Tarantula keeping and friends

Georgia B

Sep 3, 2017
I think that at first it made people think I was bad-ass, which tickles me because I look like an ordinary suburban soccer mom, but apparently with some deep rooted rebellious toughness. After a while though my friends got used to the idea and now it’s just a quirk to them. My relationship with none of them changed though. One in particular says that I am “amazing” for being so “brave.” Which really is a nice way of saying crazy and strange. She’s a good friend.

Btw I asked my teenagers what they think now. (I started keeping T’s 7 years ago so they remember.) My 14 yo girl said “I think you’re weirder” and my 17 yo boy said “I always thought you were weird.” Their friends always want to check out the bug room though, it has earned them a bit of notoriety which they don’t mind.

Georgia B

Sep 3, 2017
My female friends aren't keen but most do not care, my male friends the T's are cool, and one even uses my place as a 'hideout' from his mrs as he knows she won't come near :p
Interesting, I find that generally it’s the guys that are less willing to come close and the girls who are more fascinated. That’s a poll for another day.


Jun 4, 2018
If your choice in pets creates a rift in your friendship then maybe they weren't very good friends to begin with. I haven't noticed any turmoil because of mine. I do get a lot of "As long as they stay in their tanks I'm cool" responses.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
So, I have yet to get my first tarantula, but I am planning to get one for myself as a birthday gift at the end of next month, beginning of July. I’ve only ever had the “typical” types of pets before; dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. The one thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people become VERY uncomfortable when you mention the possibility of getting a pet T. The reactions have ranged from “as long as it stays in its enclosure” to “I am never coming in your house again”.

Basically, I’m just wondering if anyone else has noticed a kind of strain in friendships once you got a T or once people find out you have a collection of them. It’s not going to change my mind about getting one, since my boyfriend is okay with us having one (he thinks they’re creepy but he also loves how excited I get about them). But I really am wondering how much of a change it makes in the way people view or interact with you.
No. Anyone who will legitimately abandon you for that choice is no friend of yours. It's your life. It's not like you're going out and saying you want to buy a saltwater crocodile and have it live in your closet ...

I don't really tell anyone about my invertebrates anymore. Not worth having to recycle the same canned replies to the same predictable criticisms. I thought about typing up a response on paper or cards so that I could hand them out like salespeople do but ultimately found it easier to just be silent.

Most of those idiots that immediately spout KILL IT WITH FIRE ZOMG are usually just parroting really annoying and immensely outdated memes that ceased to be funny hours after their inception.
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Sep 28, 2016
My wife is more concerned that the crickets will get loose than that the Ts will escape.


Jul 23, 2017
No. Anyone who will legitimately abandon you for that choice is no friend of yours. It's your life. It's not like you're going out and saying you want to buy a saltwater crocodile and have it live in your closet ...
When I was little I wanted a gator to put in my bathtub. Of course my mom never approved of this and my dad didn't either, even though he found it funny. They took me to some state parks instead where you can see lots of the things.