from youtube translation:
"Las tarántulas no matan!!!!

La mordida... duele sin lugar a duda, pero el efecto de su veneno se traduce en horas... o dias de dolor.. aun duele, a pesar de haber transcurrido ya mas de 24hrs.

La azul cobalto de Tailandia, conocida no solo por sus colores, sino por su mal carácter. "

Tarantulas dont kill!!!! The bite hurts without a doubt, but the effect of the venom fades away in hours... somtimes days of pain... it still hurts, even though it has been over 24 hours.

The Cobalt Blue of Thailand, known not only for its colors but its bad temperament.


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
The news channel is Tv Azteca which is the main news chain in Mexico (sort of like NBS or ABC or w/e it is over here, i dont watch much tv).
Honestly I dont know why people like Rick instantly go defensive mode and spew the same "omg this is horrible for the hobbie what a moron".

This guy clearly did it to counter myths about tarantulas. Nothing more than helping the hobby and to entertain us. I can understand though, since he didnt understand anything in spanish.


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
Chilobrachys video info translation:

The bite of a tarantula of a medium size of the genus Chilobrachys, with the intent of demonstrating that the bite isnt toxic for humans.

Its "queliceros" (spanish scientific name for its fangs, dont know enlgish srry) or fangs are approx. 1 cm.

The bite is lightly painful, what it feels like is the action of the venom like a hot needle and anaesthetic, the pain lasted for approx. 5 hours, being the most intense in the 2nd and 3d hour. When moving the finger the pain spiked, also when touched. When the hand was still, the pain was minimal.

Again this guy is saying hes doing it to disprove myths and had no wrong intentions when filming this.
It wasnt for ****s and giggles. It was to show that a bite isnt deadly.

Jeff Godbold

Old Timer
May 5, 2008
I lived in Brazil and am fluent in Portuguese (speaking, reading, writing). This guy is speaking Spanish without a shadow of a doubt.

If people can realize that pets are still wild animals, then this could promote good review for the hobby creating less fear. Most people realize that wild animals are unpredictable and will bite. That line of thought can be interpreted in a possitive way as it would put some fears to rest about "T" toxicity.

On the flip side, many people want their pets, whether they be "T"s, snakes, or other wild animals to be tame and cuddily. Those are the ones that would take this in a negative way. But IMO, if they want a puppy, buy a puppy. Leave the wild animal pets to those that respect and appreciate what they are.........WILD!

My .02