Matt82's Tarantulas


Old Timer
May 11, 2008
Your photos are really getting excellent Matt!! :clap::clap::clap: The soft lighting really brings out the color and texture in the versi beautifully!! :D And nice seeing how the pulcher's home is shaping up! :)


Jun 4, 2011
Thanks all, for the kind comments... and I am glad you liked the Ts and photos :)

Avicularia geroldi

Post-moult A. geroldi, moulted last week.

On inspecting the moult, there didn't appear to be any spermatheca, not even subtlely, but I posted some photos in various places online and all answers were swiftly given and matched my hunch; this geroldi is a male.

Avic. geroldi moulted exuvium

I had a really difficult time trying to photograph this T today, I just couldn't seem to capture the colour. Shots were either too dark and lacking detail, or too over-exposed and lots of glare on the T...I need to practice more, plus the battery died just as I was settling into some OK shots; really iridescent species. After all my efforts, some turned out OK thankfully...

Anyway, it's not all about the photos, but the subjects... ;)

Avicularia geroldi - pre-sub/SA male

Avicularia geroldi - pre-sub/ SA male

I got a few shots that showed the blue at its highest, alas, they weren't great and were plastered in glare!! I tried to "darken them down" a bit to reduce the glare, but they weren't great still. I still liked one or two of them though, so here's one to share here!

A. geroldi

If I managed to cut out the glare, I think this could have been a pretty decent shot, but not being very technically astute, I tend to leave those details to chance; take what photos I can and hope for the best :D

One last thing on this Avic... he has a DLS of 4.5" now (a lot leggier than the photo suggests, esp. the hind legs)... At a span like that, would this T be more likely a SA, or pre SA?? Thanks a lot, all opinions on that one welcomed and appreciated of course...

Some updated C. schioedtei shots on the way, as well as a couple of new additions.

Cheers :)


Jun 4, 2011
Very nice geroldi. The colour is amazing!
Yeah I love the blue colouration on this one too... slight bit of attitude (if that can be said about an Avic) which is a bonus in my book!

wow man!...always wanted a geroldi!.....hes a looker for sure.
Indeed he is, good to be able to stop referring to Ts as 'it', or s/he... :D

Here are some progression shots of the same A. geroldi... first shot is from 1 year ago, maybe a little more, as a 0.5" sling... then the following photos are from each successive instar after that. (He has also moulted 3 times since the last photo below... ;) )



Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
Looks like geroldi and azuraklaasi slings look very similiar...


Aug 6, 2011
Last shot is beautiful, u captured the colours beautifully! We all lovd a T with a little attitude now and then dont we all? ;).


Jun 4, 2011
Looks like geroldi and azuraklaasi slings look very similiar...
I think the vast majority of Avic. slings look quite similar as far as I've seen, apart from the obvious ones which we all know look different as slings!

My Avic. sp Peru Purple was the same, slightly different hues, but pretty much the same patterning.

(bit of a change after the next moult)

I regret selling that little T, a keeper here really had their heart set on on one though, so I done the generous thing, I'll definitely buy more sometime.

Love the series on the geroldi growing up Matt!! :D
Lol, raided the photobucket archives :D I've had that geroldi from a very small sling, and it has been a real champ of a T.

Last shot is beautiful, u captured the colours beautifully! We all lovd a T with a little attitude now and then dont we all? ;).
Yep, can't beat a P'ed off T, even its 200% bluff with this geroldi!

I picked up a few new additions recently, a MM P. murinus (RCF), and 2x M. balfouri slings. Unfortunately the M. balfouri slings were really playing hard-ball, and would not sit still whenever I have tried to photograph them. Both seem to be doing quite well though!

MM P. murinus (RCF)

I planned on removing this T from the viv to take my time and get some shots... the spider had a different opinion on that though haha. Best off leaving him in the viv perhaps...
Quite a relaxed specimen, as in no berserker antics yet, but he sure can put boot-to-floor when he wants to...

P. murinus MM - DLS: apx 100mm/ 4 inches

He displayed his running ability just after I took this one... decided to close the lid and back away then!

Last edited:


Jun 4, 2011
Excellent photos!

Am I the only one who loves t toes? So cute...;)
Its hard not to like the Avic's toes haha, that's one of the best things about keeping Avic slings, when the pinktoes actually kick in. Thanks!

siick photos!! OBT and versi are my favs aha

good fotograghy skills there!
Thanks a lot, really like those 2 as well myself, versi was my first sling to buy, although I'd say my pulcher is my favourite looking T - really cool when you see her patrolling her domain some evenings, they just have a wicked looking stance... Great species IMO!