JBM's Photo Thread


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Tell me about it. Have two more subadults on the way and more slings. Just about done with my collection, then I'll sit back and watch 'em grow into monsters :)


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
New addition!

Got one new addition today, a species I've long wanted. Introducing, my new little Augacephalus sp. Mozambique :D

I got this little guy from fellow member Presurcukr who I met and is a hell of a nice guy (has an awesome collection too!). The mother of this sling is gorgeous and a feisty one. So excited to watch this one grow into its adult patterns.

Earlier this week, Velvet, the smaller of my two pulchras, FINALLY molted. Here flipped (I'm sorry for the eye-straining misfocus):

Fresh with a brand new twiggy leg:

And as a bonus, here's a cricket not long for this cruel world:

I love Aryana's loooong, yellow legs :)


Apr 15, 2009
They are lookin good man, what form is the crass? Love the goliath too, they get HUGE


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Dooley, I apologize, I forgot to get back to you. Thank you and what do you mean form? There are multiple "forms" of P. crassipes?

I've had 4 molts this week, its been great!

Here's Motley, G. pulchra, so named because he's a hot mess.

Before the molt, he was missing leg 4 (you can see its back now). Now, after the molt, he's missing leg 3 on the same side and his mirror patch is all weird looking. Other than looking roughed up, he seems no worse for the wear.

Nacho, my OBT, molted last monday. He apparently doesn't believe in a post molt fast because 2 days later, he was out looking for food. I waited a few more days, just to make sure. All this thing does is eat and molt, and each molt it grows substantially. Such a cool and active little beauty. The cricket in the foreground REALLY wants to go back home

Gabriella - yep, thats right, molt says female :D - is so slow growing. Molts fairly frequently but unlike the obt, doesn't gain much size. Oh well, at least its a she!

And just today, River, my A. sp. New River, successfully molted too.

Geez, this one is gonna take a looooong time to mature. Cody, his chalcodes brother, molted last week and has gained a tad bit more size.

Couple of observations:

Denali, my P. cambridgei, is THE most active spider I've ever seen. Its never in the same place, always going into its burrow, coming out to the front, going up to the roof, crawling under its plant (which it pulled down for some reason). Its hot and humid, she's well fed (her feeding response is rediculous), and always has water. I dunno. I really want to get her in a bigger tank but I'm waiting for Aryana to molt (going to be Denali's home). She's just awesome!

Lykos, my Aussie goliath, is assuredly male and in premolt again. It raced out earlier this week to grab a cricket but today, it just kept scaring it away. I was going to rehouse him this weekend but now I'm going to wait til after the molt. He's 2.5" and molted only a month ago. Isn't that a tad quick? I'm really not looking forward to rehousing, he tried to leap through the plastic to tear my face off when I leaned in too close :rolleyes:

Kind of interesting, I put Lykos's rejected cricket in with LP, my Lp. I pulled all of the webbing off of it that I could. I dropped it in her tank, she of course tackled it instantly, killed it, but then spit it out and ran away from it. She stayed away from it for a while, then went back to it and paced around and stood over it before finally, after about 10 minutes went by, she picked it back up and ate it. And here I thought the ladies liked the Australian guys with their cool, "g'day mate" accents :?
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ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Nice pics and awesome collection :D I'm a little jealous :p


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
You have some excellent Ts man.
Thank ya much!

Nice pics and awesome collection :D I'm a little jealous :p
Gracias senorita, I love how my collection is going, just a few more til I'm done. Though, I will have to get females or unsexed slings for the male species I have eventually. You should get some more pics of your critters up!


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Woo, I am excited to have been right about your LP.. and congrats! (I know, that was like.. a month ago.. lol)

And oooh.. you even sound hot LOL :p

Great collection! I love their names :)


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Gracias senorita, I love how my collection is going, just a few more til I'm done. Though, I will have to get females or unsexed slings for the male species I have eventually. You should get some more pics of your critters up!
So far the ones that have matured for me have been female. So I've been doing my research on breeding :eek:

I'm not even close to be finished my collection, but finances need to come around a bit before I expand more.

