Should I make a despute or negative review ?


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2007
Hello everyone,

Recently I traded 10 tarantulas (some are rare) for a 7" female T blondi and E camperatus. The person told me that they are both guaranteed female. When I opened the box I got a male T spinipes and E camperatus. I contacted him and he told me that he will make things right and send me a female after a week. But after a week I tried to contact him and he never respond to any of my emails, calls and txt message. its been almost a month now and I have not heard anything from him and recently he is doing some transaction in the AB ad using my Ts while are trade is not even finish yet. I don't really know what to do at this point. Does anyone have any advise on what I should do ?

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Nov 22, 2010
If the other party strayed from what you agreed on, and isnt making things right then go for it.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
you have to realize that if you post a negative review here then that basically means you have given up on the situation and are taking it as a loss. they only allow you to post reviews of completed transactions

personally, i would go by this: is the person still active on any boards? if so, they are pretty obviously ignoring you. if not, maybe something happened to them or they lost their internet or got locked out of their account on accident. i got stuck out of my youtube for about 6 months once. not the same thing, obviously, but strange things do happen every once in a while

of course, a mature male and mature female Theraphosa should be blindingly apparent to someone who is advertising/trading bugs, so that doesn't seem great to me


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
Never EVER buy a Theraphosa without previous pictures...

I will give the buyer an ultimatum and if he doesnt want to make it right, then go ahead wih the review. :(


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2007
His an active member and i think his just ignoring me. I don't even think I can get my Ts back. His loaning one of the Ts that I traded him. Also, I saw a pic of the T but it was not close up so I can't tell the hair difference. The most devasting part of all is that he gave me a male when he said that its a female. I got rid of my last female T spinipes because I want to focus on T apophysis, now I'm stuck with another male. I'm really depress, I been getting bad deals lately. Also, the reason I'm not posting a negative review is because I'm still hoping he will make things right. I talk to him in the phone before we did the trade and he sound like a nice guy. I have not heard of him after the problem started so I want to know his reason for not sending me a replacement (female t blondi or T spinipes i don't even care at this point)


Mar 12, 2010
You must understand that if you post a negative review, there will be slim to no chance that he will make the situation right. I agree on giving him the ultimatum. You can't wait forever for him to make things right. if he still doesn't replace your T. The most likely recourse is a negative review to warn others of his actuations.


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
I'd try contacting the seller once again then posting a negative review if there's no response. If you word your review in a way that doesn't suggest that you consider the transaction open-ended, it won't be removed, I assure you. E.g., don't say "I'm still waiting for him/her to send me the replacements" but something along the lines of "I have waited enough and didn't get my replacements." Then if he makes right, you can post an update, as you are allowed to make one additional post about the same transaction in case of a status change. But bear in mind that the "negative" post still won't get removed so the whole "case" will be visible.