Trapdoor info?


Old Timer
Jun 25, 2003
There don't seem to be a lot of caresheets/info on trapsdoors. Can I just treat them like a T in respects to substrate and temperature/humidity?

Also, the Africans are 'medically significant'... How medically significant? Like an OBT bite, or worse? Can they climb glass?

I'm kind of a newbie, so far I have B Smithi and and a Parahybana sling. I can't get any more T's at the moment, I was thinking a trapdoor or a mantid.


Old Timer
Sep 24, 2003
I have a Red Trap Door and theyre fairly easy to keep. Heres what I do:

get a taller rubbermaid or tupperware like a 1 gallon cereal screw-on lid kind. Dont forget to drill holes!

fill it with moist (not extremely drippy) substrate to a height of at least 7inches. I used peat moss which you may not like becuase you have to beat the water into it.

in one corner or on one side, start a burrow for it. Reasoning is, you may be able to see it better. I did this and additionally wrapped a book cover around the entire enclosure so he wouldnt web up my little window. They will if they sense any sort of light though.

Dont keep them too cold (my house stays at about 75 F right now) and the moisture from the substarte will provide humidity enough for them.

Wait a while and enjoy. You may think to yourself "why did I get one of these again?" until you witness it grab and take below a cricket for the first time. Be patient

NOTE: sometimes they can make kind of trashy looking trap doors on the top of the substrate and Ive heard (but havnt witnessed) that they may even not make a trap door at all.