Maintain Heat and humidity with lamp for several species


Jan 24, 2017
I have a pinktoe and a cobalt blue that juveniles. I keep a heat pad on the side of the tank, but it was still below the recommended temp so i have a regular lamp between the 2 12 hours a day. With thst the temp is good. Should i change it to a ceramic lamp? If so to what watt? The other problem is with a lamp i cant keep the humidity up. I dont know what to do! Pick one over the other? I spray it 3 times a day and the humidity is low constantly. If i put saran wrap over the top should i wrap the entire lid where they can get to it? I worry they will eat it or something.


Sep 24, 2015
you should remove that heat pad asap. get the lamp off as well, Ts dont like light and temps are most likely way too high. look up threads about those species using the search function, sounds like your care is way off. a space heater is the best option for heat, and misting does practically nothing to up humidity as most of it evaporates in 10 minutes. pour water into the substrate instead for the cobalt blue, and stop misting and adding water to the pinktoe cage entirely, just keep a full water dish in there.
sounds like you have gotten some bad pet store advice..


Dec 25, 2014
My English is pure crap therefore I'm not sure if I was able to get the sense of your comment well. I don't even know where to start, also.

First, 'spray' three times a day a genus Avicularia isn't the best. Actually, spraying and misting or other terms for that, are completely garbage, no matter the Theraphosidae in question.

A ceramic lamp? Madness... bring directly the T's to a solarium.

Post pics of your T's and set up, tell us more about the temperatures you have in your home or room where you keep T's, don't follow humidity nor other "magic humidity" numbers of all sorts at all. This is what I can tell you at the moment.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
sounds like you have gotten some bad pet store advice..
Or care sheet advice.:banghead:

Op, temps need to be between 70 and 95.

Ignore humidity, and throw the hygrometer against the wall...or at least into the garbage.

The avic needs good ventilation, dry sub and a water dish, along with stable wood and lots of cover up high on that wood.

The cobalt needs damp sub, deep sub to burrow in and a water dish. Good ventilation is also critical here as the damp sub will be prone to mold and pests without it....but its really as easy as just keeping part of the sub damp. Dont accomplish this with misting either, pour water onto the sub at the wall so it seeps in deep....surface moisture means a lot less that moisture deeper in the sub.
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Jan 24, 2017
you should remove that heat pad asap. get the lamp off as well, Ts dont like light and temps are most likely way too high. look up threads about those species using the search function, sounds like your care is way off. a space heater is the best option for heat, and misting does practically nothing to up humidity as most of it evaporates in 10 minutes. pour water into the substrate instead for the cobalt blue, and stop misting and adding water to the pinktoe cage entirely, just keep a full water dish in there.
sounds like you have gotten some bad pet store advice..
I think the pink toe is from 70-80 in temp and around the same for humidity. The blue had higher temp and humity than that i think. I have it written down at home


Sep 24, 2015
I think the pink toe is from 70-80 in temp and around the same for humidity. The blue had higher temp and humity than that i think. I have it written down at home
sure, but where did you get that info? online caresheets? pet stores? they are wrong to say the least. there is a huge misconception that Avics need high humidity, thats a myth. they die quickly in low ventilated humid enclosures. they do best when kept dry with a water dish in a well vented cage. i learned the hard way, dont do the same thing. that care sheet is better than most but is still seriously wrong in a number of ways. (emphasis on humidity, they do fine 70+, theyre not communal, misting does almost nothing in reality, etc. etc.)

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I think the pink toe is from 70-80 in temp and around the same for humidity. The blue had higher temp and humity than that i think. I have it written down at home
That's care sheet garbage...if you find it, toss that in the trash, too:)


Just keep the sub damp on the lividium, its that simple. There's zero reason to measure humidity.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Everything ive read on every single website says high humidity
Which is why you should stop looking in those places.

Get your info here, from ACTUAL tarantula keepers....not writers, not reptile guys, not pet stores with a motive to sell you things.