Shy eater


Apr 22, 2012
I enjoy watching my H. Lividum eat or for that matter any spider eat. I find it funny though, because more often then not when she gets a cricket in her chelicera the first thing she immediately does it turn around and shows me her butt. Its like she is saying "don't watch me eat I am fat and look disgusting." sadly no amount of positive reinforcement on my part by saying "baby, I think you look sexy all big and plump like." (Yes sometime I like to talk to my T. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. :biggrin:) she still turns around on me. Most of the time when she is out of her hole eating I can just go to the other side and watch, but when she is in her hole all I see is her spinnerets. I realize that a lot of spider will grab the food and head off to the safety of their burrows to eat. I just find it funny and curios at the same time as to why she does this. It seems like if she is in her hole turning around to eat its seems like a huge vulnerability on her part to have her opisthosoma exposed like that out in the open like she does. Can anyone shed some light on this subject matter as to why she does this.


Apr 17, 2012
google for tarantula feeding dance. It's just laying down thin webbing, called feeding mat.