Craziest Tarantula Stories

scar is my t

Old Timer
Mar 2, 2008
So im wondering what are some of the craziest tarantula stories you have ever had?
Mine would have to be one day when i had one tarantula my Nhandu Coloratovillisus was on the dinning room table which at the time was covered with bills and the cage fell. I was in the living room watching TV when this happened. I came running in and started to dig the poor little t out. To my surprise the only problem she had was dirt all over her...

And also It is only six months away from my buying season so im wondering what i should buy
Im after a P retalica, choco and a A Avic..... but need some more information on all the species mentioned. Didn't want to make another thread......
also i had a brain fart with the p retalica so im not sure if im right.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
A P retalica and a choco are indeed great T's!
{D {D {D {D

Sorry, it was too funny to let it go! ;) ;)


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
No real crazy tarantula stories at the moment. The standard threat poses, and escapees, but nothing super spectacular just yet.

I think you mean P. metallica. What kind of information are you looking for on those species?

So im wondering what are some of the craziest tarantula stories you have ever had?
Mine would have to be one day when i had one tarantula my Nhandu Coloratovillisus was on the dinning room table which at the time was covered with bills and the cage fell. I was in the living room watching TV when this happened. I came running in and started to dig the poor little t out. To my surprise the only problem she had was dirt all over her...

And also It is only six months away from my buying season so im wondering what i should buy
Im after a P retalica, choco and a A Avic..... but need some more information on all the species mentioned. Didn't want to make another thread......
also i had a brain fart with the p retalica so im not sure if im right.

Spyder 1.0

Old Timer
Jan 7, 2007
This belongs in the tarantula chat sub forum. Stop mucking up the scientific discussion sub-forum with this garbage.

scar is my t

Old Timer
Mar 2, 2008
No real crazy tarantula stories at the moment. The standard threat poses, and escapees, but nothing super spectacular just yet.

I think you mean P. metallica. What kind of information are you looking for on those species?
The metallica is too much but really im wondering on humidity and how easy they are to care for i know avics are pretty easy to care for but yeah the t im thinking about is a P. r something


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
I have to agree with Spyder 1.0. Conversations that aren't actual discussions on spiders and more for entertainment rather than educational value do belong in the Chat forums, however, this will probably be moved if the mods agree so I'll respond.

Perhaps Poecilotheria regalis or Poecilotheria rufilata then?

Most likely you are talking about the regalis. I own several of them and have bred them a few times. They are extremely easy to care for, fast growers, and beautiful. A few squirts from a water bottle twice a week is good for them. Temperment varies but all of mine have always been more inclined to run and hide. I do get the odd threat but normally only if I disturb them in their hiding spots.

scar is my t

Old Timer
Mar 2, 2008
I have to agree with Spyder 1.0. Conversations that aren't actual discussions on spiders and more for entertainment rather than educational value do belong in the Chat forums, however, this will probably be moved if the mods agree so I'll respond.

Perhaps Poecilotheria regalis or Poecilotheria rufilata then?

Most likely you are talking about the regalis. I own several of them and have bred them a few times. They are extremely easy to care for, fast growers, and beautiful. A few squirts from a water bottle twice a week is good for them. Temperment varies but all of mine have always been more inclined to run and hide. I do get the odd threat but normally only if I disturb them in their hiding spots.
wow they put a tarantula chat part. thats interesting... I got mad mostly because of how spyder put it. he put a post that only offended me and did not help me reach my main goal at all.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
i agree that this belongs in the Tarantula Chat subforum and hopefully it will get moved there by a kind moderator.:D

My craziest tarantula story is from before i even started keeping them.

When i was 13 i encountered a 'herd' of A. hentzi MMs out on the prowl. My memory wants to multiply the exact number, so i can't estimate it closer than at least 20 or more. At the time i was terrified, dropped my bike in the middle of the street and ran to a neighbor's house. He then stomped on some of them and retrieved my bike.:( My behavior makes me feel utterly foolish now, but then, i didn't know what i know now........... Now we own an A. hentzi sling, so it eases my conscience a bit.:D


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2009
This belongs in the tarantula chat sub forum. Stop mucking up the scientific discussion sub-forum with this garbage.
It's unnecessary to respond with such rude behavior. There's nicer ways to go about saying things, be mature and please do so next time.

Curiousme: Haha, whoa, a herd??


