Scorpion identification (Bought this as an Emperor Scorpion)???

James Bradfield

Jul 1, 2017
Can you post more pictures..... trust me man we are absolutely not her to knock your scorp but truly based off that pic it doesnt appear to be emp.... and in all honesty them showing you the "parent's " could be another random 2 emperors they already had, we hope that isnt the case but most reptile stores are extremely un knowledgeable into detail on species and genus. Asian forest are very very very commonly sold as emps.. but who knows maybe you bought an odd ball lol hopefully you got what you paid gor ultimately
I will post more pictures now.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
To double check, I have many imperators, babies, juvs and adults. Below is a juv with a typical light colored telson. Your pic may be at an angle that makes the telson look darker than it is. The one below is further along that the one you have. The claws fill out with molts as you know. Look at the telson, it's still very light colored and darkens to a darker brown when adult. If yours has a telson darker than this, you should question it. A better pic will clear it up. I included a better pic of a baby Heterometrus, the telson is really dark and generally has a diff shape than imperator.

Well obviously there is a photobucket problem, I'm getting frustrated with that site, too many ads slowing things down. Well, I think if you click on the "update account" message, you can go to the pics.

juv imp but further along in molts than yours

Close-up of the light colored telson

These are both adults showing the brown telson though I did have one imperator that had a jet-black telson, these are offspring, none of the offspring have had the jet black telson though I was hoping they would.

Here is a baby Heterometrus, H. petersii that looks to be about the same instar as the scorpion you have.

close up of the Heterometrus telson:

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Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
To double check, I have many imperators, babies, juvs and adults. Below is a juv with a typical light colored telson. It's further along that the one you have. The claws fill out with molts as you know. Look at the telson, it's still very light colored and darkens to a darker brown when adult. If yours has a telson darker than this, you should question it. A better pic will clear it up. I included a better pic of a baby Heterometrus, the telson is really dark and generally has a diff shape than imperator.

photobucket sucks, why do they have to change things that work already.

juv imp but further along in molts than yours

Close-up of the light colored telson

These are both adults showing the brown telson though I did have one imperator that had a jet-black telson, these are offspring, none of the offspring have had the jet black telson though I was hoping they would.

Here is a baby Heterometrus, H. petersii that looks to be about the same instar as the scorpion you have.

close up of the Heterometrus telson:


James Bradfield

Jul 1, 2017
To double check, I have many imperators, babies, juvs and adults. Below is a juv with a typical light colored telson. Your pic may be at an angle that makes the telson look darker than it is. The one below is further along that the one you have. The claws fill out with molts as you know. Look at the telson, it's still very light colored and darkens to a darker brown when adult. If yours has a telson darker than this, you should question it. A better pic will clear it up. I included a better pic of a baby Heterometrus, the telson is really dark and generally has a diff shape than imperator.

Well obviously there is a photobucket problem, I'm getting frustrated with that site, too many ads slowing things down.

juv imp but further along in molts than yours

Close-up of the light colored telson

These are both adults showing the brown telson though I did have one imperator that had a jet-black telson, these are offspring, none of the offspring have had the jet black telson though I was hoping they would.

Here is a baby Heterometrus, H. petersii that looks to be about the same instar as the scorpion you have.

close up of the Heterometrus telson:

It want let me see any third party pictures from photo bucket, so I was not able to see the pics you posted. What is a telson, and I will look at mine and let you know what mine looks like on my scorpion.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
It want let me see any third party pictures from photo bucket, so I was not able to see the pics you posted. What is a telson, and I will look at mine and let you know what mine looks like on my scorpion.
Yeah something is wrong but try clicking on the message, it takes me to the pic, click on the area that says, "update your account...."

Apparently I have to now pay $399.99 for 3rd party hosting, FUUUUUget that!
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James Bradfield

Jul 1, 2017
Yeah something is wrong but try clicking on the message, it takes me to the pic, click on the area that says, "update your account...."

Apparently I have to now pay $399.99 for 3rd party hosting, FUUUUUget that!
Just tell me what the telson is on the scorpion and I'll look?


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
No it's not the pincher. Go to that site and "go to the bottom", look at the bottom image. The telson is the combo of the stinger and the bulbous "thingy". You'll get the picture when you see a picture of anatomy, or simply google 'scorpion telson'.

James Bradfield

Jul 1, 2017
No it's not the pincher. Go to that site and "go to the bottom", look at the bottom image. The telson is the combo of the stinger and the bulbous "thingy". You'll get the picture when you see a picture of anatomy, or simply google 'scorpion telson'.
Ok, thanks. The telson is light colored when it molts.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Practically all scorpions molt out light colored. What matters is if the telson is really dark several days after it molts and it's not mature, if it turns dark then it's not an imperator. You can look at my pics this way, go here If you're seeing what I do on that page, the first two pics on the second row, looking from left to right, are pics of a young Heterometrus petersii that looks to be around the same molt stage as yours. If the telson looks dark like in that pic several days after it molts(give it a week or two, usually takes less but just to nail it down for sure), then it's not an imperator. The first pic on the third row is the telson of an immature imperator long after a molt that is further along in molts than yours is. btw some heterometrus telsons are light colored through molts, but yours looks dark in the photos and no imperators I've seen have dark telsons when not mature, I've seen 100s of them.

James Bradfield

Jul 1, 2017
Practically all scorpions molt out light colored. What matters is if the telson is really dark several days after it molts and it's not mature, if it turns dark then it's not an imperator. You can look at my pics this way, go here If you're seeing what I do on that page, the first two pics on the second row, looking from left to right, are pics of a young Heterometrus petersii that looks to be around the same molt stage as yours. If the telson looks dark like in that pic several days after it molts(give it a week or two, usually takes less but just to nail it down for sure), then it's not an imperator. The first pic on the third row is the telson of an immature imperator long after a molt that is further along in molts than yours is. btw some heterometrus telsons are light colored through molts, but yours looks dark in the photos and no imperators I've seen have dark telsons when not mature, I've seen 100s of them.
The Telson on mine is a lighter color than the rest of my scorpions body, I just had to use a flash light because it's dark in my room. So what is it when the one I have is light on the Telson? And today it's been about a week since it last molted.

James Bradfield

Jul 1, 2017
Here are the Chela (claws) of one of my baby Emperors @James Bradfield
The claws on mine are not as big as that because mine is a lot smaller than your scorpions. Look at the close up picture of mine, it's on my hand and looks to be very young, it is not even 2" in length. Big difference than the ones in the two pictures you just showed me.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
View attachment 244993

The claws on mine are not as big as that because mine is a lot smaller than your scorpions. Look at the close up picture of mine, it's on my hand and looks to be very young, it is not even 2" in length. Big difference than the ones in the two pictures you just showed me.
The one I posted is only instar 4