Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens Open Thread

Chroma Trigger

Brachypelma Collector
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 9, 2020
I've raised a lot of this species.
Do you keep any journals about the hobby? I always find it fascinating to read up on molt cycles for example... of course this differs even between specimens from the same egg sac, but I think it's interesting none the less.

Rigor Mortis

Nov 7, 2018
I love other people's GBBs but mine is just....she's special. She can't hunt, she needs to moult BADLY because she barely resembles a GBB her colours are so dull. And she doesn't web much. She forgot to pick up her GBB species manual.

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
Had an adult female that I raised from a sling, ended up selling her as I didn't really enjoy keeping her tbh. They're overrated IMO, they look better as slings than they do as juvies/adults and I don't find them particularly interesting to keep.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Do you keep any journals about the hobby?
Hobby- no

Had an adult female that I raised from a sling, ended up selling her as I didn't really enjoy keeping her tbh. They're overrated IMO, they look better as slings than they do as juvies/adults and I don't find them particularly interesting to keep.
The FTA will be paying you a visit sir!

of course this differs even between specimens from the same egg sac
This is an interesting one. In all the siblings I've raised they have all molted within 1 day of each other generally. Some molted within seconds of each other at times, not every molt. Of course as they aged and sex is involved at this point, they diverged of course.


Feb 2, 2018
What are/were your 1st impressions?

What do you like/dislike about the species?

How does the GBB compare to other species that you’ve kept?

How many have you kept? Or even how do you keep the various age groups of GBBs?
1. They reminded me of a can of Irn Bru.

2. I like that they're colourful and are great eaters, and fast growing, and they web a lot.

3. It's up there with the best. I think I'll always have a C.cyanoepubescens in my collection, for as long as I keep tarantulas.

4. In my personal collection, I've kept 5 in total. Currently have three.

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
1. They reminded me of a can of Irn Bru.

2. I like that they're colourful and are great eaters, and fast growing, and they web a lot.

3. It's up there with the best. I think I'll always have a C.cyanoepubescens in my collection, for as long as I keep tarantulas.

4. In my personal collection, I've kept 5 in total. Currently have three.
I always enjoy your posts.

I’m of the same opinion...though I've never had Irn Bru.

My GBB #5 moulted last week. I took some images of it yesterday and I experimented with lighting as it sat on the side of the enclosure. It’s legs are now starting that continual progression towards solid blue. The species has become a solid favorite of mine.

GBB #5 is my favorite of the 5 slings, it’s like a little puppy, every time I open the enclosure it comes out and sits. I’m weak and have a definite soft spot towards this little sling, so I will usually dig out a roach for it; which it eagerly grabs and disappears back down into its webbing.

Here’s GBB #5 a couple months ago, munching on a cricket... :bag:


It’s probably my most imaged specimen in my collection...probably because will always come out and pose for me.


The sling poses I take images...payment is a roach or a cricket. This above image strikes me as sinister and dark, I like the heavy contrasts and shading.


Minty...enjoy the day and stay safe
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Mar 12, 2018
I missed the questionnaire...

We have 1 GBB

It was a super cute sling and has transformed into a pretty pet rock, as accurately described by @Arachnoclown on another forum 😂

Ours is still skittish and favors it's hide and now it's web tube, which is like it's porch.

We shall see if it becomes more active after its most recent molt and the weather warms up.

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
Update on the Problem Child

My GBB#3 sling has made some strong improvements. Its extended its webbing around the lower perimeter of its enclosure. Though the webbing is still quite thin; it now wraps 3/4 the distance of the circumforance.


The sling hasn’t left its hide ever that I have seen. Here it is across from the hide, so now it is actively exploring its enclosure. Just a great improvement from previous behavior.


Dropped in a B.lateralis roach in the enclosure and the response was immediate. It’s size is very small compared to the other 4 hopefully it will keep improving and start putting on some size.

Chroma Trigger

Brachypelma Collector
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 9, 2020
Post-molt, just confirmed my GBB has tibial hooks and is male :sad:
With the right contacts, a male tarantula can net you half an egg sac of slings. Plus an unharmed male, if it all goes down well. Sure, it's unfortunate for wanting 1 female T of a certain species, but at least it was a GBB and not a B. Hamorii that you raised for years...


Mar 12, 2018
With the right contacts, a male tarantula can net you half an egg sac of slings. Plus an unharmed male, if it all goes down well. Sure, it's unfortunate for wanting 1 female T of a certain species, but at least it was a GBB and not a B. Hamorii that you raised for years...
True, it could have been a long time coming o_O

Out of 4 adult Ts I've raised from slings, NONE have been female

I don't have any contacts, unfortunately. Just wanted a T to last more than 3-4 years

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
Another of my Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens has moulted, GBB#2 moulted sometime last night.


