Mile High Bug Club (CO) Summer Events


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2007
The Mile High Bug Club is gearing up for a busy summer. If you're in the CO Rocky Mountain region you should join our club so you can get all the info on our local meetings and field trips! Register at our forums so you can join in the planning discussions! Past club trips include quick and easy road hunting to camping and scorpion hunting in Moab.

First up, in a couple of weeks we'll be making a trip down to the May Natural History Museum of the Tropics and possibly will be doing some hiking and hunting while down in that area. If you're in our region, don't miss out! :D

Just some info about the club... we are a non-profit, exotic pet club located in CO (with members in many other states, also). We were founded in 2008 when a handful of CO residents met on this very forum (thanks, Arachnoboards!). Although we're called the "bug club" we do cater to exotic pet keepers of all types, "bugs" just brought our founding members together!


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2007
The trip to the May Natural History Museum of the Tropics is going to be this Saturday, June 18th. Contact me if you're in the area (a wee bit south of Colorado Springs) and are interested in going.

Up next we'll have our monthly meeting on the 26th. We'll be doing a field trip for that meeting. I'll post more info when it's been solidified or you can check out our forums: Mile High Bug Club


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2007
The John May Bug Museum trip was AWESOME. You can check out some of the pictures the club took by clicking on this picture of a preserved Avicularia from 1933 (!!):

And just an update to CO folks, we've decided that instead of doing a short day trip this weekend we'll be camping in July instead!! Who has wanted to black light for scorpions out in the CO high plains terrain? It's lots of fun. :D On our last camping trip to the area we found, in addition to scorpions, a prairie rattler, a box turtle, a coach whip, a tarantula, a horned lizard, toads, frogs and so much more!

We're still working out the details of the trip on our forums so mosey on over there if you'd like to participate in the planning: July Field Trip

(Our forums are newly re-designed as of this week so if you haven't seen them lately you should check them out, too!)


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2007
Here's an update on upcoming events:

July 16th/17th the club will be having an awesome camping trip. We'll be doing herping during the day and scorpion hunting during the night!

For members that can't stay the whole weekend we also have a day trip and a regular meeting planned. We're teaming up with the Pikes Peak Herp Society for both of these events:

And then, of course, the ATS Conference is from July 21st through July 24th. A couple of us Mile High Bug Club members will be live-tweeting the event. Follow along with us on our club's Twitter.

Many more events are planned for this summer/fall so I'll be updating this again in the future. As always, if you're in the area and you want to participate you can contact me here or register on our forums for all our meeting details.