I don't know what happened


Sep 15, 2017
Urm, how to you cut a pot in half cause they're made or ceramic, unless you were talking about
Burying half of the pot.


Jun 13, 2014
Please take no offense, but that plastic thing as a hide is way lazy....not a good hide.

There are a lot of things that can work great that you might be able to just come across....broken pots, pvc pipe half, a broken mug (I've purposely broken cups and pots as they were more valuable to me in pieces), a chunk of wood. You can even go find wood (I collect all my wood from the shores of L. Michigan)...just don't use fresh wood, it must be dried, I have found driftwood to work best, hence my collection area.

You can even use a flat piece of wood and just bury most of it and depress and area for the t to get under and let it excavate...its very effective...this is a mini version.

Things like halves of pots are great as they just won't mold, which is a nice thing for an enclosure that needs to be kept consistently damp like a Theraposa requires.
No no I totally agree with you, I usually use wood for my other tarantulas but for her I got extremely lazy even with her substrate. Thank you i like the way you set that enclosure up. If I decide to get another humid loving species(not anytime soon) I'll set it up way better. Thank you for your help I really appreciate it.


Jun 13, 2014
That's from hair flicking, its nothing to worry about and certainly not an indication of the cause of death.

How damp was the substrate? Its hard to tell from the pic. These can be prone to dehydration if kept just a little too dry. The abdomen looks wrinkled a bit, but that doesn't mean much as the shot was post-mortem, so that would be expected in a fairly short time after death.

Keep in mind, sometimes there can be obvious causes, but much of the time, there will never really be a way to positively know the cause for sure....and we can only speculate.
The back of the terrarium got a bit dry but the front I always keep soaked. All that substrate is moist. And top back layer is dry. It was a bit to dry but again lesson learned I need to be more careful. Thak you so much :)



Jun 13, 2014
Thank you so much everyone for your contribution to my thread I really appreciate it. I don't know for sure what happened to my tarantula, but I'm gunna up my anti and keep more of an eye on my other tarantulas and there enclosures. She was a beautiful and amazing creature and she'll be missed :sorry:

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
If I decide to get another humid loving species
Keep in mind that its really damp sub they require, not humidity....Your ambient humidity (and ventilation) will dictate how much and how often you need to add water to the substrate.

The focus many spend on humidity is really mis-guided IMO. A spider can get moisture from the substrate, it can't get it from the air, so why measure the moisture in the air when its as simple as keeping the substrate damp.

Now knowing your area's humidity can be helpful as I mentioned, just for knowing how quickly its going to dry and how much moisture you will need to add...but even then, knowing specifics isn't critical.

In winter when its really dry from the furnace and space heater, I need to add a lot of water on a regular basis...in summer I can let things dry periodically for such species, and when I do add water, its just more of a sprinkling....if I added too much in summer, it would take forever to dry, be a beacon for mold and really be more suitable for a salamander.

You don't want it soaked any more than you want it dry for a Theraposa.
Urm, how to you cut a pot in half cause they're made or ceramic, unless you were talking about
Burying half of the pot.
I use what I call the "oops I dropped it in the driveway" technique, developed by Thomas Driveway in 1806. :bookworm::pompous::rofl:

Drop on the base as you want to keep as much of the sides intact. One flower pot can make many hides.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I thought that the feces could build up at the anus in some cases of impaction? At least in this picture @Tomoran uses in his article about impaction, it shows some feces around the spinnerets.
It would seem that impaction may likely have been from hardened poo that blocked the "exit", so the block was just an unclean anus? (I can't believe I just wrote that)

@KezyGLA recently had a similar incident to this, like this, it released a lot of waste, and like this, the t still did not make it.

I guess the moral of the story is to keep all your tarantula booties nice and clean....just like mama taught:)

Problem is that if its not impaction, your actions might be considered a criminal act that might force you to explain this to all your future neighbors as you tell them there is this "list" that you landed on....but its all a misunderstanding.

Thanks for the post mox, more good info from Tom.

miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
@KezyGLA recently had a similar incident to this, like this, it released a lot of waste, and like this, the t still did not make it.
Perhaps, if there is too much waste build up, it bursts into the abdominal cavity via rupture and they were already dying or it crushed something internally from the pressure and they were already dying? Maybe even a build up of toxins? That would explain why unblocking it didn't save them, or at least I think so. Perhaps there is a point the blockage can reach, that simply becomes 'too far gone'.

I dunno though, just speculating on a topic that's still on the mysterious side.


Apr 8, 2016
That mould is basically harmless. More of a nuisance than anything else. It probably suffered a fall. Looks as though there may have been impaction.


Aug 16, 2017
By any chance that impaction is "probably" caused by a deformity or abnormality precipitated by a previous molt? As in the lining of the anus was not properly cast off creating some sort of blockage along the tract? I read somewhere the same problem can occur in the mouth rendering the T unable to suck in liquefied prey.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
By any chance that impaction is "probably" caused by a deformity or abnormality precipitated by a previous molt? As in the lining of the anus was not properly cast off creating some sort of blockage along the tract? I read somewhere the same problem can occur in the mouth rendering the T unable to suck in liquefied prey.
Impaction can probably be caused through various means (just like 'DKS') and I'd guess you just mentioned one of them and @cold blood explained another.

The weirdest thing I found about impaction was on a German forum here. Scroll down a bit to see a pic of an impacted versicolor that managed to molt and a lot of poop got released into the old exuvia during the molt. I've never seen anything like it. Unfortunately the spider still died 4 weeks later.


Aug 16, 2017
Impaction can probably be caused through various means (just like 'DKS') and I'd guess you just mentioned one of them and @cold blood explained another.

The weirdest thing I found about impaction was on a German forum here. Scroll down a bit to see a pic of an impacted versicolor that managed to molt and a lot of poop got released into the old exuvia during the molt. I've never seen anything like it. Unfortunately the spider still died 4 weeks later.
What was the other cause mentioned by cold blood? I checked the thread on that German forum and :vulcan:. I guess that case is attributable to impaction caused by a faulty previous ecdysis (after molting anew the blockage was successfully removed).

Edit: Saw cold bloods post.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
Impaction can probably be caused through various means (just like 'DKS') and I'd guess you just mentioned one of them and @cold blood explained another.

The weirdest thing I found about impaction was on a German forum here. Scroll down a bit to see a pic of an impacted versicolor that managed to molt and a lot of poop got released into the old exuvia during the molt. I've never seen anything like it. Unfortunately the spider still died 4 weeks later.

Birdspider.de? "snirks" Das klingt auf Englisch sehr lustig @boina :shy:

@Cherrypeep Could have been impaction, could have been fall related damage, could have been old age, hard to know for sure. Sorry for your loss though.

I can't see the images that well on my phone, but is it possible that it was a male? It seems like the Abdomen is a bit on the smaller side, at least from what I could see.


Lady of the mites
Active Member
Mar 25, 2015
Am i reading that right? The molt either ripped the spinnerets off, or the issue kept them from developing?
Not really. It looked a bit like that at first, but basically the whole area around the anus looked wrong and scarred. The spinnerets were there, though. You read German?