Assorted MHC Questions


May 10, 2024
Hi! Im new to invert keeping and finally got a female hisser (her name is Hera) last week and have some questions. Alas, google can only do so much. Any answers are appreciated!

How often do they drink water? I havent seen her drink out of her bowl yet and Im starting to think the one I got is too tall. Theres not enough water in there to drown her or anything.

How can you tell if the roach is about to have babies vs lay an ootheca? How long does each take? She was short when I got her, but the past few days shes been a little plump. Also, I dont know how well the people who had her previously fed her, they didnt seem like they were really knew what they were doing.

I want to get another female roach and have had my eyes on Halloween Hissers for a while, but dont know what the good online shops are for them. Do you think shes lonely? D: