Spider hunting in public... and the publics perception of you.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
I hunt for jumping spiders at my college campus. I'm a weirdo.


Aug 27, 2011
lol, ive always wanted to go over to that edge of the world, heard there is some fun places to go explore on an adventure bike.


Old Timer
Dec 4, 2012
Glad I'm not the only one! The Downtown York, PA area is undergoing a whole "revival" and people seem to be getting snootier about having any wildlife near their cool little cupcake shops. I do need to start making sure my camera is charged and taking it with me, I'm so horrible at it, I see so many cool things on a weekly basis and I never have photos of any of it.

Snark, I think I'd have trouble focusing in a place with so much new flora and fauna. I'd be running back and forth like mad examining everything, unable to decide what I want to look at. It would be nice to be surrounded by people who don't freak out over bugs being near their homes.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Snark, I think I'd have trouble focusing in a place with so much new flora and fauna. I'd be running back and forth like mad examining everything, unable to decide what I want to look at. It would be nice to be surrounded by people who don't freak out over bugs being near their homes.
My greatest problem is running off the road and taking a header into a canal as I am rubbernecking so much of the time. I put on a little comedy show for some locals this morning. Zooming along on my bike I thought I saw a pseudo scorp in the shade next to the verge of the road. First I did the 'did I really see that' brain fart, then I slowed and turned back. A couple across the road working their garden watch me curiously. Well, I had been going pretty fast so I wasn't sure how far back to go. I go a ways back then turn and search. Didn't see it. Maybe I didn't go far enough. Circle #2. I get distracted by some birds in the tree above me. Big old heron type that make a delightful racket. Nope, still no scorp. Circle #3. Nope. NUTS! Circle #4. I go way back and get off the bike and walk. There it is! I get down on hands and knees to say hello and make sure it's okay then poke to get it off the road. The little nerky runs the wrong way, crossing the road. So I follow, herding it along. It finally gets off into the verge. I retrieve my bike, say goodbye to the birds, wave at my audience, the couple now joined by three kids, an elderly woman, a very elderly man and two dogs, all enjoying the most interesting show they've seen for weeks, and I'm off.


Jul 13, 2013
Most of my collecting is done in wilderness areas adjacent to rich people, and they're almost always xenophobic, though to be fair, I have really long hair, and I look like a vagrant, and carrying a sack and three different flashlights doesn't help my image, either. =\
Ohhh, I've heard those scary stories about long haired men with multiple flashlights.
haha :sarcasm:


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
That is a great story and it is exactly me in a nutshell! LOL!

I do stuff like that at train stations and parks. I often take my digital camera into the park to take pictures of whatever plants and animals catch my eye. I took pictures of even occupied bee hives (though the pictures tended to look more like tree stumps and logs surrounded by blurry, pale dots). I just kept quiet, moved slow and kept a distance. A gardener advised me not to do this or I'll be stung to death. I responded by telling him not to bring the lawnmower any closer because I definately would be stung with all that noise. I think I got better honeybee pictures at the San Francisco Zoo's garden quite frankly.

I've been stung about eight times when I was a little kid at various ages from trying to keep bees, or just getting dying ones hydrated so they could fly away and really don't have much fear of stinging insects. I've had a soft spot for inverts for a very long time.

I've captured quite a lot of things outside of my residence so I know how fun it can be! I used to blush when I got weird looks from strangers but I've gotten some thicker skin. I go to the creek and catch crayfish, water boatman, striders and hellgammites. When we did a family trip to Clear Lake, I caught other things there. I think the searching for the animals is the most fun part!

I could go on more but I think that's enough for one post. :eek:


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
How about when you notice a bug and no one else does?

I remember an instance in the bus where I watched a ladybug larvae crawl up a girls jeans and then start doing laps on her purse. Her and her friend were oblivious for a few minutes until it nearly touched one of their hands and then they freak out throw the purse around and then laugh awkwardly. The larvae lands on the floor on the bus and gamely starts crawling-soon to find its next victim unless it gets crushed by the mass exodus a few minutes later when we reach our stop. So i go ahead and pick it up off the floor and let it crawl on my hands for a bit. I pretend to be in my own world for a while and can feel their eyes on me. Then I just smile and keep playing with it until we reach our stop.


Oct 10, 2013
I'm not particularly a spider hunter persay, but I do watch out for them when I go places that could harbor them. My workplace is a great place for orb weavers at the right time of the year. There's some shrubs and bushes lining the front of the building, and in one spot are two tall bushes with a short one in the middle. Naturally, the place is great for spiders, and the orb weavers love to build there. I'm always inspecting the webs at night when I'm walking to my truck. My coworkers think me strange for doing so...they thought me strange before the fact that I obtained a T, but hey, if I was called normal, I'd take it as a insult!

In the short bush mentioned before, I had an American funnel-web spider as a friend. Some days she'd be deep in her tunnel and I could only see her legs, some days she'd be outside of it with her legs spread out..maybe a 1" span, but she was beautiful nonetheless. One day I caught a dying June-bug off the sidewalk and placed it outside her web. She attacked a couple times, always retreating after a hit. I wondered why but now I realize that if she'd stayed around after biting the big bug might have swiped her with its spiny legs. Smart spider!

I'd also like to mention that my workplace has a magnetic attraction for wolf spiders...it's not uncommon to find one of those big suckers walking around in the women's dressing room (and you can imagine what would go on if one's spotted in there), and particularly the florescent lights in the wintertime are a big hit with the big arachnids. I recall one time in the office, a very large spider sat above my manager's desk in the light overhead...this animal may have had a 2-3" legspan, but I might be exaggerating...no one was brave enough to measure the legspan. Our manager's name being Bonnie, of course the fellow was named Clyde, and there he/she stayed, trapped in the overhead light...until someone sucked him/her out with a Shop Vac.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Pardon me for being rude and crude here but upon giving this due thought, one of the most satisfying things I find about spider, bug and other critter hunting/fondling/drooling-over is the quite legitimate amount of time I get to spend bent over and displaying my back side and exactly where the mundane dull boring critter challenged masses can kiss.


Dec 9, 2013
i went spider hunting today saw lots of webs abandoned looked around my patio and saw some spiders didnt catch them cause they look so happy roaming my patio when i was 10 years old
i went outside on the patio and saw a really colorful spider made a huge really wide web it was tan brown with yellow and red dots on its belly i didnt know what kind of spider it was but as i grew up and had internet access i described it in google image search and found out its an orb weaver spider which is cool my favorite type of spider till this day


Dec 1, 2013
At school they just kind of look at you funny and call you "that bug kid" behind your back. Could be worse, given the average temperament of the teenage human (Obnoxicus cruelus).


Jul 22, 2013
I usually get polite (oh my goodness you're so weird but whatever) looks. LOL The parenthesis being what's actually going on in their heads.


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2008
I was already laughing just reading the subject! Rural invert hunting in Arizona is even more unsettling, as most people that find me have a gun in their hand and I have to show them the bugs to convince them that i ain't "up to no good". Also the cops harass me a lot. I have become an invert hunting NINJA to avoid the attention.