Neurotic Cat

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Is anyone up to speed on this? Practical experience? Things to watch for? Ways to help her calm down and help her relax?

She's full blown neurotic with every symptom; endless circling about the house, nervous, underweight, wants to be petted but can't handle being petted. Gradually getting worse.

She's a very cool cat with a wonderful disposition, comes when called, never tries to bite or scratch. I just want the best for her and help her feel more contented and maybe learn to relax a little.

Backgrounder might help. Independent to the max from birth. Eyes opened after 48 hours. Started ambulating about around 3-4 days old, too young to walk she moved about with little leaps and jumps. Climbed furniture. The boss of her siblings. Has had to do everything her way. Cat with an agenda, now in a tailspin.
She's now 3 years old.

10 days old. Her character note: came out of mom backwards, late and last. Runt of the litter.

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Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
I'm so sorry but that sounds as if this cat has an hereditary defect. What you describe goes far beyond being 'neurotic'. Eyes opening at 2 days and trying to get around at 4 is not normal, but you will know that. The first thing that comes to mind is some kind of hyperthyroidism. It's extremely rare in kittens as young as this and it wouldn't really be easily treatable...

It is calming for a cat, though, if you try to make purring sounds when you pet her...

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Thanks @boina I was just about to mention I assumed her condition was genetic. I'm going to research hyperthyroidism. I am also concerned the third cat that entered our lives as a kitten isn't helping at all. A year old now but still in playful kitten mode, never giving her a break when he's around. If the opportunity presents itself I'm going to find him a new home. BUT, kismet took a hand with him coming into our lives... a quandary.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
A comical note. Here they are around 4 days old. You can see Gnarly's eye is open. She bulldozes her siblings aside to take the first row teat then tanked up she staggered to the edge of the box and jumped out. She then proceeded to take a short tour of the room, jump, pile in, get back on her feet, repeat.

Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
Thanks @boina I was just about to mention I assumed her condition was genetic. I'm going to research hyperthyroidism. I am also concerned the third cat that entered our lives as a kitten isn't helping at all. A year old now but still in playful kitten mode, never giving her a break when he's around. If the opportunity presents itself I'm going to find him a new home. BUT, kismet took a hand with him coming into our lives... a quandary.
Nope. Don't want him. :rofl:

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Nope. Don't want him.
But you promised!

How to spot a professionally neurotic cat.
Finally getting up the nerve she jumps down to the ground from the upstairs porch. By observation, her elation of the freedom lasts about 15 seconds then the rot sets in. "OH NO!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE??"
Her sense of adventure vanishes like a puff of smoke and she hurries over to the downstairs porch and huddles up. About a half hour later she has worked herself into the verges of a nervous breakdown and starts mewing piteously. It gets louder and louder until we go on full alert and start searching the house. Finally checking outside, there she sits. So I call her. I'm the one little bright spot in her neurotic world, while at the same time she's busted and she knows it. Belly dragging the ground she slinks up to me. I open the door and she dashes in to go hide behind the couch where she spends about 12 hours recovering.
About two weeks later like clockwork, same movie all over again. I dread to think what would happen if she did this number and while waiting on the porch for salvation one or more of the local feral tom cats was to invade our yard. Drowning herself in the river would be a distinct possibility.
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Active Member
Jul 23, 2016
Well, I am in love with her! She would fit right in with my weirdos. Send her to Ohio!

Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
But you promised!

How to spot a professionally neurotic cat.
Finally getting up the nerve she jumps down to the ground from the upstairs porch. By observation, her elation of the freedom lasts about 15 seconds then the rot sets in. "OH NO!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE??"
Her sense of adventure vanishes like a puff of smoke and she hurries over to the downstairs porch and huddles up. About a half hour later she has worked herself into the verges of a nervous breakdown and starts mewing piteously. It gets louder and louder until we go on full alert and start searching the house. Finally checking outside, there she sits. So I call her. I'm the one little bright spot in her neurotic world, while at the same time she's busted and she knows it. Belly dragging the ground she slinks up to me. I open the door and she dashes in to go hide behind the couch where she spends about 12 hours recovering.
About two weeks later like clockwork, same movie all over again. I dread to think what would happen if she did this number and while waiting on the porch for salvation one or more of the local feral tom cats was to invade our yard. Drowning herself in the river would be a distinct possibility.
Or you could try spaying....:meh:

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Or you could try spaying....
We did that. Was interesting. Clinic at Chiang Mai U doing freebies. We were late. The vet instructor was still there and roped me in as his assistant. Really top flight surgeon, did the entire job through a tiny little incision in her side. From knock out shot to her waking up in the car, around a half hour.

I've got her on intensive therapy right now. Making a special point to pamper her any time she hints she would like attention. Fingers crossed. If your future obnoxious cat keeps bothering her he's going to be wearing a bag over his head.


Active Member
Jul 23, 2016
We did that. Was interesting. Clinic at Chiang Mai U doing freebies. We were late. The vet instructor was still there and roped me in as his assistant. Really top flight surgeon, did the entire job through a tiny little incision in her side. From knock out shot to her waking up in the car, around a half hour.

I've got her on intensive therapy right now. Making a special point to pamper her any time she hints she would like attention. Fingers crossed. If your future obnoxious cat keeps bothering her he's going to be wearing a bag over his head.
You are awesome to care for this little special needs kitty!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Saw one reason why she is so neurotic last night. She fell off the porch roof. Walking on the edge of the shingles she plain and simple lost her footing, went klutz, scrabbled for a claw hold and down she went. I went down to get her and she was hunched up, hidden in the weeds. Very hesitant to come when called making me think the 10 foot fall may have ... She finally slinked out looking my way. "Are you hurt?" Hunched up, her head down as if to say, "No, just mortally embarrassed" and dashed past me into the house.
I've never seen a cat go fumduck like that before.

Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
Saw one reason why she is so neurotic last night. She fell off the porch roof. Walking on the edge of the shingles she plain and simple lost her footing, went klutz, scrabbled for a claw hold and down she went. I went down to get her and she was hunched up, hidden in the weeds. Very hesitant to come when called making me think the 10 foot fall may have ... She finally slinked out looking my way. "Are you hurt?" Hunched up, her head down as if to say, "No, just mortally embarrassed" and dashed past me into the house.
I've never seen a cat go fumduck like that before.