Outdoor to indoor vivarium for az bark scorps


Jun 28, 2018
I live in Arizona and I have a tank with some wild caught Arizona bark scorpions. I currently have them outside and they and the cactuses are doing very well, but I am worried about the move indoors. I am concerned I am keeping them a little too wet and that they are doing fine since they are outside, but when I move them inside they may start suffering. There is also moss growing on the plastic under ground level so I am wondering if that would be a concern indoors (I am sensitive to moss). I am currently working to give them as natural an environment as possible and I am not sure how to do that indoors or if it is necessary to.

For the move, I am planning to rescape the entire tank. I am going to remove all of the substrates and replace it and I am going to clean the tub of all moss.

I am wondering if anyone has tips on how to monitor the moisture level of the substrate and any other tips for indoor scorpion vivarium care as well. I am going to try to post a separate question in a scorpion category on how to care for the scorpions specifically, so here I am just wondering about the vivarium as a whole.

Thanks and sorry for the essay :)


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
The best care would be to put them back in the wild.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Okay, well I'm sure that goes for (almost) all of the critters on here, but thanks for the input?
Well, that depends as many owners have captive born Ts that live here in the USA, but are native to other countries. Letting those go free is a violation of some laws, and not good for the ecosystem in principal.

For moisture monitor in soil, I would strongly urge you consult forum sites that deal with plants, these people know far more on that subject than most of the people here generally speaking.