Quick question regarding cats

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Our two cats, when conscious, have come to regard their humans as entertainment devices. Like right now they have woken up from their daytime several hours of sleep and are hovering near my office door. If I go out there I'll have them both weaving about my feet. They will stay that way, constantly demanding attention until we go to bed. Sometimes they will then put on an opera just in case we were kidding and might come back out.
Each morning it's the same thing. Constantly underfoot until they nod out.

I realize they must be desperately bored and we have tried giving them toys or even breaks outside the house. Nothing lasts for more than a few minutes then back to the ankle rubbing orgy. We have to keep the doors closed with them outside or sitting anywhere they will inevitably be right underfoot. Going down the stairs is fraught with peril as it gives them the chance to literally get under our feet.

Is this normal? Is there any long term solution? If this is relevant, they are both (formerly) females.
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Jan 12, 2016
Epic post. My cheeks are hurting from laughing so hard.

Maybe this will keep them entertained?


Apr 8, 2016
They may be bored though cats are often misunderstood. Some people see cats as very independant animals. This is often not the case. They can be just as affectionate, dependant and loyal as dogs are.

My dog and my cat are constantly following me. They will sit just outside of the door to my bathroom or T room until I come out just to make sure I am ok aha. The cat wraps itself around me at the worst moments sometimes ahah.

To be fair any domesticated animal will demand attention and care whenever they see fit.

We have lots of toys for both the dog and cat. They use them often. They dont play with each other much but want to play with me and my gf a lot. It can be annoying sometimes but I guess that is part and parcel with being their family. I take my dog out walks 3 times a day so he isnt full if energy when home. The cat is a house cat and a Bengal, so she is nuts. They need to exert energy almost as much as dogs do but she doesnt get to go walks.

Cat toys and catnip should help keep your cats occupied, but they will have tendencies to be clingy.

They are just showing some love for you :p

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Another plus for keeping spiders. They are always trying to avoid you and give you and themselves some space.


Nov 3, 2013
Another plus for keeping spiders. They are always trying to avoid you and give you and themselves some space.
I tell people this when they're like "why don't you keep a dog?" "Well," I reply:
-Dogs need love
-Dogs need attention
-Dogs need space
-Dogs take up a relatively massive amount of time, even compared to very demanding arachnids (and reptiles and amphibians and fish and plants)
-Dogs need to eat multiple times every day :p

And many of those concerns apply to cats as well. I'd rather have an animal that would rather I leave it alone and that I know will leave me alone.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Seriously mental cats: 'NO! We only wanted to go outside because we thought you were going out! Can we please come in now? We have to go potty!'

Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
I read somewhere that when cats rub you, it's their way of putting their scent on you. Claiming you as theirs.
Plus trying to kill you as they trip you. :vamp:


Oct 14, 2016
My cats tend to entertain each other, but I guess its because they were littermates and have been together since birth.

If you want then to get some energy out cat nip always does the trick for us. its just about the same as giving them crack. They go ballistic.

Doesn't help with the whole them trying to trip you thing though.

gypsy cola

Jan 16, 2014
my experience with cats... you need to tire them out if you want space.

I would look into a cat wheel. It is like a hamster wheel but for cats. If you don't already, cat furniture that allows them to see high out of a window. Maybe a shelf outside of a door or window they use to go outside as well. Some cats wants to be by a door only so they can see outside hence the constant back and forth. Finally, give them dry food/treats in toys that make them work for it. Cats are predators and need stimulation.

my girlfriend's cat has separation anxiety, we literally have to put on the radio for him when leave or else he will poop outside of the litter box.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Thanks for bringing the high places thing to my attention. That has to be the reason for them wanting to go out on the porch. They both gaze off into the distance a lot.
Gave them a box with holes cut out they enjoy. Trying to find more boxes. (A high recycle value on cardboard here along with a very low income among rural people = boxes are RARE and vanish instantly.)