User Hobo's photos


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
LMAO! What a story!

Gorgeous girl!!
Great story! {D {D
Thanks! Sometimes I wish it were just a story! She actually ended up keeping the webbing, but within the first 2 hours of cleaning the dish, she went and took another dump in it. I knew I should have taught her to go on papers instead of toilets!:wall:

She's nothing like my Rasputia. She's classy, and leaves all her boli in a corner. Even poops right up against the glass, so I can easily just scrape it off without dumping a bunch or substrate out! She's a super lady!

Just realized that I never post their names!

N. chromatus (female) = "Gau" (The noise the cashier made when she saw that I was about to buy her favorite store tarantula)
B. smithi (female) = "Mrs. Pennywort" (when we got her, the pet shop manager was drinking this chinese "pennywort" drink)
G. rosea (female = "Rasputia" (Norbit was on TV while I was unpacking her box. How YOU doin?!)
B. smithi (unsexed) = Tarantuly(placeholder name until it's sexed. If it's male he's gonna be Mr. Pennywort!)
P. irminia triplets (unsexed) = Larry, Curly, Moe. Placeholder names that happened to be a good solid trio, no real story.
P. metallica (female) = Salty Bom Baby! (exclamation included. Long, and mostly inappropriate story for a family forum!)
Tegenaria sp. (unsexed) = Bill (A friend named Bill found it in his flower vase. After learning about how much I loved spiders, he now feels honored I chose to name it after him.)

I've just realized I've never posted pictures of Bill either!

Here he is, in all his 1/2" glory! He's crazy fast for his size. Probably as fast as My irminia slings were at his size, BUT the ONLY time I've seen him walk slow is if he's webbing. At all other times it's like he's tweeked up on caffine.
And wearing a jetpack.
With skates.
Rocket skates.

He pretty much gets to eat whatever I find that gets in our house somehow, as well as the ocassional cricket. I wish there were Ts with a feeding response as crazy as him (maybe there are?). He'll dash out the minute anything touches his web. If it escapes on him, or jumps away (like a cricket), he will frantically and systematically search his entire web for a few minutes until he finds it again. If not he'll dash back and wait at his little hole. I've got to get this on video, it's like he's never eaten in his life!

I previously had a large female that I raised from about the same size, that ended up living for just under 2 years, and produced some eggsacs for me. She died about 5 months ago. I really wish I got some good pics of her, but all I got is crappy cellphone pics or ones that were always too blurry:( Alas, I didn't learn about the magic flower-that-makes-your-photos-awesome button until after she passed. RIP, Sinky! (bet you can figure out where I found her :))
Here's her at about 1" She's that blurry, spider shaped blob in the middle there:eek:


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
That was one of the most entertaining things I've read in a loooong time LMAO


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
Sweet pics,and collection man!....i read in your earlier posts,that you shop at aquariums west,....i have purchased a few T from them over the years,...always worth checkin out for sure,...and yes they are one of the few that take good care of there T`s and such.........have you checked out the pet boutique on the north shore??...they usually have decent selection,...mostly slings.

btw,do you have a mature female A. versi?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Sweet pics,and collection man!....i read in your earlier posts,that you shop at aquariums west,....i have purchased a few T from them over the years,...always worth checkin out for sure,...and yes they are one of the few that take good care of there T`s and such.........have you checked out the pet boutique on the north shore??...they usually have decent selection,...mostly slings.

btw,do you have a mature female A. versi?
Thanks! Yeah aquariums west is awesome, it's where I get my Silworms. No, Ive never been there. Pet boutique huh? I don't get up to North Van often, but I should make the trip and see what they've got!

And no, I don't have a female Versicolor. Nice MM you've got though. Looks delicious enough to eat! I bet it would taste like cotton candy.

So anyway, I suppose I should post some pics, since this is my picture thread!

My P. metallica apparently molted yesterday! her tube is so thick i didn't even realize she had molted until this morning when her legs looked bigger than usual.

I'll try to get more pics of her when she actually comes out, but from what I've seen, she looks stunning! The photos really don't do her justice. I wish I knew more about cameras!

Oh and here's the N. chromatus out for good measure.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Very cool web tube she's got there! lol


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
A rare shot of one of the P. irminia out of it's tube web, chasing down a cricket. When he finally got it, he spent 5 minutes trying to remember how to get back to his tube web, and another minute to figure hot how to get inside it! Got a vid of it, I'll post it when I'm not lazy.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Very cute!

