Instant replacements!

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May 31, 2008
Random asian kid - well I've seen your myspace and you're no older than my nephew. Stereotype all you want, because that's just going to aggrevate him.

I'm not a pede pro, I'm sorry. But i know enough to post on this thread.

So you actually take time to look into my myspace. LOL. Im alot more mature than my age and this is after all -the internet- a place where age means nothing. I called him a Asian kid because hes clearly very hurt emotionally that I pointed out his flaws and so he resorts to saying Americans are all just ignorant no-nothings. And if you think his idea for substrate is a good idea use it on your inverts???;P My guess is that you will stick to eco-earth or some other SOIL based substrate. Therefore I obviously have something to contribute to this forum, what does him having a little hissy fit have to offer? Please let me know... dont worry, Ill wait.:clap:
I look at your myspace cause I want to see how old you truly are. The internet is a place where ages means nothing so maybe act like someone older and more mature.

Just so you know, my Phlogiellus inermis lives with Jungle earth as well. I don't see anything wrong with it and its a lot safer than picking up chunks of soil from the ground and my pet store only carries this. I know, pedes and spiders are different but my inverts use it.

Well even though you have no evidence that the bark itself made the pede live longer, you also have hides. Look at his enclosure and you will see no hides, or anything, besides bark. They cannot sustain a good burrow in wood. And I have yet to see a pede that prefers bark to soil or peat. The healthiest pedes are the ones that sit in there BURROW most of the time and I dont see how a pede can live longer with more stress. But you may be right sense I dont have experience with bark, that being said I will never ever use bark or woodchips for ANY invert I own. Not to mention all the other downsides to wood. Mold being a big one.
In a tank with proper ventilation and exposure to light (occasionally) the tank and substrate would not succumb to mould from my experience.

Phark has sent me pictures of his pede in the substrate, maybe you could take some more pictures of the side view of the tank and post them to prove that they're buried? Or even better, a video of them burying themslves.

Well I felt this way at first too, but he/she is a very good eater and never denys food. Ive even hand fed it a large cricket :eek: I also have some pretty mean T's that attack me as soon as the lids off, cobalt blues and my baboons. But also forums like these are alot more intertaining than others by far so in this particular case, Phark was the chosen way you could say that created it. BTW I am not 1 bit sorry for what ive said to you Phark, only sorry that your not taking good advice.
Take advice too - let him see how long his pedes last in Jungle Earth before syaing anything else. You've said time and time again that you're busy and have better things to do and you're done with this thread, so why bother? Honestly you could easily avoid this thread.

You obviously don't see it. You're supposed to show me evidence that using bark as a substrate will cause detriment to a centipede, not hypotheses.

On a side note, Jungle Earth (which is the "bark" I'm using) is light and un-compacted, unlike soil. In other words, my centipedes easily and readily wind through the relatively large gaps in between the pieces of bark. In short, their burrows have already been created naturally because the gaps ensure that there's actually a series of unorthodox "tunnels" in the substrate. Unconventional, but it works for them.

You and your soil-advocating friends simply cannot accept the fact that alternatives are sometimes just as effective as the norm.

As long as its dark and moist its more than enough for them.

cjm1991 - Why don't you try Jungle Earth and a pede to see if they do the same? Have you felt this stuff? Its really light and not very rough as well.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Well for the SECOND time. I did avoid this thread and made it extremely clear I was finished with this thread, and ill tell you for the SECOND time he started trying to PM me because he felt he had more to say, even though I was at work. And if your pet store carried eco-earth you would use it on all your inverts im sure. By the way I work at petco and they carry multiple substrates so if you dont have a petsmart or petco near you sorry you live in the country. He could have simply said ill tell my chances with my bark and ended it there, but he is INCAPABLE of handling it like an adult (maybe thats why I called him a kid) and had a fit that I didnt give him a 100% positive response. Everyone has the right to give their opinions on here and I gave him mine. I also do my school work online so im on the comp alot of the time also so AB is a click away just minimized. He needs to grow up and learn how to except advice or to just ignore it. Please tell me how im wrong, dont worry ill wait.:clap:

Originally Posted by cjm1991
So im done with this thread.

Please tell me how your point is superior to mine. Your point was that centipedes cannot burrow in bark. I proved you wrong with my pics. So who lost the argument here? You're saying you're done with this thread only because you're trying to avoid humiliation.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
I hate to do this but I was linked to this post by another member of the site and felt the need to add a little something.

Soo, it is ok for you not to take advice but he has to? Pot calling the kettle black much?

*This will be my one and only post in the thread on this topic.*

@ Phark: While I personally would recommend peat as a substrate the bark will probably be fine. Just be very careful of the humidity and the amount of moisture the pede has access to. They dehydrate quite fast.
I did take your advice if you remember and excepted I was wrong, but that whole ordeal was out of my control, he has a choice and can do something about it. Also your remark insulted my intellegence so you got flammed on by multiple people for your so called advice. Your fault I believe.


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2008
Hi, would you consider mixing the substrates? Chips on top, soil below. Maybe half of the enclosure chips, half soil. Then you could let your pedes decide what's better for them...


