Baby's first real jump


Old Timer
Nov 13, 2010
During my normal feeding routine of my 5 4th instar A. versicolors I had one that managed to get out onto my hand...which is really nothing I've gotten used to it. I usually just walk them around my fingers a few times and then get them back in. Today, however, one little guy not only got out, but decided to take a I knew there was always a risk of that, but it never happened til now. He used my finger as a little diving board and he was off! Of course I just froze. Then I grabbed my little flashlight and saw him on the arm of the couch. Got him back in without too much effort. Whew!! Luv these little buggers, but I know now to be more careful since they're actively jumping And I must say the jump itself didn't freak me out as much as I thought it would. I was more worried I lost him!!


Oct 15, 2010
I have a couple of avics that will dart out and do a jump, run, jump, run, jump, run (you get the idea). Usually it's when they are new and not yet settled into their containers, but I have one Avicularia sp peru purple that has always tried to get free. A couple of weeks ago, she did run out while I was trying to feed. Dd some jump and run stuff, settled on my hand, walked around for a minute, then walked back into his enclosure and hasn't tried to get out again since. LOL! Maybe he realized the grass is no greener on the other side {D{D