Selling a Viper to a minor.

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Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Hello everyone,
It has been a long time since I have posted, and I am planning on being an active member again soon, but I felt strongly moved to post this here. I own a gaming community and one of my clients has a forums board where recently an underage kid posted a pic of a new snake he just ordered from

His new purchase is a Rhinoceros Viper. I could not believe what I read, but this kid swears by the fact that this place is selling him this snake. Maybe some one here could talk some sense into him...

<edit - language in link is against rules - please PM user for link>
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Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
wow.. i Think its rediculous that someone would be that money money hungery and irresponsable that they would do that.. i love hots and i love working with them but no venomous snake belongs in the possetion of a minor... its like haveing a gun with no control of the trigger.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
Alright first of you need to relax mate. To be honest, there isn't anything any of us could tell this silly kid to prevent him from setting his own deadly trap. And quite frankly, I highly doubt anything this idiot's saying is true, i think he's trying to foolishly show off on the internet looking for some attention and proudly saying he belongs to this respectable herp society and just because of that they made an exception knowing that he's a minor bla bla's all <edit> and the more upset and angry you seem...the more you're feeding his nonsense.

If you really believe in this kid's immature story then the best you can do is send an email to the dealer since you know him, and inquire about this insane transaction. Who knows? If it ends up being true maybe you end up saving his license, and if not report him to the police. If this kid wants to play with fire...then he'll end up fatally getting burned for being stubborn and stupid, but IMO you shouldn't even let this child bother you like that. I highly doubt this kid has even the money to buy such expensive snake...just my two cents;)

My best regards,
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Old Timer
Aug 5, 2006
I agree totally with Kriegan, and the best you really can do is e-mail/write/call to make sure that this dumby isn't just trying to get ou all riled up. And he IS quite obviously just trying to get you all riled up. Think of it as a young child who is throwing a temper tantrum and your yelling and screaming at him. All its going to do is make the kid scream some more. Just ignore him and if he wants to get bit and and wind up in the hospital and/or morgue then thats his problem. Just blow the kid off and don't let it bother you. And if he actually did get what he said he got (or what he has) and he gets bit well then hopefully he learns his leeson....

kids... their all ways trying to show off... how old is that kid anyways?


Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
I totaly would not concern myself with that kid. He's almost definately lying and if he is not then the people who sell him the snake will face the consequences if he happens to get bit.
I would imagine that it is a hoax and the kid is just trying to get attention. I mean, I could easily post the same thing on any forum if I were so inclined and then I could sit back and laugh like a jackass while people got all worked up over it.
If you're realy feeling froggy, you could always e-mail a link to his post to the police and let them handle it.


Old Timer
Apr 6, 2005
I got finished reading this post as well as the post on the bagelshack and here's my two cents:

1: I am not one to judge but, I would really think about the pros and cons
about owning and keeping venomous reptiles that can be deadly if handled
improperly and not respected. Then if you still want to buy one do so at
your own risk.

2: Be sure your local emergency room has the proper antivenom on hand in
case an accident does happen. Always be prepared for anything.

3: Having a license/permit means nothing if the owner is careless and stupid.

The above statements are intended to educate and not to offend. There are always more technicalities to consider but, it's just my two cents.


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2006
hehe, I like jaygnar's idea. your just trying to make sure that a minor isn't going to get himself killed. :embarrassed:


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
i was 16 when i got my first hot, it was a common copperhead....though now, with education i wouldnt advise a teen into getting hots...but could change that with proper precautions and supervision.....
here living so close to the famous venom ER and doctor bush, this is a rising trend to own hot species because people think if bitten they will be safe with an ER specializing in venomizations...sadly its teens and young adults that learn the hard way.... that there is alot respect needed , that reading a book could never teach.....
i think there needs to be more monitoring and higher liability concerns for businesses that so freely sell animals of these calibers to anyone with money.....yet there also needs to be more education as well....we just have to ask ourselves why do we need to own a hot species???is it for research and furthering the species or the cool factor??? more often then not its the later....and the only things that happens is the hobby is hurt, as well as the animals in question........ the love of money is the root of all evil!!!! but like stonem said who am i to judge


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
LMAO!!!!!!!! Hahaha My friend this kid is such a silly idiot, the pic of that viper he claims he has and is his new pet....IS THE SAME PIC on!!! What a joke this punk is!!! I wanted to check on some cobra prices and check where it says rhino viper on his price list...LOL I feel really sorry for this kid...he really needs attention so badly that he needs to pathetically lie on internet to impress people!!{D LOL!!!!!! Mate no need to call the police or bother the owner of this website inquiring such crazy transaction, IMO to give this kid more attention is a complete waste of your time!:embarrassed:


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Eh I was bored I gave him somemore attention, now I shall slink off into the dark.

