Itty bitty P ornata

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Tommy, Glad it's doing well! I'm guessing it got off well from what could have been. Nearly everytime I see someone post scenarios along these lines it usually results in a fairly rapid death thereafter for the t. Again...shows how good a keeper you are. :clap:

Joey, Hey wth, go for broke! :D Get you a subfusca lowland. Imop, although I've never seen either spp in person, from pics it takes the cake hands down over metallica. ;P



Old Timer
Feb 6, 2009
Well, my wee guy is slowly becoming more and more arboreal! He usually spent most his time on the ground, hiding under a leaf, now he's moving up the wall, staying there for long periods of time. And he hasn't even molted yet.. *sigh* they grow up so fast..

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
P.o. # 4 molts 10-09-10

Abra, Yep, my 3 spend much more time diurnally either on the sub or below ground in their cavernous burrows. Most activity on walls or higher on bark is either crepuscular or nocturnal.

Update - P. o #4 just found molted and stretch-stanced on the sub a moment ago. Rehousing for it and # 3 will happen sometime late next week. :)

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
P.o. # 4 rehoused- surprisingly not much size diff noted.

Just happened without any trouble in the bathtub minutes ago. Took about 2 minutes. Only brief trouble again is that they DON'T CRAWL DOWNWARD. I let it crawl onto my hand and then tried 3-4 times nudging it over into the new enclosure before it finally walked down the side of the plastic.

This one appears to have outgrown it's enclosure moreso than #3. It has been staying on the surface or side of the enclosure. it's burrow somewhat collapsed a week or so ago although it never was extensive as # 3's. This enclosure has gotten the messiest with the sub appearing comparatively wet. It was definitely time. #3 will be rehoused shortly.

Surprisingly, none of them appeared to gain much dls although notably thicker than before. I figured #2 was going to be really big. It appears that 3 and 4 have nearly caught up with it now. This make sense as #2 went into premolt rather quickly and was webbed in for a good while refusing. The other two stayed eating regularly nearly up until molting. Pics coming soon........I know.....yeah, yeah:rolleyes:


Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
P.o. #3 rehoused.......

.....and proved to be the easiest of the 3. I thought it a bit strange and certainly contradictive of the previous post as this one kept trying to go downward when attempting to prod it out onto my hand with a piece of bark. It finally crawled up and out, then slowly into my hand and down into the new enc.

Still no card-reader (been too dang busy) but did take some pics as it went into the stance on the side of it's new enclosure, with ruler next to it showing it to be 3" exactly- maybe slightly more dls.

I might have been wrong on size of #2 in a previous post. It was stretched out a few evenings ago and appears it may YET be slightly larger than 3 or 4. :D

Too much to do, too little time.....but it sure is fun! {D

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
update- P.o #2, 3 molt respectively 10-05,06-10

Tommy, Are they ever!! {D I better slow them down before they try eating me. Nah, but don't want to get any males too far ahead, eh?

Anyway, P.o.# 2 and 3 molted respectively on 11-05 and 06-10. They're 3"+ now in dls. :worship::clap:

I'm going today for the cardreader and a new battery for the camera.



Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Great shots Terry! They are looking great!

About time we got some pictures! {D


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
Holy cow man! Those are the ornata from my sac? lol I'm ashamed at how much larger yours are than mine. :(

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Great shots Terry! They are looking great!

About time we got some pictures! {D
Tommy, Yep, and 95% of the credit goes to your excellent otp instructions...well, maybe a little more:eek:....preshate ya!! :D

Holy cow man! Those are the ornata from my sac? lol I'm ashamed at how much larger yours are than mine. :(
Hey Jason, That'd be them! They've grown quite a bit. The 24/7 cricket buffet worked wonders. {D{D

I cleaned the enclosures of these two as there were boluses (boli ? {D) trapped near the bottom of the burrow that were impossible to get to without destroying the burrow walls. A closer inspection revealed a few scavenger mites- so it was time. :)

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Hi all,

Some good news and bad. P.o. #2 was found dead after appearing very healthy shortly before it molted a few days ago. This was the largest of the remaining 3. I'm at a loss to explain. I had more trouble keeping the sub dry than in any other enclosure. I'm sure this was part of the problem :(.

P.o. #5- a recently acquired male from Tommy molted on 12-26 and fed yesterday with gusto- it's a hair over 4". I re-housed P.o. #4 today. It molted on 12-27 and is now 4.75-5" in fully stretched "stance". P.o. #3 is still the runt in being just shy of/right at 4".

I've been busy with other non-work-related things lately so had to grab that rare window in the warming afternoon sun to rehome #4. Very fiesty. I got a few pics right before the transfer- when it gladly crawled down off my hand into it's new corkbark tube within the new enclosure. :)

018 by trdavis22, on Flickr.

021 by trdavis22, on Flickr


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
Terry.. I just got the message about you calling earlier.. I been super busy working on the truck.. Its giving me hell!

The ornata looks great! Glad to see he is growing into a nice male for you.. :)