Haplopelma/Chilobrachys species?

Tongue Flicker

Jan 26, 2014
I've left my H.lividum to my sister's care for more than 4 months and surprisingly, she was more hardier than we keepers give them credit for. My sister was so lazy the she didn't bother misting or overwatering anything saying she'll die if she gets bit, leaving the substrate to become dust dry upon my return. And to my surprise she was faring well compared to my truly arid-type ones (C.darlingi & P.murinus) wih i had to ICU immediately. Then again i must reiterate that my country's temperature and humidity levels are way off high to dehydrate a tropical specimen as compared to countries that experience lower humidity levels


Apr 22, 2012
So I've got a few question about either of these species. I've been wanting to keep members of either of these species for quite the while and was wondering which would you get as a starter of either species?

Are these species hardy/forgiving by any means? I know they require a moist medium to burrow in, a large amount of substrate, etc. And yes, I do know they're extremely defensive at times. How do you add water to the enclosure? (via injection or sprinkle on top?)

What's the growth rate for both of these species, what would I expect from .75" sling in a year if given weekly feedings? What size do you tend to see the defensiveness set in? Also, would these species do fine at 70 degree temps?

What's a good way to rehouse them that's the least stressful for the T (most importantly) and the keeper?

Just wanted to get a feel for them before I make the choice to own one. Thanks

I would say they are pretty hardy never loss a sling to either genus. their growth rate is mediumish it really depends on how often you feed them and how warm you keep them so you could get a so in a year you could go from .75 inches to maybe 2 inches give or take.

as for re-wetting the substrate I just poor water directly in to the substrate

here is a video of how I rehouse my haplopelmas

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