sp.blue question


Mar 23, 2007
allright,ive had all my spiders for a year now.my hatian brown is totally huge.i bought a sp.blue the same time last year,and he/she has went from the size of a dime to close to the size of a 50 cent peice..when do they fully mature?i hear that males are mature in a year,females up to 2 years.does this mean i have a female??we have a pretty blue color,but still not big at all after a year.ive had no problems with he/she.it eats like a hog,and is still quite the pet hole,but likes to hang out every once an awhile,lol.thanx for all the help over the last year!!!!


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
I know they get quit a bit bigger than that, Im thinking 5"+ish. How warm/humid/often are you feeding yours? I have one that I keep at 76deg/high humidity/frequent feedings and it molts about once every 5-6wks, granted its small and I've only had it for 5-6wks but it molted during shipping and over the weekend. Currently its 2" or so.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Mine molts regularly and has grown from about 3/4" to 2 1/2" in less than a year. I keep it humid and give it the opportunity to burrow or be arboreal, so far its stuck to being a burrower, im sure that will soon change though. I have heard the males mature in 2 years and females in 4 years, not sure on how true that is though. Oh yea, they get a bit bigger than 5" try more like 7-8", they are good sized, very leggy though. Also, i feed mine about once every week or so. When i feed it i feed 2 or 3 roaches. Make sure your misting it regularly... Good luck.


Old Timer
May 17, 2007
i mist mine once a day..just to get the substraight wet and create a little humidity. I did a little reserach on the singapore rainforest and found that the rainforest stays at 80-90deg with about 70-100% humidity..now that being said i doubt all sp. live in the hart of the rianforest. Actually most of these live in tree burrows from what i understand.

I keep mine in a eco terra cage thats 12x12x18 and left about 3-4" of substraight for him to burrow, as you will see i just posted that what i had thought was a female turned out to be a male, wich is cool for me cuz i rasied it since it was about 3/4" now at a whopping 4.5 and greenishbrown hes quite amazing to see. Just be carfull there fast you can look at my youtube thing to see mine acting all crazy but yeah keep a lid close by.lol


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
i mist mine once a day..just to get the substraight wet and create a little humidity. I did a little reserach on the singapore rainforest and found that the rainforest stays at 80-90deg with about 70-100% humidity..now that being said i doubt all sp. live in the hart of the rianforest. Actually most of these live in tree burrows from what i understand.

I keep mine in a eco terra cage thats 12x12x18 and left about 3-4" of substraight for him to burrow, as you will see i just posted that what i had thought was a female turned out to be a male, wich is cool for me cuz i rasied it since it was about 3/4" now at a whopping 4.5 and greenishbrown hes quite amazing to see. Just be carfull there fast you can look at my youtube thing to see mine acting all crazy but yeah keep a lid close by.lol
I want him when he matures lol


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
I lightly mist mine when ever it looks like the vial is starting to dry out, around twice a week. I feed all my slings 2-3times a week as well.

Perhaps you should look into creating dwarf signapore blues:razz: