Random Molting Question


Jul 19, 2017
My LP sling is molting right now. I got to watch it flip over and had been watching it for about a half hour when my boyfriend got home from work. He wears steel toed heavy construction boots and the floor vibrates when he walks across the floor in those boots. As I was watching the molt he walked across the room to me and the sling must have been startled by the vibration and looked like it tried to get up. Now my questions are:

1. Can a tarantula stop a molt? I don't think they can but I'm new to all this.

2. Do the experienced keepers here think that if it did try to flip back over it will have a problem molting successfully?

3. Am I being paranoid because I can see it molting and am jumping to conclusions?

Also, I made my boyfriend take the boots off.

clive 82

Sep 11, 2016
My LP sling is molting right now. I got to watch it flip over and had been watching it for about a half hour when my boyfriend got home from work. He wears steel toed heavy construction boots and the floor vibrates when he walks across the floor in those boots. As I was watching the molt he walked across the room to me and the sling must have been startled by the vibration and looked like it tried to get up. Now my questions are:

1. Can a tarantula stop a molt? I don't think they can but I'm new to all this.

2. Do the experienced keepers here think that if it did try to flip back over it will have a problem molting successfully?

3. Am I being paranoid because I can see it molting and am jumping to conclusions?

Also, I made my boyfriend take the boots off.
As far as I'm aware they are really vunerable when molting & wouldn't be able to move or run from a threat, predator etc so no they cant stop a molt.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
1. Can a tarantula stop a molt? I don't think they can but I'm new to all this.
Once started, the molting process has to run its course. However, if interrupted very early, it may briefly flip back over. It's still going to molt, however.

1. Can a tarantula stop a molt? I don't think they can but I'm new to all this.
A couple months ago, I accidentally startled my Acanthoscurria geniculata sling shortly after she flipped over. She flipped back onto her belly for a few minutes. Then she flipped back into the molting position and molted without issue.

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
1. Can a tarantula stop a molt? I don't think they can but I'm new to all this.
Bear in mind that once they flip over they tend to just sit like that and do nothing for a while (my L. difficilis flipped and then sat there for 8hrs before finally moulting), if disturbed before "popping it's cap" (when they pop open the old carapace to start the process of moulting for real) then it may briefly right itself before flipping over to start again.

Once it pops its cap it has to finish moulting or it'll get stuck inside its old exoskeleton and die. At this point, their only concern is getting out of their old exoskeleton before the new one starts to harden.

2. Do the experienced keepers here think that if it did try to flip back over it will have a problem molting successfully?
Probably not.

3. Am I being paranoid because I can see it molting and am jumping to conclusions?
Maybe a little, moults are both exciting and nerve-wracking for keepers.


Jul 19, 2017
Thanks for the replies! It had no issues with the molt and is now happily eating it.
One of the most fascinating things I've ever seen in person.