Quick question.. Just curious.


Oct 4, 2016
I was actually considering that solution.. Only thing that concerns me about it is that I use a small infrared heat lamp to keep both enclosures around 78-82 degrees. I was worried the duct tape would throw off fumes when heated or drip nasty residue onto the substrate after I misted the enclosure?
you would cook the tarantula before the tape ever became an issue if the heat was that high. I can only tell you how I keep all mine with screen tops. I tape both sides with the black gorilla tape and poke holes. When all is done it looks uniform and pretty sharp. theres no need to ever spray water on the top, but I would also guess that would be a nonissue. I really do think people overthink the tops with fancy acrylic and such. Or, leave the poor thing in a wire trap because they didn't know about the Macgyver way :)


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
I was actually considering that solution.. Only thing that concerns me about it is that I use a small infrared heat lamp to keep both enclosures around 78-82 degrees. I was worried the duct tape would throw off fumes when heated or drip nasty residue onto the substrate after I misted the enclosure?
Lose the heater. Your tarantulas are perfectly fine at normal room temps. A heating lamp, especially together with a very well ventilated enclosure like a critter keeper, is a recipe for desaster. Heat lamps really dry out the air - having a sling molt under a heat lamp, a process during it will lose moisture anyway... well, lets just say I can't see that going well.


Sep 26, 2013
I use a small infrared heat lamp to keep both enclosures around 78-82 degrees.
:eek: No heat lamps! No heating pads either! Ambient heating only. Space heaters are probably the best, if your main heating is insufficient. Direct heating can quickly dehydrate them.

Keeping it that warm is not really necessary anyway. It will accelerate their growth (and shorten their lifespan as well) but it's fine to have them at room temperature.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
tape....ahhhh....bad idea imo....ts chew everything...something sticky could cause serious problems. ive had ts just go to town on things like that...although mine was saran wrap...but its basically the same concept except the saran doesnt have a sticky side.