Arachno Kid

Old Timer
Jul 26, 2006
hahahahahah thats kinda funny like something you would see in Scary movie. I am still laughing at him trying to pass it off it sounds like he researched but clearly not enough to pass off that LOL. He is probally lying , I am not into snakes but am into other things that could possible kill me if I was as stupid as when I was at first in scorps BUT DANG , if he is telling the truth we should start a counter top change collecter donation thingy you see in gas stations for a nice burial, or doctor bill. you pick :D

Tune in next week to find out he is dead or if he is just lying.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2006
here living so close to the famous venom ER and doctor bush, this is a rising trend to own hot species because people think if bitten they will be safe with an ER specializing in venomizations...sadly its teens and young adults that learn the hard way.... that there is alot respect needed
got to love california. home to some of the richest people in the world, some of whom also happen to be quite stupid.

ok, back on topic. i have a real issue with the sites practices, they dont require any prior knowledge, just that you can pay.

it will be quite funny when somebody gets killed and it was just because they didnt have the neccessary experience to deal with them. i have no problem with minors owning hots(i would like to but my 'rents wont allow me to). but i have had experience with aggressive snakes and with local rattlers who can be very pissy. i will admit i have been bitten twice, they both were dry bites but still scared the <edit> out of me(both times were while herping, the 1st i reached up for a hand hold on a steep ledge and got tagged, the second was when flipping rocks).
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Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
LOL!! Don't let this punk fool you...under the first pic he clearly states:

"The top one is myne This is my baby its about 2-3 months old and its called a Rhinoceros Viper"

And then when you check the website it's exactly the SAME pic!!!:? So basically this silly kid stole the pic from the dealer's website, very stupidly tried to pass the pic as his own, and then made up some funny fantasy story about the dealer making an exception:eek: to sell him the snake solely because he belonged to a herp association, and since he's such an important person he was going to be a hero donating some venom...LOL!!! This immature kid needs to grow up and get a real life!!! He not only did this desperately to get some attention...but he also attempted to stain the dealer's reputation by supposedly engaging him in an illegal and serious felony.

And I'm going to my bed now folks;)

Arachno Kid

Old Timer
Jul 26, 2006
LOL!! Don't let this punk fool you...under the first pic he clearly states:

"The top one is myne This is my baby its about 2-3 months old and its called a Rhinoceros Viper"

And then when you check the website it's exactly the SAME pic!!!:? So basically this silly kid stole the pic from the dealer's website, very stupidly tried to pass the pic as his own, and then made up some funny fantasy story about the dealer making an exception:eek: to sell him the snake solely because he belonged to a herp association, and since he's such an important person he was going to be a hero donating some venom...LOL!!! This immature kid needs to grow up and get a real life!!! He not only did this desperately to get some attention...but he also attempted to stain the dealer's reputation by supposedly engaging him in an illegal and serious felony.

And I'm going to my bed now folks;)

:D explains it all


he is clearly faking it if you google it as one of the people there stated it comes up with the same image as his "baby" viper tehee

anyways one of the members on here should go ream him a new one if not someone has already, I am talking like a page long :D


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
Ok i read the whole thing and there may be a chance that he has it but wow i hope not...i keep venomous and his little comment about only a moron would get bit is nutz!!! its not a matter of if...its a matter of when. I understand this so i keep nothing more dangerous than copperheads and a cotton mouth. Still not something i would want to be bitten by but thats my choice. I know people who keep gaboons and rhinos but theya re much more experienced and way way way more mature than this kid...

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
my only worry is that everytime someone gets bit by a hot in there collection then it gives law makers the fuel they need to totaly ban the hobby and the keeping of all venomous... yes spiders and scorpians included.


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
oh absalutely. thats why any dealer who sells to someone (minor or not) that they shouldn't it endangers all of us. So many states are against hot snakes and everytime some idiot (such as this kid) pulls this crap it makes it harder on everyone else. Like the san antonio venomous show will now only sell hots to 21 and up. Which is fine for me but its little things that are happening that make me wonder when all of us will be effected


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I must admit that I did get a little bent out of shape when first came across this post. I thought to myself that maybe it was a kid just wanting attention, but the strongest thought was that things like this do indeed happen and I hate the thought of it. I own venomous arachnids and I know first hand how serious and dangerous they can be and anyone can make a mistake. If this happened to a minor it could mean serious trouble for the rest of us.

Mitchell Brynes from Diamond Reptiles has been contacted and has shown serious concern about this. It stated that the picture is of a snake that he sold three years ago and that this kid is lying.

Hopefully this is the case.


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Did i do a good enough job reaming him a new one :p?

Wow I just reread it. HA Diamond reptile ripped him more of a new one than anyone could!


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Did i do a good enough job reaming him a new one :p?
Yes thank you for the help.

it turns out, after Mitchell Brynes got on there, that the kid admitted the truth. He removed the pics and sent an apology to Mitchell. I learned about this through the owner of the forums, who is one of my clients. He relayed to me what the kid said when he asked him if he was lying... "no i was going to get one from asia from thailand i just posted that picture" :wall:
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