I need your help !

June Jupiter

Jun 6, 2014
I need to decide whether or to get a OBT, E.campestratus, Lasiodora parahybana . I've never had any of them, I'm receiving A.geniculata, G.Pulchra next week and wanted to add another to my order. I want a GBB but that will come later. I will be coming into the hobby feet first !


Apr 3, 2014
In my limited experience I'd go for the L. parahybana you're much more likely to see it than an OBT, my juvi has hidden herself away for the last 4 months although her web hideaway is amazing. I've not kept an E.campestratus. The L. parahybanas are amazing feeders and grow like weeds.


Aug 23, 2014
First off don't get the obt. They're way too fast for a newb and even some keepers of 5+ years won't keep them because of their venom. E.campestratus will grow relatively slow (if memory serves well. You might want to check that out online). The lp would be best for you as they grow fast and get pretty big. Good luck!

June Jupiter

Jun 6, 2014
Wow so the OBT's are that fast ? I want something active, attractive and good feeding response .

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Wow so the OBT's are that fast ? I want something active, attractive and good feeding response .
Yes OBT's are indeed THAT fast.

And you realize you are getting exactly what you want in the A. geniculata? Its exactly what you desire....I think patience may be what you need the most...lol. Its on the way next week, right?

I agree to get a Lasiodora, although it won't be attractive unless you paint it and maybe give it some jewelry...lol.

June Jupiter

Jun 6, 2014
Yeah just wanted to take advantage of the shipping before my order is shipped out.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2011
Has anyone noticed a lot of threads recently with novices wanting to get OBTs?

Not only are these things lightening fast but they have venom that can send you to the emergency room and they will not hesitate to use it. When people say they can teleport, they are not exaggerating. I was doing some maintenance on a nearby enclosure one night which happened to be right next to my OBTs. The OBT was sitting out in the open for a change, but when I took my eyes off of it for what was probably less than 2 seconds to close the lid on the enclosure I was currently working on, the OBT had vanished.


Old Timer
May 29, 2012
I also vote LP before getting an OBT, get more used to raising other Ts with attitude first before getting one that can run anywhere in the flash of an eye haha

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
LP's no one has yet to reference the E.campestratus .
If your eventual goal is a t like an OBT, that t won't prepare you. You also mentioned wanting certain things, LP is 2 for 3, the E. camp looks nice, but I wouldn't qualify it as a real showstopper. I also believe them to be of a slower metabolism, so they grow slow and have fasting tendencies.

Lp would be a forward step, the E. camp is a lateral move at best, if not a step behind what you have/are getting and that's probably the reason...there's also a ton of love here on AB for the LP's....E. camp is a fine t though.


Jun 20, 2014
I rehoused an OBT for the first time the other day. I kept my cool but I've had experience working around the animal a bit now, and I've been lucky enough to do so with an experienced keeper as my "tarantula sensei". And let me tell you at the last minute in the blink of an eye this guy shot out of it's hide and into the corner of it's new home. And they can scale any surface far easier than any new world terrestrial Tarantula. It's lije following a laser pointer.

It's cool your enthusiastic about Tarantulas! They're awesome. But they're all different. Which is great because it allows for collections, but you must research what animal your considering getting first. That way you know if you're prepared, and if the T fits your desires. Like I love my Rosea and my Avic. But they were impulse buys that aren't my "ideal tarantulas".

I got 2 4 inch Lasiodora Parahybanas next. They're cool. But quite skittish. And they burrowed. Which I guess isn't really typical. But they were both in intermolt. They just molted. Should be ready to eat this weekend. I'll try Monday to be safe. Hopefully they come out and stay in view now. They are very fast for such a large tarantula. Will help you deal with speed.
Watch out for the hairs though.

I,must say however if you're getting an A. Genic. You're getting a very similar tarantula. Gets about the same size, eats just as much, grows fast to. And is much more colorful. Just keep that in mind.

But if you're getting your feet wet. Hold off on old world for a bit. I dove in quicker than most. I'm only 3 months into the hobby, but I research a TON, and have worked with wild animals (sharks) for 6 years. I'll get flak for it even. But I at least have an option to work with the animals outside my house, have worked with the OBT before taking him on. And the OW Tarantulas I chose to acquire are all slings that I can grow with and learn their behavior. I also have a place for them to stay that isn't my house until I'm comfortable with them there. And an option to let them stay where they are permanently and give them to another keeper who will give them a good home if it's too much.