So maybe the discussion someone brought up about Ts remembering their burrows and territories wasn't as accurate as they thought... LOL


Old Timer
Nov 2, 2007
My irminia does this too.I thinks its because he/she is so freaked out it just bolts.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Well, like everyone else, stuff happened while AB was down, and I took pics.

Well the N. chromatus and G. rosea have taken to doing Tarantula yoga together.

The P. irminia and P. metallica are doing fine, and frequently look like they're talking about how awesome I am.

Here's summore of the P. metallica. She's out way more now, but runs at the slightest bit of light, even a camera flash (which washes out a lot of the blue)!

AND after almost 2 months of not eating and being boring, the 1.25" B. smithi sling finally molted... and looks like an actual B. smithi now! I guess it needed all that time to make itself all colorful.

Also, my tegenaria is apparently not a sling... or even a juvenile... It's a mature fertile female that laid a sack! The whole Spider shelf is wrapped in plastic right now (Indoor renovations:wall:) so I'll get some pics of that later. So instead, have my G. rosea with a bunch of crickets in her mouth.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Very nice pictures!
I have decided that sling/juvie P. metallica are cute.. but then they grow up lol
I like the enclosures for the metallica and irminia.. are those just plastic jugs?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Very nice pictures!
I have decided that sling/juvie P. metallica are cute.. but then they grow up lol
I like the enclosures for the metallica and irminia.. are those just plastic jugs?
They're actually these plastic bottles I found at a local dollar store. They are crystal clear, not rigid enough so it will snap if you drill holes, but also not so thin that it will bend or break. It's fairly tall, and the one pictured is the largest they come in (at least at my store). You can get them in small and med too, and with whatever color lid. They cost about $2 so it's awesome!


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I am really missin' out by not having a Dollar Store, aren't I!? lol those are neat!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Well, here's the lady with her sack (I'm now pretty sure she is a Tegenaria domestica given her size and appearance. Most definitely not T. duellica or T. agrestis). At any rate I guess I can't go calling her Bill anymore:eek:
Bill-ette? That sounds so stupid...
It's perfect!

If you look closely you can see the individual eggs in there. Dunno what I'll do with all the spiderlings if this thing hatches... Probably just let them go in my plant pots. Lot's of those annoying little flies and thing for them to eat there! Or maybe I'll sneak em back to Bill's house. They would have hatched there anyway!

And, here's another shot of the B. smithi. Can't get over how awesome he looks!


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Congrats to Bill-ette on her sac! lol (her name makes me think of Billet grills)


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Not a whole lot going on for the past while... but the other B. smithi decided to molt finally today. She decided to flip over in the morning. Nomally most of you would be able to watch, but I work nights, so I fell asleep before she finished.
Further proof that they wait until we are asleep to molt just to piss us off.:eek:

Here are a coupe of shots.

On her back. Strangely enough, she busted through her dirt barrier the night before, and stood atop her hide for a night before retreating back in. Then, she made half-abdomened attempt at webbing the gaping hole she made, making for the perfect viewing window! That a girl!

Her exuvium. It was stil pliable when I pulled it out, which means she probably waited to finish right when I woke up. Thanks, Mrs. Pennywort...:rolleyes:

...And yes, it's Mrs. Pennywort. There was little doubt, but it's nice to be 100% sure.

ATM, she is tucked away inside her hide, so I cant get a decent shot, but from what I've see, she's gained a ton of size, and looks beautiful!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Got shots of the B. smithi when it finally came out looking for food yesterday.
I am happy to say her demeanor has not changed at all, and is still as docile as ever.

Here is the best measuring shot I could get. When her legs are fully extended as she walks, she is actually closer to 3.5"

Even the N. chromatus was checking her out!

..and here's a shot of my P. metallica eatin'

...and my T domestica drinking from her web (She now has three sacks, and the first one is at 1st instar! You can make 'em out through the side, but it doesn't show up with my camera. I can't wait for them to bust out!)

I also might be getting a new addition if I'm lucky sometime soon, so hopefully I'll be able to post some pics then!


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2009
Hey Hobo,...jus wondering if you checked the pet boutique on the north shore yet...curious to see if they have anything new these days....havnt been there in a few months.......what about Aquariums west,do you know what they have these days......thinkin bout comin down to do some spider shoppin

oh,and congrats on the new lady wit the orange