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
I have used bark successfully in pede setups, especially Scolopendra subspinipes . It is a good idea to mix it with soil, peat, or coco fiber however, so that they can properly burrow. The only bad thing about bark is it molds easier when kept at the high humidity levels that these pedes require. It also seems to attract mites, which can cause major problems. Sure they live around rotten bark, but as you can see your bark is not rotten or rotting by any means. Will this kill your pedes? More than likely no. Is it THAT big of a deal that everyone has to have a hissy fit about it? No probably not. I rather see you keeping your pedes on bark ANY day instead of something like dry sand.


Nice centipedes, i really like the colors and the fact that you CAN keep these communally. Anybody that thinks you cant keep this communally, do a search on asian centipede farms. Granted occasionally you might loose one here and there, over all they should live fine together if given enough space, food, hides, and other basic requirements that keeping any creatures communally would need.



May 31, 2008
Well for the SECOND time. I did avoid this thread and made it extremely clear I was finished with this thread, and ill tell you for the SECOND time he started trying to PM me because he felt he had more to say, even though I was at work. And if your pet store carried eco-earth you would use it on all your inverts im sure. By the way I work at petco and they carry multiple substrates so if you dont have a petsmart or petco near you sorry you live in the country. He could have simply said ill tell my chances with my bark and ended it there, but he is INCAPABLE of handling it like an adult (maybe thats why I called him a kid) and had a fit that I didnt give him a 100% positive response. Everyone has the right to give their opinions on here and I gave him mine. I also do my school work online so im on the comp alot of the time also so AB is a click away just minimized. He needs to grow up and learn how to except advice or to just ignore it. Please tell me how im wrong, dont worry ill wait.:clap:

Originally Posted by cjm1991
So im done with this thread.

Please tell me how your point is superior to mine. Your point was that centipedes cannot burrow in bark. I proved you wrong with my pics. So who lost the argument here? You're saying you're done with this thread only because you're trying to avoid humiliation.

Tell you honestly, you didn't have to come back to thread after the PM. Well if i had a choice I'd buy both bark and soil to try, and as said, mix. Maybe someone could buy some soil, put a pede in the tank with half soil and half bark with each at one end of the tank and yeah, see which one they bury in. It has to be tried on several pedes though.

Your response was not even 10% positive when all he wanted was you to say maybe "Great looking pedes but i think they'll do better individually incase of cannablism and i think its best for the bark to be replaced by some soil" or something. I'd personally would have preferred that kind of response, and who wants a hostile response anyway?

Your 'advice' was that pede's can't burrow in bark and will die quickly of stress, and he said that they won't. He showed that the 1st picture the pede was semi-buried. I mean, yeah that's a good enough explaination of the pede burying, so why don't you let him be? Phark could've avoided using words like "avoid humiliation" but I too wouldn't have taken your 'advice' from the way you put it at first.

You know what, this thread is going nowhere. Maybe start a new thread with new pics or just forget it all.


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
Well for the SECOND time. I did avoid this thread and made it extremely clear I was finished with this thread, and ill tell you for the SECOND time he started trying to PM me because he felt he had more to say, even though I was at work. And if your pet store carried eco-earth you would use it on all your inverts im sure. By the way I work at petco and they carry multiple substrates so if you dont have a petsmart or petco near you sorry you live in the country. He could have simply said ill tell my chances with my bark and ended it there, but he is INCAPABLE of handling it like an adult (maybe thats why I called him a kid) and had a fit that I didnt give him a 100% positive response. Everyone has the right to give their opinions on here and I gave him mine. I also do my school work online so im on the comp alot of the time also so AB is a click away just minimized. He needs to grow up and learn how to except advice or to just ignore it. Please tell me how im wrong, dont worry ill wait.:clap:
I'm waiting for you to do a couple of things.

1) Show me evidence that I insulted Americans' knowledge of the hobby (which is what YOU accused me of)

2) Show me evidence that using bark as a substrate for centipedes is detrimental to their long-term well-being (which is the point you're trying to push)

I'm not going to forget about this thread unless/until this clown acknowledges that he'd slandered me. CJM, I'm waiting.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Keep on crying more. Im done with this thread I don't need to prove my point I did it fine with words along with the people who back me up.


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
Keep on crying more. Im done with this thread I don't need to prove my point I did it fine with words along with the people who back me up.
Then you're obviously not man enough to admit what you did. I've realised that all you can do is insult and slander. Bravo. You're going to succeed in life.

The bottomline is, I may be a kid, but you're no man either.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
cjm1991... yes, sites are for learning. You are acting like a complete child, and absolutely NOT helping people learn with the way you're presenting your "advice". I would suggest you don't post anymore until you figure out how to actually act 17.

Phark... be a little gracious. It seems you're fairly new to the hobby, and there are people here who have forgotten more about centipedes than I will ever know... and I know quite a bit. If you don't want to take the advice offered you, just ignore it. Things will be less stressful if you do. When you make a big production about ignoring perfectly good advice, people like cjm can't help themselves, so just do us all a favor next time and smile and nod.

everyone else... better luck next time.


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