The Great Escape of Psalmopoeus irminia


Spoon feeder
Arachnosupporter +
Oct 26, 2017
If you have not read of my previous escape / mistake, feel free to check out the below post first:

The Great Escape of Neoholothele incei

Here comes my second escape / mistake story. This time however, it is Psalmopoeus irminia.

Sometime over the course of my tarantula keeping hobby, I fell in love with the ‘feeding hole’ method. It worked like a charm, and it made feeding so much easier. It’s basically a ventilation hole with a bit of larger size, so you can push your feeder insect through the hole without opening your tarantula enclosure.

After rehousing of my two and a half inch size Psalmopoeus irminia, I sure did make the feeding hole, and it looked like this:


Oh yes, it does not look so good, I knew I made the hole a bit too large, but then instead of changing the lid, I put the plastic bottle cap on top of it to cover it.

Psalmopoeus irminia settled into new enclosure, and it made layers of dirt curtain around a cork bark to hide itself, and I dropped pre killed feeder insects time to time.

About two months ago, I realized that the pre killed insect I provided was untouched, so I thought and said to myself, ‘I guess it’s pre molting’, but it was not.

One day, I realized the bottle cap I put on top of the feeding hole was a bit off, and I got this very very bad feeling about this. I opened the enclosure just to make sure it is doing okay, but nope. It was nowhere to be found.

I searched everywhere, but I had no luck at all, so that was about two months ago, and two weeks ago I removed 0.0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia from my currently owned tarantula list, and by doing so, I fell very bad, and terrible.

Two days ago, I came home from work, and walked into my room. I saw this catch cups taped together, and inside, stress posed Psalmopoeus irminia. What happend was, while my mom was in my room, she found this dark colored spider on the wall, and called my dad, and my dad caught it with the catch cup, and taped it with another catch up on top of it.

Oh God, I felt so so lucky, and happy, and fortunate. I always say this, but I really love the stories with happy ending, and I really do.

Below is the ‘lost and found’ Psalmopoeus irminia after two months later.


Yet again, I learned another great lesson, and I am happy to accept, acknowledge, correct, and do not repeat my mistake.

Thank you.
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Nov 8, 2016
Wow two escapes and two captures. Being new to this that is my biggest fear. Could only imagine explaining that one to the Mrs hahaha.

The Seraph

Sep 14, 2018
Next time, stuff a cotton ball in that hole instead of putting a bottle cap over it. Hope this helps!


Sep 11, 2018
What happend was, while my mom was in my room, she found this dark colored spider on the wall, and called my dad, and my dad caught it with the catch cup, and taped it with another catch up on top of it.
Yo props to mom & dad for handling the situation well! Not everyone who isn’t a keeper would know what to do in that situation. Perhaps treat them out to a dinner as a thank you!


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2011
I had a GBB escape once, lucky it was in the top corner of the room, lol. before my wife found out it had escaped.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Yay for a happy ending!

I had this phone conversation with a roommate last year...

Roommate: Hey, did you lose a spider?
Me: I did! He is orange and -
Roommate: *interjects* and big and ON MY BEDROOM WALL.
Me: Oh cool, you found him! His name is Kai Besar. He won't come to it, though.
Roommate: Get your ass home.
Me: Yes ma'am.


Of course, he was NOT on the wall when I got home. But he WAS safely recovered - really skinny and dehydrated! - some months later.

Yo props to mom & dad for handling the situation well! Not everyone who isn’t a keeper would know what to do in that situation. Perhaps treat them out to a dinner as a thank you!
Having just read someone else's post about their dad smashing their escapee, I second this!