I have a ton of pics on my camera, but I really need to figure out what is up with my computer that it won't upload :( As soon as I get it sorted I will post some more.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Woo, I am excited to have been right about your LP.. and congrats! (I know, that was like.. a month ago.. lol)

And oooh.. you even sound hot LOL :p

Great collection! I love their names :)
LOL thanks. Of everyone, I think you have the best names for Ts. I mean, Berkley Labrynth? Betrayal Fly? Thats hysterical {D

So far the ones that have matured for me have been female. So I've been doing my research on breeding :eek:

I'm not even close to be finished my collection, but finances need to come around a bit before I expand more.

I have a ton of pics on my camera, but I really need to figure out what is up with my computer that it won't upload :( As soon as I get it sorted I will post some more.
I hear ya, thats why I'm done buying Ts for the year. Once my last shipment eventually comes in, no more. I need to save or spend money on other stuff...like females of our species :rolleyes:

Yea, thats what I said at about T number 20. That didnt really work out for me, lol.
Yeah, thats probably true. But really, I only want a species or two of a few particular genera. Not really interested in having a huge collection. Some are long term goals, like L. nigerrimum and H. gigas (possibly communal AND swims?!?) but I'll worry about those later. I just need the ones I want to be female so I can have them for a long time and watch 'em get BIG!


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Quick updates:

I think Antsy, my Auggie, molted this morning! I knew it was in premolt but didn't think it was quite ready. Still a tiny little thing

I think Aryana is in premolt! She's sealed her burrow and hasn't come out for days. She does this every once in a while but I hope this time its for real. She's gonna be so beautiful, makes my eyes water :D

Wings lost yesterday, I'm gonna be pissed if the Coyotes win game 7 and send Detroit home :mad:


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
LOL thanks. Of everyone, I think you have the best names for Ts. I mean, Berkley Labrynth? Betrayal Fly? Thats hysterical {D

lol thanks :p I just love naming things!


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Both my Ts and I have been busy. I've had several molts, including Aryana and Denali! I caught Aryana out this morning looking splendid but she quickly ducked back into her burrow. Its been a week but I'll wait a bit more before feeding her. I'll try to catch a pic of her and add it (she looks amazing!)

Here's Nacho enjoying a post molt stretch

And I've been busy, here's Nacho's new home

I think this is the most chill obt ever. No defensive posturing or even quick bursts through the rehousing.

Kind of a cool shot, Denali picking up a cricket

Denali molting

She molted on top of her burrow, I was a little afraid she'd roll back off. She knows what she's doing

Chewing her exuvium LOL

She is quite a bit bigger now and I'm going to have to rehouse her...ahem, I mean shell is going to have to rehouse her :D

P. crassipes also molted, male of course :(

Rehoused LP. Her butt is darkening and she is less aggressive towards food. Don't get that twisted, she still eats. She never stops eating :rolleyes:

I've also got a new rack to keep my collection. Here's the old

Here's the new

First thing that jumps out at you is that there's oh so much more room. To the point that it looks a little barren ;)

Coupla notes:

Motley, my G. pulchra, who seems to struggle at life was freaking out yesterday. It was flailing its legs and seemed to stumble about. I immediately thought DKS but it hasn't had any more episodes. It seems fine now. It has been refusing food the last few days, in premolt I suppose. I dunno whats up with it....

Several of my spiders have developed the habit of sleeping (?) on their sides or even on their back with their legs curled. Ever time I see it, I think they're dead. I nudge the cage and they flip back over and look at me like I did something wrong. Sigh, they test me.

River, my smaller Aphono, has sealed its burrow; Gabriella, my GBB, has gone off of food. The good thing about having all small spiders is I get molts aplenty!


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
New arrivals!!!

Picked up some sweet Ts from Ken:

B. emilia: such a little cutie, .75"

Its going to take a while but I can't wait to grow it up!

P. irminia: stunning little critter, 1.75"

And the real prize, L. sp. Borneo black: 1.5"
Rehousing didn't go as planned (bolted and ran laps in my tub) so I had to get more hands-on

First ever handling of an arboreal AND an OW T :D


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Congrats Jeff :D Love the new little guys and the pics!

I still think you should have ordered the gigas. When you do, maybe, just maybe I will come and help you rehouse that one ;)


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
LOL I know, I was so close. I should have but I wanted to save a little for later. Of course, had you issued that offer before.... ;)


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
LOL I know, I was so close. I should have but I wanted to save a little for later. Of course, had you issued that offer before.... ;)
Well now you have even more of a reason to order one ;)