Poecilitheria vs.recluse or.b.widow


Old Timer
May 1, 2003
I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on the comparison of venom of Poecilitheria and say brown recluse and black widow.I know theyre not the same chemical makeup,but was just wondering about the effects of each.From what I gather Id have to say it would be less severe to be bitten by a Pokie.Ive just never heard of long term damage as with a recluse..Any thoughts?........Rich:?

Henry Kane

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Worst case with a pokie bite would be muscle cramping/soreness for a few weeks.
Beats the heck outta sloughing huge chunks of necrotic tissue or having to be placed in a decompression chamber periodically for even years after the bite as with L. reclusa.
Latrodectus bites are reportedly very painful but I can't find any info on any long term effects. I'll keep looking though.



Old Timer
May 1, 2003
Thanks Atrax.My main point was people seemed terrified by pokies that we keep in enclosures while much more (dangerous) creatures are running wild in and around our houses...Just a thought.........Rich


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
Originally posted by bluerich74
Thanks Atrax.My main point was people seemed terrified by pokies that we keep in enclosures while much more (dangerous) creatures are running wild in and around our houses...Just a thought.........Rich
Well, I've never seen a brown recluse, and I've only once seen a black widow. It seems that where I live, at least, they just aren't all that common.

Anyway, is the fact that people already have highly dangerous spiders living with them supposed to make them feel better about owning another one?

What about the fact that the food we eat probably has some nasty stuff in it. Like beetles and rat droppings. Now suppose I find rat droppings in something I'm about to eat. Is the fact that I probably eat rat droppings occasionally supposed to make me feel better about the pebble that I see floating in my bowl of soup?


Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
I think people overreact about keeping pokies. Mine are rather shy retiring T's. I'm not gonna try to handle them though. Just treat them with respect and be careful and they're no different than Suntigers or Togo's. We who have dogs are in much more danger of being bitten. I see alot more dog bites than pokie bites, but it doesn't stop people from having dogs. Whoami? It must have slipped my mind but I guess in "the land of smiles and giggles" there are no dangerous creatures. I work in a hospital and I see alot more people in ER from bee stings than spider bites. Black Widows aren't that uncommon you just have to know where to look for them.



Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I've got 1st hand experience with the brown recluse, and after that I'll take several bites from a Pokey! A day or two of extreme pain has the the months it took for the recluse bite to heal. Go to this page and read my post near the bottom for more details


I've still got a pretty nice scar and I was bitten somewhere around 1985 or 86. Long last the memories of the bite :(


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by whoami?
Well, I've never seen a brown recluse, and I've only once seen a black widow. It seems that where I live, at least, they just aren't all that common.
Well I'm glad to hear there is only one widow and no recluses in your "wonderful happyland full of smiles and giggles!"

I have never been bite by a Poke but the systematic effects sound very similar to that of a widow (trust me its no fun) and from the bite reports I've read more painful, but of coarse each bite will be different. Recluse bites from what I understand rarely form ulcers and very few that do are considered serious (I may be a gambling man but I'm surely not going to test that bit of info). Six of one half a dozen of the other, I like them all but don't fear one's bite over the other. The main thing the Pokes have going for them as far as 'fear factor' is their speed, agility, and size but that, I believe, is countered by their shyness.

I am most fearful of the Stromatopelma bites... as soon as I read anything involving cardiac I'm scared, I would love to see what it does to the heart though... I've already decided if I ever get bit by one I'm hooking myself up to the cardiac monitor see if it really does do anything. Well I'm babbling now better get back to work.


Old Timer
Nov 2, 2002
Stromatopelma and recluse bites...

:eek: Yes, I have heard some distinctly nasty reports about the venom toxicity of the Red Featherleg Baboon spider, otherwise known as S.calceatum.They appear to at least one of the few genuinely dangerously venomous tarantulas and although I would like a specimen for my collection I will admit that I often sort of wobble into being glad that I do NOT have one in my possession.Like you said Mr.Matt, the potential of cardiac involvement is rather scary and I do not wish to find out just what kind of effect this spider truly has the hard way.

Probably the hottest specimen that I have in my collection at the present time is my Chinese Golden Earth Tiger ( H. schmidti ) I have heard some rumour about its reputed venom toxicity that indicates that it could be dangerous to be bit by one.However I have had my EarthTiger for almost two years now and aside from one incident where she charged me when I was removing a mouse bolus I have had no problems with her.I keep her in a high security setup and being as she is primarily terrestrial she is not as fast or as flighty as the Pokies, Stromatopelma or Heteroscodra genus spider...a loose S.calceatum would be a cause for concern indeed...

As far as Brown Recluse bites go, I have read case histories where people have lost entire limbs to these spiders...I read about one women who had gangrene spread to all of her limbs and the tip of her nose - I dont know if this true but SHEESH!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: I think I would much prefer to be bit by almost anything else besides this spider...Well almost anything...I have heard about Phonuetria Fera down in Brazil and that is for sure a scary spider.....:8o :8o :( :( they say the darn thing will actually aggressively attack you....heh heh heh

The Evil Spider Hunter


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
Originally posted by Atrax
Worst case with a pokie bite would be muscle cramping/soreness for a few weeks.
Beats the heck outta sloughing huge chunks of necrotic tissue or having to be placed in a decompression chamber periodically for even years after the bite as with L. reclusa.
Latrodectus bites are reportedly very painful but I can't find any info on any long term effects. I'll keep looking though.

Very true. Or, as what happened to the Fire Chief, here in Los Lunas. They amputated his leg. :( He suffered a Recluse bite, and was admitted to the hospital, over and over, for problems related to the bite. Each time, more and more tissue was removed.
Peace, Light & Eternal Love..


Old Timer
May 21, 2003
Brown recluses really don't scare me. Don't get me wrong I'd never want to be bitten. But Where I am they are everywhere ,But I rarely see them inside. They are quik to flee, And from what I understand its a bit hard for them to bite you. They have to be in your clothes or in your bed. Thats what most reports say. The person didn't take the time to shake out there clothing or shoes. Or the person was bit in bed probably placed there body on the spider. If you use your wit chances are you will never be bittin by this spider. But stuff happens .
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Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
Whoami? It must have slipped my mind but I guess in "the land of smiles and giggles" there are no dangerous creatures. I work in a hospital and I see alot more people in ER from bee stings than spider bites. Black Widows aren't that uncommon you just have to know where to look for them.
I think you're missing the point. Just because you live around extremely dangerous animals doesn't mean you're going to feel okay about keeping less-dangerous animals as pets.

I've got lots of cottonmouths around where I live. That doesn't mean I'm going to be comfortable about keeping a pet copperhead in my house.

A copperhead isn't as venomous as a cottonmouth, but it's still dangerous for me to keep one. And since I'm not okay with that, I won't own copperheads. I have no control over the cottonmouths that roam into my yard, but I can control whether or not I have that one additional dangerous animal that I'm keeping as a pet.