Arguing with people on Facebook about the brown recluse


Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
I know I know I shouldn't waste my time arguing with random people on the internet but someone shared this nonsense on Facebook and I couldn't help but try to correct them.

check the comments for my argument with these people, I'm James, anyways as far as I know nobody has ever died from a brown recluse bite right? They usually aren't even that bad. Also they aren't native to most of Florida, how often do they hitchhike in cargo does it even happen very often?

Beary Strange

Aug 30, 2013
Holy moly you know these people? You have far more patience than me.
I think you might find what Rick Vetter has to say interesting.

You may also enjoy sending them to this site in regards to the spider myths laymen like to spread as fact.
These are two respected doctors however...don't bet on them believing you even with this.

Edit: Oh, didn't catch the random people.
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Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Hey James, there is just nothing you can do with some people and some topics. Sometimes people pick a team and fight only for the team and their ego to save face rather than even consider what you're saying, I think most of us do it to at least some degree. There are always going to be people like that and some just like arguing even though they know they are wrong, they consider it fun, probably some people with probs that don't know what else to do with their frustration, or just plain unpleasant people, people that empty a room when they walk in. There is even a book or two out there about how to win an argument even when you're wrong. It might be good for lawyers but for other people the title could just as well be, "how to get people to not like you and not trust you at all." So it might be better to not get caught up, just state the latest info you trust with sources and then, ...leave the agitation loop and don't go back. Haha, some ridiculous stuff in that conversation, RUN MAN!, RUN!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I have to get in on this (hearing groans from various people).
Honestly, there is one way you can always 'win' arguments on Farcebook or whatever. Though I admit I'm too big an instigator and chain puller to bother doing it. <- read, anal orifice. Anyway, don't gainsay. Don't express your opinion. Show only neutral objectivity and interest in what the people are saying. But when a supposed fact is stated, simply ask for the person to cite the QUALIFIED authority that affirms their statement. There is a little trick to this. Virtually all qualified authorities are published. As Belle Fury cited. Search the web for Vetter or Burke museum (Rod Crawford). If the people making claims can't cite directly but offer unverifiable hearsay, gently point out they don't know. Show honest sincere interest in reading the authorities works on the subject.
If you do this right, the armchair geniuses tend to melt away.

Qualified authority: I got bit by a brown recluse. You ask, who identified it was a loxosceles reclusii? Any person mentioned that is not a lettered biologist is not an authority. This includes medical doctors. If a qualified expert isn't cited, you can just ask/state, so you assumed it was but it was never confirmed? (There are hundreds, more likely thousands, of spiders and insects with venom that causes devascularization that can lead to necrosis. It's designed into many venoms so the victims metabolism won't carry the venom away and disperse it))
It's actually a word game. The person says, the doctor said it was a... you reply, What doctor? I'm curious because a medical practitioner with an accompanying degree in entomology would be worth reading up on. Has s/he published any works?
ANY bite or sting is only assumed to be caused by animal X until an expert like Vetter or Crawford has examined the specimen and confirmed it. Anything less is unscientific and jumping to conclusions.
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Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
I almost had an aneurysm when someone on there said spiders aren't animals!

"technically spiders are not animals. And the brown recluse is classified as one of the most dangerous because of its toxins and their effects, it is not harmless as you carelessly wrote. Everyone is allergic to poison. Some people just have stronger immune systems. But don't tell people they're harmless. Regardless of how many there are or if you suspect you were bitten they are dangerous and if you should seek help immediately period,. Besides death some of the effects are devastating. Be more considerate towards the people affected buddy."

I don't know whats worse, that this post is mind numbingly stupid or that it got 13 likes! I shouldn't get myself worked up and Snark I agree I should remain scientific and demand sources, but it's so maddening when people spread harmful misinformation like this. Why can't people respect the animals around them? Especially the harmless and beneficial ones? You have dozens of people on there claiming they almost lost limbs and died from recluse bites, even when they don't live near recluses, and it's so obvious these were cases of bacterial infections! And then you have people talking about how much they hate spiders and snakes and kill them on sight! I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
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Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
I jumped in on this one as well. It's a lot quieter there since a few folks have showed up to enlighten folks lol. I think the spiders aren't animals comment was one of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time. Oh well. These days ignorance is bliss and most of those people seem to be ecstatic.


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2010
I see things like this, and it's one more reason why I give myself a pat on the back for not having a facebook account. It's one big mish mash of people who don't know what the hell they're talking about, giving each other kudos for not having any idea what the hell they're talking about. It's mind-numbing to read through stuff like that.


Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
I'm glad other people are talking some sense in there, I love hearing from people more knowledgeable than I am on a topic. Maybe we can make some small difference. It's hard to get through to people who are indoctrinated to believe anything they read that reinforces their worldview and haven't been taught to think skeptically.

The best way to get through to people is when they are much younger and more impressionable, toward this end I had the privilege of taking some of my snakes and tarantulas to an earth day event at a local nature center a few weeks back. It was great, and it's amazing that the parents are usually the most scared while the children are the most curious!


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2013
"Mr Tully I am not sure what the hell you are talking about, but I am a nurse and taken care of many who have lost limbs or died from these spider bites. You are irresponsible in your dissemination of information. I saw a perfectly healthy woman who was bitten in a hotel room die a horrendous death and a biker who slept for two hours on the grass along a freeway who lost first his foot, his leg his testicles and then died a month later. You sir should be ashamed at your casual treatment of this very serious medical issue."

* (your name) better not sleep ever again since people accidentally eat spiders in their sleep. It would inconsiderate of him to endanger one worthless creature by sleeping!*

oh god it just gets worse

and my personal favorite, this beautiful gem right here:
*Yucky f**** hate spiders i got chills lookn s**t"
it could almost be a rational thought!

I'm very sorry you had to go through this education crapfest, but luckily a lot more other people chimed in on your behalf and shut everyone up. You did a good deed today.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I especially like "Everyone is allergic to poison." It has an almost mystic 'the color of thunder' Zen Koan flavor to it.

"You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear." -The Rock Man

Almost forgot! Could someone nail down that expert as to what kingdom spiders are actually in? Myconids? Soft hyperactive conglomerate uplifts? Now I need to get refused by the AB admins for a new subsection. I think I'll call it the Ludicrosity sub forum.

OP, would you consider Farcebooking a thank you on behalf of some of us here for the comic relief?
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Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
I was wondering if anyone was going to post any resources. I guess just us few had any. At any rate, it's been a pleasure trolling with you James lol. JK :biggrin:


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
What I find amazing is that there are 42,000+ likes, over half a million shares and over 24,000 comments. Apparently the humble loxosceles reclusa had quite a large following. I guess it's one of those things that you either love or hate. I happen to love them myself lol. I think I'm hanging up my keyboard over there though. It's going to be a long time before that one shuts down.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
What I find amazing is that there are 42,000+ likes, over half a million shares and over 24,000 comments. Apparently the humble loxosceles reclusa had quite a large following. I guess it's one of those things that you either love or hate. I happen to love them myself lol. I think I'm hanging up my keyboard over there though. It's going to be a long time before that one shuts down.
42,000... 24,000... anyone notice a striking similarity to the claims by a certain fast food business? Over 18 billion tons served daily! (Why not just call it like it is: We <3 stupidity.)
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Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
I noticed that as well. Nothing ruins a good witch hunt like rational information. Looks like the fun is over.


Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
I cant view it anymore either, does that mean the whole thing got deleted? If so I'll take solace in the fact that after half a million shares and thousands of comments we finally put an end to the spread of misinformation.


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
I think it's more like they put an end to information. I would imagine that they just blocked all of us or something.