holy smokes im so scared right now!!!!


Oct 29, 2010
Chris, you really need to be more careFULL instead of careless. When working with Adroctonus and Tityus, there is no room for : "I thought that...., I didn't realize, etc etc....." What are you gonna say to neighbours for instance when one of their kids would be hospitalized because one of your escapees? Stuff happens? I don't think that you would say that then.....so just be more carefull, accidents happen, but knowing where your animal is when working with them is most important!

Cheers, Michiel
Im extramly cautious, I keep my scorps and snakes in their own (separate) rooms. Both are completely sealed, any escapes would not have made it out of the room. 2nd, no one gos into my scorp room but me and few trusted friends. 3rd, it was December here in Canada when my andro escaped and the outside temp was about -15 c. Even if it SOME HOW made it outside my house it would have froze to death in about 2 minutes. You can not say you have not had any escapes yourself if you to keep a large collection. It happens, obviously if it could have been prevented some way or forseen it WOULDNT have happend. 4th, those escapes happend in 2005..since then I have never had any others get out. I appreciate your concern, however im not a newbie to the hobby. It was an isolated incident which has yet to be repeated. I wish I could say they were harmless emps that escaped, but at the time I kept mostly andros and tityus.

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Old Timer
Dec 25, 2007
Every time someone argues against the keeping of exotic pets this is there main point of emphasis. It doesn't help the cause when every escape is basically human error. Even here I've been in some pretty good, heated discussions about keeping Phoneutria spiders in captivity. My arguement has all ways been that an experienced keeper should be able to safely house and maintain a dangerous invert with 0% chance of escape. The arguement against is always it only takes one escape to put some ones life in danger and that if offered on the market the dangerous invert will end up in the wrong persons hands. I've taken flack for saying accidents don't happen. If one mistke can put someone in the hospital or worse, you can't make any. I honnestly believe that if you choose to keep dangerous inverts that must be the additude you assume. To do otherwise is to put yourself and others at risk. If a HOT scorpion ever gets loose in my house, it will be my fault, period, no excuses made. And I will deal with the consequences. I think if you can't handle that type of responciblity you should stick with less dangerous inverts.

All that aside, I will say that people can grow and learn how to keep HOT scorpions. When I first got into the hobby my first baby tarantula got loose in my parents house. My mother found it and caught it for me after a few weeks of running around the house. At that time I was not ready for the responciblilty of keeping more dangerous species. Since then, after more than ten years and a lot of growing up, I've learned a ton, and I'm able to keep just about any invert safely. Not every one is as slow as me either. I know a lot of people with less experience than me that can keep hot scorpions safely.

I'll get off my soapbox and go to sleep now.

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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Please excuse me for being mundane, droll, excessively pragmatic, perhaps even banal, but at a guess I have shooed, or swept out about 10 or 12 wandering scorps from the house.
Seems to me a hot keeper simply needs to get real. Sh*t happens, watch where you step and stick your hands and so forth.

A friend got zapped by a big black Thai scorp a while back. Anti venin and 36 hours later he was fine. Then he got zapped by the big black Honda 750 in the driveway. ICU and 36 hours later he was dead.. Keep your priorities straight seems to be the motto.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I'd wish I could collect Lychas mucronatus from my own home!
You're welcome to them. I highly recommend white ceramic tile floors if you have wandering hots, but that doesn't help with arboreal gymnasts like these.
Thanks for the ID by the way.


Jan 15, 2010

I lost my OBT very scared lol but found him about a month later with all the crickets i lose while feeding lol he had i big pile of dead ones in his web i thoght it was pretty funny actualy when i found him/her

Irene B. Smithi

Old Timer
Jul 1, 2009
I lost my OBT very scared lol but found him about a month later with all the crickets i lose while feeding lol he had i big pile of dead ones in his web i thoght it was pretty funny actualy when i found him/her
I keep my OBTs in a double cage.. my C. Sculpts and Widows are in the same double enclosure just to make sure that doesn't happen... I think I would freak out if they got loose... nasty littler buggers they are!!!