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2008
This belongs in the tarantula chat sub forum. Stop mucking up the scientific discussion sub-forum with this garbage.
Wow, even though such "garbage" has been posted in the TQAD section for the last six years? Lighten up please. :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Curiousme: Haha, whoa, a herd??
Yes, a herd. At first i thought the wind was blowing the grass, but it was just that many tarantulas moving at once. i was terrified of tarantulas for years........... :D


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2008
I was going to feed my baby bearded dragon and i had some nymph roaches so i decided to get my gbb out to give her a snack , i opened the top off and she bolted onto the floor then started climbing up the wall and i was fearful for her to not fall so i had my hand under her with every climb while shes doing this she kicking hairs off but i didnt move my hands because i did not want her to fall sooooo i caught hairs for a good 2 minuets, in the meanwhile my bearded dragon jumped out of its feeding cage and dumped baby roaches on my bed and started eating them, then later that night i gave myself a 1rst degree burn with cheese(no im not going into detail about how that happened). It was a bad VERY ITCHY week, it was my first time experiencing a urticating rash.


Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Hmmm, don't think any of my tarantula related stories qualify as crazy, but I have one that's definitely amusing. I was rehousing some new T. violaceus slings, and wasn't quite prepared for the speed. One ended up running up the inside of my pantleg. I don't think my pants have ever come off so quickly, so I decided that particular sling must be a male :)


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2008
This belongs in the tarantula chat sub forum. Stop mucking up the scientific discussion sub-forum with this garbage.
I love ignore lists.

I don't understand why a small portion of people on this forum take quite the pride in being the Forum police. What i don't get most is the fact you took the time to read this thread and THEN post instead of pming a moderator, so if it was such garbage why did you take the time to read it all the way.

Quite frankly i find it worth being in a Discussion considering its about Tarantulas. I think someone needs to refill your sugar bowl.

Bottom line if you don't like it don't freaking read the damn thread.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
I love ignore lists.

I don't understand why a small portion of people on this forum take quite the pride in being the Forum police. What i don't get most is the fact you took the time to read this thread and THEN post instead of pming a moderator, so if it was such garbage why did you take the time to read it all the way.

Quite frankly i find it worth being in a Discussion considering its about Tarantulas. I think someone needs to refill your sugar bowl.

Bottom line if you don't like it don't freaking read the damn thread.
Bingo!!!! The last part was right on!!!


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
Seriously, people. He may have been blunt in stating the fact, but he's right. If you care to read the description on the forums, this happens to be what is acceptable for the Scientific Discussion and Question Forum:

This forum is for scientific discussions and questions pertaining to Tarantulas.
As opposed to the Tarantula Chat forum, whose description is as follows:

This forum is for anything about tarantulas that is not "scientific" in nature. This forum will be periodically purged. Formerly known as Tarantula Announcements
How many of you love sifting through hundreds of irrelevant search results when looking for a piece of information? This is one of the reasons for the separation.

In regards to the bolded section below, you make it sound like Spyder read 100 posts before making his comment. Pretty funny considering he was the second post in the thread.
If I take one sip of milk and then complain that it's rotten should I then shut up because I drank the whole thing? Hardly.

Anyhow, there are some good stories here. :)

I love ignore lists.

I don't understand why a small portion of people on this forum take quite the pride in being the Forum police. What i don't get most is the fact you took the time to read this thread and THEN post instead of pming a moderator, so if it was such garbage why did you take the time to read it all the way.

Quite frankly i find it worth being in a Discussion considering its about Tarantulas. I think someone needs to refill your sugar bowl.

Bottom line if you don't like it don't freaking read the damn thread.
Bingo!!!! The last part was right on!!!
Last edited:


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2009
Though hasn't this been moved to the correct spot for a bit now anyway? So why bother making a big deal? A moderator was obviously contacted. There wasn't a need to be rude, plain and simple.

Now back on topic... because I like hearing these stories! :D :D :D


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
I was going to feed my baby bearded dragon and i had some nymph roaches so i decided to get my gbb out to give her a snack , i opened the top off and she bolted onto the floor then started climbing up the wall and i was fearful for her to not fall so i had my hand under her with every climb while shes doing this she kicking hairs off but i didnt move my hands because i did not want her to fall sooooo i caught hairs for a good 2 minuets, in the meanwhile my bearded dragon jumped out of its feeding cage and dumped baby roaches on my bed and started eating them, then later that night i gave myself a 1rst degree burn with cheese(no im not going into detail about how that happened). It was a bad VERY ITCHY week, it was my first time experiencing a urticating rash.
What a hoot! That must have been a hilarious sight! {D {D Your description reminds me of Lucy and Ethel and the chocolate candy conveyer belt episode. Please tell me there were witnesses - human ones, with cel phone vids!!! - when are we going to see this on Youtube?!?!?!?