Cornsnake help


Jun 5, 2017
So I have had cornsnakes for a long time and I have never encountered this problem which is why I am reaching out for help. This is my girl Fire. Some of her scales have begun to look dented/cracked, and you can slightly peel a layer off, and they have a scratchy feel to them, almost like dry cracked human skin. This is NOT her shedding, she shed recently and I can tell the difference. I'm worried and curious if these blemishes will come off in her next shed, and if not what caused them so I can stop it. She has other blemishes and scars from being fed live mice in the past but nothing like this. Her personality/activity level is normal, she is not more aggressive at all and seems like herself and like it isn't bothering her. I have one theory, she has a brick in her tank that I gave her to stop her from moving her house and flipping it upside down, and I think she may have rubbed too hard on it, even though this has never happened to her or my other snakes before who have had bricks in their enclosures. The picture is of the effected area of her scales, it just looks like white lives across her individual scales in some patches on her sides, it does not cover her whole body. Thanks for any help you can give me. MVIMG_20180427_180332.jpg



Jan 12, 2018
Yeah, maybe she rubbed against the brick. Good that you removed it, just pay special attention to the snake and see if it gets better. It will likely remove the problem when it moults.