

Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
spider description:black velvety spider that makes a sort of 'funnel cob web' found under and at ground level normaly in a shaded,secluded areas Also high up in wooden/brick fences.. The web looks like a funnel with trip wires all interlinking slowly coming out for a short distance. Leg structure like that of a black widow but again hairy and velvety instead of shinny and hard. cephlethorax is smooth and almost a brownish black only a tad lighter then the pitch black of the rest of the spider.. Spinderettes located Directly below the abdomen where a black widows 'hour glass' would be. Its spinerette dstructure resembles that of many spiny orb weavers but this is not an orb weaving spider

Problem: I have caught a few of these spiders always resorting in slow death. I provide them with the same scenero/attire that I collected them from. I offer food and water daily yet Most of them refuse to web at all. I have had one in an enclosure with 6 inches of substrate [gathered from where it was collected] And with many more aboreal hide outs made of cork bark. It still refuses to web. It appears to be an adult female and has lost a great amount of weight since Capture.. I am determined to get an id on this spider and or raise it in captivity considering how neat I find them..Any suggestions would be appreciated

Additional note: This is a very mean spider. It rivals a Hapalopelma [spelling] in defencive poses and snaps at the slightest thing but seems a little bit clumsy [probably from no webbing] This spider has been in captivity for nearly 2 months now.. with no progress at it eating.. I sold its sibbling which had constructed a cob web and ate a few flys and even molted awhile ago but it died shortly after arriving at its destination. They are pretty much equal in leg span to a black widow.. I have yet to get bit by one so I can't tell you what the toxicity is like..

{sorry staff I posted this in wrong forum can you move it please?]


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
a PIC! it would help i was thinking...funnel web spider - haha get it? makes a funnel WEB lol well anyway i don think they "harbour" in CA, but if you can get a pic then we would be able to identify it :)


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
Sure I can get a pic and it will look liek this.. A black spider.. I don't hgave the best of photo equipment..send me yours ;)


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
It sounds like it might be a "crevice spider", possibly the genus Kukulcania. If you do a search, you might have better luck seaching the genus name Filistata, the old name (fairly recent change).



Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
?When will they move this thread? lol
I've narrowed it down to four results.
Kukulcania arizonica
Kukulcania geophila
Kukulcania utahana
Kukulcania hibernalis

But I can't seem to find Pix..
closet I have come is the Kukulcania (Filistata) hibernalis but, The picture seems to be black and white so I can't tell if it fits the spider I have. most descriptions I have come accross says its charcol grey.. this thing is black but body structue wise its a identical match..