S. mesaensis life span


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I got tons of them at different sizes. It seems that they grow pretty slow. I have a second instar since december and still no molt. But it looks ready to molt soon. So i'd say mediun growth rate, but thats just a guess on some basic observations. I would be interested in getting a for-sure answer.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2006
I received a handfull of fresh 2nd instar S.mesaensis in october 06..
They are now instar 5 and 6 and i'm expecting some of the males to adult out this summer/autumn...maybe!. I also recieved a sub adult female at the same time as the 2nd instar and she didn't go adult until september 07 so her last moult took at least 11 months although i don't know how long she had been sub adult before i recieved her.

I've also noticed that they can appear fat and bloated "close to moult" for long periods at a time although if you raise the day temps to 30-33c and don't let the nighttime temps fall under 25c, preferably closer to 28c then that can help them initiate ecdysis..