Centipede heating survey


Old Timer
Dec 4, 2013
I've had to change my heated spaces strategy lately due to an incident with the heating cable, and now have my tubs in wooden snake vivs with thermostatically controlled heat mats. I'm a stickler for ensuring a night time temperature drop, but am now having to include another enclosure for which I don't have the ability to force a night time drop (so perhaps a constant 23C). I keep various feeders in there, but it caused me to wonder whether other keepers don't bother with a night time temp drop, and what their experiences are.

I also not that some species handle lower temps fine, whereas other stop eating if it doesn't hit higher (e.g 27C).

So I'm starting this thread as a survey to get an idea of how we all heat our centipede enclosures.

Add a reply vaguely covering these:
  1. How you heat (heatmats, cable, cabinet, entire room, none, etc...)
  2. What temperatures you get in the enclosures/cabinets.
  3. What temperatures you experience indoors (or even outdoors) where you live.
  4. What you do for a night time drop, if any.
  5. What species.
  6. What your thoughts and observations are.
  7. Bonus point for photos :)
Of course you might be keeping different parts of your collection in different ways etc... so I don't expect messages to follow these bullet points, but I think it would be good for us to see what one another do for heating.


Jul 12, 2017
I have a space heater in my critter room, but I live in Canada where everybody has a furnace cranked all winter long, which makes that room warm and dry anyways.


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2010
I have a thermostat-controlled space heater in my bug/reptile room (plus a small humidifier to counteract the drying effects of heating) but it is generally the whole-house heater that keeps that room warm enough in the winter.

There is a bit of night-time cooling, because the thermostat for the whole house is set to be a bit cooler at night, but it isn't much. Temperatures typically range from the mid-70s (F) during the day to upper-60s (F) at night in the winter, and mid-80s (F) to low-70s (F) in the summer.

The space heater rarely kicks in during the winter because the furnace keeps the temperatures up. It is actually during the summer that the space heater is more important, when the air conditioner is running. That room - being closed off from the rest of the house to keep the cats out - tends to get a bit warmer (when the heat is running) or cooler (when the a/c is running) than the rest of the house.

We keep a variety of creatures, including a gopher snake, an alligator lizard, dart frogs, and an assortment of inverts, including centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, spiders (both tarantulas and true spiders), whip spiders, and various insects.


Jul 23, 2017
I don't use any heating other than my house's heater. My room stays between 70-75 degrees and it's been fine for me for as long as I've been keeping.