Old Timer
Apr 30, 2012
I rehoused an OBT for the first time the other day. I kept my cool but I've had experience working around the animal a bit now, and I've been lucky enough to do so with an experienced keeper as my "tarantula sensei". And let me tell you at the last minute in the blink of an eye this guy shot out of it's hide and into the corner of it's new home. And they can scale any surface far easier than any new world terrestrial Tarantula. It's lije following a laser pointer.

It's cool your enthusiastic about Tarantulas! They're awesome. But they're all different. Which is great because it allows for collections, but you must research what animal your considering getting first. That way you know if you're prepared, and if the T fits your desires. Like I love my Rosea and my Avic. But they were impulse buys that aren't my "ideal tarantulas".

I got 2 4 inch Lasiodora Parahybanas next. They're cool. But quite skittish. And they burrowed. Which I guess isn't really typical. But they were both in intermolt. They just molted. Should be ready to eat this weekend. I'll try Monday to be safe. Hopefully they come out and stay in view now. They are very fast for such a large tarantula. Will help you deal with speed.
Watch out for the hairs though.

I,must say however if you're getting an A. Genic. You're getting a very similar tarantula. Gets about the same size, eats just as much, grows fast to. And is much more colorful. Just keep that in mind.

But if you're getting your feet wet. Hold off on old world for a bit. I dove in quicker than most. I'm only 3 months into the hobby, but I research a TON, and have worked with wild animals (sharks) for 6 years. I'll get flak for it even. But I at least have an option to work with the animals outside my house, have worked with the OBT before taking him on. And the OW Tarantulas I chose to acquire are all slings that I can grow with and learn their behavior. I also have a place for them to stay that isn't my house until I'm comfortable with them there. And an option to let them stay where they are permanently and give them to another keeper who will give them a good home if it's too much.
Keep in mind that slings have the same venom as adults (in smaller quantities, obviously) and can still put a hurt on you.
Treat them with the same respect you show for larger Ts.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2012
OBT = NoGo in my opinion

Besides, like it has been said: The A. geniculata is an active, voracious tarantula species that frequently likes to completely renovate their enclosure to -their- likings. They grow quickly for a terrestrial NW and they get to great sizes - not to mention they're stunning looking! Word of advice: Keep hands out of range, these will mistake anything that moves for food usually and some are very territorial, too :D


Jun 20, 2014
Keep in mind that slings have the same venom as adults (in smaller quantities, obviously) and can still put a hurt on you.
Treat them with the same respect you show for larger Ts.
Oh yeah, I'm well aware that a bite from a 1/2" H. Mac or pokie is gonna make my week suck. I just think that as slings it's less intimidating to start with. I think I was lucky in the way I got to be introduced to OW species.

I'm not one to give any wild animal disrespect though. If I wasn't keen on observing my surroundings and the animals, I think I'd have had me or two really crappy dives.

But yeah that's IMPORTANT to point out. Look at the bite reports. A lot of OBTs, pokies, H. Macs, etc... are from slings.... and they're PAINFUL


Apr 7, 2013
My fiancé and I received OBT slings as freebies kinda early on in our experiential growth, it's obnoxious that vendors will throw in something like that with some avic slings. We have been both extremely lucky and extremely careful, and while I would never say I feel comfortable with them, I have a healthy mix of preparedness and respect and extreme caution any time I approach these animals. I would have waited a while (if I would ever have gotten them) before choosing to get such an animal. They are most certainly different from anything else we have in attitude, speed, and plus ours made burrows and disappeared for months recently to molt so they are not always great display animals I guess. Maybe mine are the exceptions for that though.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2006
I wouldn't get the P. murinus if I were you, at least for now. You mentioned wanting a C. cyaneopubescens and I can't recommend that species enough. They're active and can be quite fast, but aren't very defensive in my experience. They're heavy webbers and will festoon their enclosures with web curtains. They have a powerful feeding response which can be very entertaining. And last but not least, they're absolutely gorgeous, and go through an amazing color change as they mature from sling to adult.

Good luck keeping your new addiction in check ;)

June Jupiter

Jun 6, 2014
This is very valuable insight from you guys. I forgot to mention that I already own a G.Pulchripes sling. He's an interesting youngin.

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
Agree 100% with Shrike. Go fists flying when you jump into the hobby feet first. If you can get a decent deal for a GBB sling, never hesitate to snatch it up.
If you are still planning on waiting, go for the LP. Although they are not to pleasant to look at, until they reach adulthood IMO, they have a vicious appetite, get around 8-9" ILS, and have a medium growth rate.