That’s 2 down, with 2 more looking like they are getting the itchy I’m thinking before April the others will be moulting.

GBB#3 has lost so much ground and is so far behind these guys, it¡lol be a long time before it moults.


I was picking at the moult and the GBB#2 sling came up onto the webbing and sat for images. This is the second sling to moult with blue legs, getting closer to that adult coloration.

I’m excited to see the size they gained with this moult, that last moult was impressive to me.


I was opening the enclosure to check on GBB#4. The sling was down in the webbing, but as soon as I opened the enclosure, before I knew it, the sling reached out grabbed my finger and slipped onto my hand. My hand was covering the lid as I was trying to open the lid without it popping and startling the sling. Yeah I didn't see that it had slipped out of the webbing until it daintily stepped onto my hand.

My 2 yr old grandson was watching, and bolted to get Nana...and let her know that one of the spiders was eating grandpa.

It only took a moment to redirect it onto the edge of the enclosure. It was reaching for my fingers of my other hand, so I lead it back down my arm and onto the enclosure’s edge.

Then I took images.

I know for a fact, that there are more of you that enjoy the GBB. I’ve read your posts. :cool:

Feeding Day

When my slings are tiny or small, I try to feed them twice per week, to get them through that delicate stage.


This group of GBBs are well past that and are being fed once per week.


When I move the enclosures out of the cabinet, and set things up for feeding and taking images, my GBB slings come out onto the webbing and wait to be fed. They sit patiently waiting their turn to be fed.

None of my other species do this, only my GBBs.


New Development...of my 5 GBB slings, 3 of them have started digging or have completed digging burrows into the substrate. They have all really started webbing up their enclosures, much more so than previously. At my next feeding I'll take images.

But the burrowing thing is a bit surprising...they are mostly opportunistic in this behavior...but not noted as being active burrowers.

I keep waiting for them to show their inherent speed, but so far they are all fairly sedate and methodical in their movements. Feeding time they become much more active, climbing up onto the sides of their respective enclosures...waiting for the appearance of prey items.
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Mar 12, 2018
My GBB was more arboreal as a smaller sling, rarely going to ground.

As a juvie it became more terrestrial, but was still semi-arboreal.

As an adult, it lives on the ground and built a web tube that acts like a screened porch in front of and attached to it's hide. It not only burrowed but it molted in its burrow before it had finished it's web porch.

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019

Today I sat down and fed all the slings. The above image shows an example of the web tunnels that these slings have started creating in their enclosures. Interesting that they all started doing this within a week of each other.


Feeding today was fairly tame. The Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens were all very calm today...we’re expecting storms this afternoon, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Problem Child GBB#3...finally moulted today. Not able to recover the moult as it’s buried deep in its web tunnel and I would destroy most of the webbing trying to remove it. Pretty sure it will push it out at some point, most of the other GBB slings are pretty good about pushing old moults out of their webbing.
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Apr 17, 2020
I love GBBs. Just got a sling about a week or so ago, and it’s already one i’m enjoying. Eats good, stays out and visible most of the time, and has already started working on it’s webbing. Slightly wishing they kept the color they have as slings though. They’re pretty either way.

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
Webbing Changes & gets Denser each day


The webs that these spiders create are amazing. It’s pretty cool watching them each day come out of their web tunnels and add to the webbing.


One of slings added an entirely new layer of brand new webbing, right above the old webbing.

Two Images. I really like these images as a set.


Here’s the web tunnel with the spider just barely visible way in the back. You have to look very close.


Here is the sling coming out into the tunnel looking for prey.

These are beautiful spiders. Their adult coloration is now becoming more prevalent with each successive moult.

This sling is GBB#5, it used to be my most reliable sling for coming out onto the webbing at feeding time. Since it’s most recent moult, it has changed. It tends to hide in its newly created web tunnel. It will move to the mouth of the web tunnel at feeding time and wait for signs & indications of a prey item, before venturing out.


Apr 13, 2020
A species that is surely on my wish list.

Do you guys recommend it be kept damp as a sling like all new worlds or bone dry with a water bowl like their adult counter parts?

This thread seems to be a mixed bag when it comes to GBB slings and moisture 🤔

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
A species that is surely on my wish list.

Do you guys recommend it be kept damp as a sling like all new worlds or bone dry with a water bowl like their adult counter parts?

This thread seems to be a mixed bag when it comes to GBB slings and moisture 🤔
Post #9 details the enclosure parameters & how I keep my slings. Bone dry substrate, water dish, hide, and anchor points for webbing.