interesting coincidence


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2005

i was bugging one night in a leaf pile and there it was im positive thats what it was to. it was only for a second and when i realized id never seen that thing that i wasnt even looking for trying to find it again proved as a failure it was gone i searched minutes but nothing. it was huge!


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
OK! I'm not as scared of that number as I used to be! When it comes to bug stuff being "rare", I'm inclined to strongly believe that there is a much broader range of the coverage of this rediscovered milli. Arthro stuff just doesn't get attention like birds, mammals and herps do. There is just not as much research because less people are interested. Do very many people live out there where this millipede has been found? Where there is less people, there is no telling what hasn't been discovered yet. I just discovered that there is a centipede I have found that is pretty common where it exists but it still hasn't been described yet. We are the minority. Most other people don't care. Even fellow naturalists. The focus is mostly on mammals, birds and herps. For most, bugs come in last. Not for me. They are first on my list! So, I think there are many new discoveries waiting to be found out there!