Fastest New World Tarantulas?


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2011
I've seen that 180 w/my NWs, it's amazing.

I disagree with your idea on OW and speed label- but maybe I'm misunderstand? See below

Every OW I've ever owned has for a lack of better word a jittery movement with their legs compared to most of the NWs I've observed. For example, my I mira comes up and her little legs are moving all over the place, same with my Certaogryus (across different species and specimens w/in the same species).

Even my fast NWs don't move like this. My incei while quite fast, move more point A to point B w/out much this front leg movement. It's a different type of behavior for the OWs I've owned vs NWs. Who knows!
My I. Mira do this too, I have a sling out now that just kind of jittery like its more alert than some of my NW species that just slowly crawl around.


Dec 11, 2017
My Hapalopus sp.Colombia large has been fairly speedy. I don't see him catching his food most of the time, I just throw a cricket in and he's already holding it before I can register that he's caught his food.
My Psalmopoeus pulcher is supposed to be speedy, and she has been decently quick when she wants to be, but she's my only big ("grown up") T and she's just loud. Her little feet tapping the glass is so impressively loud when she decides to run.


Old Timer
Mar 5, 2011
Ive had a few experiences with tap's that have been surprising, but honestly just kinda expect them to be bolty and on crack most days. Though not my most hair raising experience. It is an old world, but Ive had an S. calceatum run up a pair of tongs, my arm, and perch on my forehead before. Was an interesting day and a good day to wear the brown pants.


Jan 12, 2016
Well, I've just had an, ahem, energetic experience rehousing a Holothele longipipes sling, that could have given one of my P. metallica's a run for their money! I'm now out of breath and sweating lol

It even did the rapid enclosure circling, finished by a dive into the burrow, with the speed of a pokie. This was before the rehouse too .

During the rehouse itself, this bolty sling teleported from place to place so quickly I was worried I'd lose track of it. It was up and over, not only the new enclosure but the 'containment' box I'd placed it in, in a blink of an eye. There seemed to be a lot of running and jumping going on, and unlike me, it showed no sign of getting worn out!

I have other fast NW's and knew this species was supposed to be fast too, but this was something else. In terms of speed, and for want of a better word, agility, this was like a pokie or other OW tarantula.

I couldn't help but be impressed. Do you guys have any similar tales about this or other NW species?
Neoholothele. Tapinauchenius. And some of my Psalmopoeus were pretty fast too. But Tapinauchenius is definitely the fastest I've owned, though once she was older she would just go slowly into threatpose instead of zipping around in blind panic.

8 legged

Nov 25, 2020
This is just my personal experience but the fastest I've encountered are (in no particular order);

- Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus (easily faster than the rest of the genus IME)
Oh yes - much faster than the eye...