No more need to shove my emp arround...

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I had a hard time to find a title for this thread. It's about an observation I've made regarding my mature emp.

I guess that I can't be alone about this observation, in fact I guess all scorp people are gonna gather arround, point at me and laugh...

Well, anyway here it is:
Before, I would have to shove my emp arround in the tank if I needed her to go onto the extraction lift (nifty name for my little catch and release box). She'd be stubborn as a mule and I'd basically have to scoop up some of the substrate beneath her in order to make her move.

But having my box of baby emps I made the observation that if the group is in motion, they all move at the same time, pause at the same time and continue moving at the same time. That reminded me a bit of a school of fish or a swarm of birds (obviously they never stop moving but I guess the example counts).

So what I did next time I had to move the emp was that I brushed her legs for 2 seconds then paused 2-3 seconds then brushed them again and paused. And so on. I brushed her on the opposite side of where I wanted her to go and she just followed like a dog on a leash. With other words, that was easier than trying to bake an elaborate wedding cake with 506 two year olds!

I guess she just moved out of the way, away from the crowd of other scorpions which tickled her legs all the time.

So... erm.. am I alone with that observation? :?

Would that work with basically any scorpion or do the more solitary ones just get angry?
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i think it would work fine with slower scorps but my more active guys run around when i brush them once.

that sounds about like how i move my more peacable inmates, though