Pet store Prices


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
So I recently convinced my local pet store to start ordering something besides rose hairs and avic avics. So I walk into the store and saw this Cyriopagopus Sp. blue I asked how much and it was $25 for one that was almost 2". So of course I bought it thinking that was a great deal. im not sure if it is actually a Cyriopagopus Sp. blue or a L violaceops. I figure either way im getting a deal and I also figure the local store got an even better deal. Question is do you tell the local store owner he could actually sell them for more? I figure his main goal is to make money so he must all ready be doing that but I dont think id sell one this size for less then $40. I feel like as someone who knows what something is worth its my job to educate what do you think?


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
So I recently convinced my local pet store to start ordering something besides rose hairs and avic avics. So I walk into the store and saw this Cyriopagopus Sp. blue I asked how much and it was $25 for one that was almost 2". So of course I bought it thinking that was a great deal. im not sure if it is actually a Cyriopagopus Sp. blue or a L violaceops. I figure either way im getting a deal and I also figure the local store got an even better deal. Question is do you tell the local store owner he could actually sell them for more? I figure his main goal is to make money so he must all ready be doing that but I dont think id sell one this size for less then $40. I feel like as someone who knows what something is worth its my job to educate what do you think?

ARE YOU INSANE!!!! :eek:

Don't tell him!


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2009
Don't tell him. Half of the time, these people don't care for their pets properly anyway, so really, that's their own fault. The cheaper they charge, the faster that T could go to someone who knows their stuff.


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
I agree. Don't tell them. They must be making a profit. I know I was able to get a 3 in. H. mac and a 4 in. C. fasciatum for 10 bucks a piece from my lps. They have a T. blondi for 90, but they're going to have to get rid of it due to a new city ban on a variety of animals. I'm gonna try and talk them out of it for half price or lower.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2007
Telling him would only hurt you. He would be unlikely to give you a discount for telling him to charge more. I don't know about you, but I am a discount/clearance/bargain shopper. I don't want to pay more than I have to.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
I understand but part of me feels a little dishonest. I did educate him on the venom levels of his new Ts and what their natural set ups would be so I feel a little better about that.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I understand but part of me feels a little dishonest. I did educate him on the venom levels of his new Ts and what their natural set ups would be so I feel a little better about that.

When it comes to business, honesty is a mistake. It was good of you to inform him about the venom for safety reasons, but you should leave it at that.


Old Timer
Sep 16, 2008
I wouldnt say anything, there selling it so they set the price. I see it as they jack the price up on every thing else so why not get a price break on a few Ts. They are still making a profit.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2008
Hes makiing a profit anyways so he must be satisfied with that or he wouldnt sell them. Dont tell him and hope he gets more cheap shipments in. He probably paid like 5$ for it so either way he is getting money. I dont nkow why you would feel dishonest as hes selling them at his price and if hes selling them, he should know what their worth. i also agree that its probably better for the individual t's so they find a good home quick, however i dont know how well this lfs takes care of their t's, but just based on the general lfs care.

If i were you, i would ask what else he could get in and see if you can save yourself some money. IMO its a win win. You get a cheap t yet he is still making profit. Much better of a situation the an over priced t thats probably going to die at the lfs unless its a 'rescue" all becasue the price was so high.


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
I understand but part of me feels a little dishonest. I did educate him on the venom levels of his new Ts and what their natural set ups would be so I feel a little better about that.
Don't tell him. More people will buy it at that price. Plus the sooner they leave the petshop the better. ;)


Old Timer
Sep 24, 2007
lps perspective

if you can get a good deal do it!

I would tell him that it is a good buy and that you are happy with the price, if he does not do his homework on what prices can be that that is his choice. also he may not have much faith in the marketability of spiders (valid concern) and feel that he will do better at a lower price. kudos for your honesty but I think that it is best not to meddle. maybe if he raised his prices he wouldn't sell as many T's and would be less willing to carry them in the future.

I am surprised that he was able to get you a good deal, usually on the spiders that I buy for my store they cost what any of the dealers sell them for online or sometimes much more, add shipping and markup, and it is very hard to be "fair" on the prices.


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
Unless he is getting out of the T business and selling his stock off cheap to rid himself of it.... He has a profit (probably 100%) built into it already. Really. You can't run a pet store if you don't.... Not very well anyway. (clean, intelligently and fully staffed, diverse, feeder central, etc.)
If I had to guess, there is someone outside of "the hobby" who is importing them, only knowing prices he sees at other stores for G. rosea, and maybe their home country prices, and they don't even know about AB. Your LPS owner, whether he knows the true value or not, is taking his cut. And if he sees your interest in them, he may get more great deals! I wouldn't say anything besides, "beautiful spider, I think I will call it moe" or something like that. :) Peace

if you can get a good deal do it!

I would tell him that it is a good buy and that you are happy with the price, if he does not do his homework on what prices can be that that is his choice. also he may not have much faith in the marketability of spiders (valid concern) and feel that he will do better at a lower price. kudos for your honesty but I think that it is best not to meddle. maybe if he raised his prices he wouldn't sell as many T's and would be less willing to carry them in the future.

I am surprised that he was able to get you a good deal, usually on the spiders that I buy for my store they cost what any of the dealers sell them for online or sometimes much more, add shipping and markup, and it is very hard to be "fair" on the prices.


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2009
If was housing stuff badly, and not telling people what they were REALLY getting into before you came along, he owes you big. He could sell you a couple of M. balfouri's for $20 and he would still owe you feeders for a while!
lol, help him with scientific names, help him with selling points, and care and maintenance when you are there, and don't feel a lick of shame. Heck, be proud. You will help all the arachnids that go through. People who take them home give better care. It's better for the hobby. And if you help, and encourage more selection, etc, etc, over time, he will make a lot more money, have a lot less deaths, ticked off parents, more repeat business, next thing he knows, he's making money off them and starts caring big collection! yeah

I understand but part of me feels a little dishonest. I did educate him on the venom levels of his new Ts and what their natural set ups would be so I feel a little better about that.


Jul 21, 2008
What's the name of this pet shop? The reason I ask is because I will be moving to the Provo/Orem area in a month and would like to check it out.


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2009
generally the animals in a LPS are marked up to twice the cost so i doubt he's taking a loss on it. most pet stores make the bulk of their profits on accessories rather than the animals themselves.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
What's the name of this pet shop? The reason I ask is because I will be moving to the Provo/Orem area in a month and would like to check it out.
The Pet store is jays jungle and he has always been fair and sells crickets for 16 per $1 and has 3 different sizes of crickets. Its on center st and about 300 w in Provo. Jay really knows his reptiles and snakes and is starting to learn a lot more about Ts. Im working on a list for him showing genus and common names and venom listed by mild med and hot.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
Im not sure you can tell 100% what you are getting from most local dealers but I knew it wasnt a pink toe of rose hair so I jumped on it. it looks like the same body type as my L. violaceops but the hue is a little more brown may just be getting ready to molt.