Maintaining moisture for Asian Forest Scorpion


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2014
IMO, it can be tricky. I keep a lot of T’s, but I figure the startegy would be the same. I do more “surface waterings” with big water dishes. So, for example, I will poke small holes in the top of a water bottle lid. Then, lightly drizzle half of the surface of the dirt with water. That way, the dirt isn’t instantly over saturated with water. If you add too much water (where all of the dirt is soaking wet), it can lead to lots of mold problems. Water when the dirt gets too dry, that has worked for me. Limiting ventilation is also a good way to keep humidity in, and the water won’t evaporate out of the cage that easily :) Sorry, it’s a lot. Tends to be a very “trial and error” process with different climates/conditions.


Jul 2, 2019
IMO, it can be tricky. I keep a lot of T’s, but I figure the startegy would be the same. I do more “surface waterings” with big water dishes. So, for example, I will poke small holes in the top of a water bottle lid. Then, lightly drizzle half of the surface of the dirt with water. That way, the dirt isn’t instantly over saturated with water. If you add too much water (where all of the dirt is soaking wet), it can lead to lots of mold problems. Water when the dirt gets too dry, that has worked for me. Limiting ventilation is also a good way to keep humidity in, and the water won’t evaporate out of the cage that easily :) Sorry, it’s a lot. Tends to be a very “trial and error” process with different climates/conditions.
Thank you very much!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
And it won't do any harm to the animal at all to let the enclosure get bone dry and up to 90F for a month or so at least once a year. (Mom natures mold and grunge spring cleaning). If you want to work with th natural cycles, do it in February and March. Starting around April it's wake up and head out for some nooky time.


May 24, 2017
Keep substrate wet to moist by pouring water from time to time. There is big advatage of Heterometrus, You cant overwater them. Unlike most moisture dependent inverts, rule: "moist but not wet" doesnt apply to them, they do fine and maybe even prefer wet conditions.


Apr 8, 2019
Slightly deep substrate with a burrow, never let the water/moisture line in the substrate hit the bottom.
When the line gets too low, just add more water.

This way the scorpion can dig down to the prefered moisture level, and you're not obsessing about keeping things moist.