If a T falls how bad would it injure it's legs??

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Old Timer
May 2, 2005
Hey girl don't worry it's not just you, i feel the unwelcome vibes too. You screw up and make a mistake once and feel terribly sorry about it but you still lose a very good friend that thinks it's time for you to get your act together, and to make matters worse then they make you feel ignorant and dumb for not being as highly educated as all of them. Man i already hit the bottom and i'm trying to make ammends but obviously there's no room for another chance here, hey i'm not perfect but i've learned my lesson this time and i'm more serious now but that's not enough for people here.
From reading the posts from the aforementioned thread, I saw no hostility until you had repeatedly gone against all the advice that was given to you. If you are regarding Windchaser's advice to try and punctuate your request so we can read it more clearly an attack, he apologized for it and said it was only to help you in further query's.

For Milo. We have answered every question you have put forward. On the search function there is an "advanced search" button at the bottom. It allows you to refine the search a tad. Not all questions can be answered by search alone, but most if not all of the basic questions can be answered there. And not to be too nit picky but if you use less emoticons, you'll probably be taken more seriously. I am not saying that as an insult, but when you have ot read through a field of :? :cool: {D :mad: :drool: :confused: :rolleyes: :} {D :( :? :cool: :clap: :eek: ;P :) :liar: it gets frustrating.

Hope your T is still doing well.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
for myself, i don't care if there are one or three emoticons... but i tend to dismiss posts with too many.

also, too much netspeak/leet speak and i just skip the whole thread. i tend to think that leet speak makes it more difficult to know what the person is talking about. also, there are some VERY knowledgeable people who speak english as their second, third, fourth, (etc) language and netspeak is going to make it almost impossible for them to help you

as far as searching goes... i know it sounds dorky, but i think everyone who is not a computer science type person would benefit from reading up on boolean searches a little bit. pretty much all the search engines on the net allow boolean logic and it is VERY powerful. basically by using AND, OR, and NOT you can very much control what you search for
edit: the top part of that tutorial applies to the AB engine, but the latter stuff is really more for a google type engine


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2006
From reading the posts from the aforementioned thread, I saw no hostility until you had repeatedly gone against all the advice that was given to you. If you are regarding Windchaser's advice to try and punctuate your request so we can read it more clearly an attack, he apologized for it and said it was only to help you in further query's.

For Milo. We have answered every question you have put forward. On the search function there is an "advanced search" button at the bottom. It allows you to refine the search a tad. Not all questions can be answered by search alone, but most if not all of the basic questions can be answered there. And not to be too nit picky but if you use less emoticons, you'll probably be taken more seriously. I am not saying that as an insult, but when you have ot read through a field of :? :cool: {D :mad: :drool: :confused: :rolleyes: :} {D :( :? :cool: :clap: :eek: ;P :) :liar: it gets frustrating.

Hope your T is still doing well.
:clap: I agree with you Hedorah. Frankly, I considered Windchaser's advice to be anything but offensive or insulting, au contraire he was extremely helpful in giving excellent advice as he always does to everyone in this forum regardless of who you are. His paragraph was written in a very proper and respectful way, and IMO he was too kind and gentleman enough to even apologize if he had offended anyone, eventhough he hadn't been rude or out of line in requesting something that was going to be beneficial for the original poster. If the OP doesn't like to hear the truth, then that's a whole different reason to get upset at any mods.

@Meg I agree, even i have trouble understanding your posts. I'm sure if you write a bit clearer and with less emoticons, you would get a lot more responses from the people here.


Oct 27, 2006
Kriegen- Ich will nur wissin, weiB du dass die meisten diese leute nur Englisch sprechen. Meine Fragen sind nicht schwer. Jeder kann meine Fragen verstehen. Villeicht wenn du nicht Englisch kanst, koenntest du eine Englisch Forum machen. Ich will deine feedback nicht haben.,

Danke Megs:razz:
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Old Timer
Dec 13, 2004
Preemptive moderator's note

Please keep things civil. Personal attacks will not be tolerated and this thread will get closed. Constructive criticism is fine, just don't start to make things personal. Also, if this becomes any more of a pissing match, this thread will get closed.


ArachnoJester of the Ancient Ones
Jul 24, 2002
@Milo - In addition to what Arachnomoderator Windchaser has said; This is an english-speaking forum and thus posts are to be in english...If not, a translation is to be provided or said posts may be deleted.

In order to get a polite and correct posts on this board, it will go a long way for you to post in a coherent english grammar. Many of the members of Arachnoboards do not speak english as their primary language. Correct spelling and grammar will help them to fully understand what you are saying...or at the very least allow any web-translators they are using to properly translate what you are saying.

Once again, keep this civil or the thread will be locked and infractions may be given.



Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
The warnings from Windchaser and Kug were ignored - thread is stripped, dead and put to bed.

In the future, report posts rather than responding to them which further escalates the situation.

Moral of the story?
1) Phrase your questions in a coherent and intelligent way and you may generate more replies.
2) No one is obligated to reply to any post.
3) Using another language does not skirt the rules of this forum.
4) Wanton use of smileys is annoying and subject to edits as the administration and moderators see fit.
5) Translation services suck - but we all knew that.
6) Infractions will be given for blatant disregard of our house rules and a result of ignoring the warnings given by the mods and admins.
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