Anyone Keep Apiomerus sp?


Dec 25, 2014
Wondering if anyone has any experience in keeping Apiomerus sp. I found quite a few A. montanus last summer and I'm planning on grabbing a few next season to see how they do in captivity. The best part about it that I find the typical specimens with the red on the wing but I also occasionally find "dark" Apiomerus montanus specimens as well (consensus from discussing with a few people and we determined that's probably what this specimen is) .....are these breedable traits??.....I'm kinda wanting to find out.

I find this genus to be quite impressive with their coloring and decently large size, granted not as big as Arilus cristatus but still impressive, I'm just hoping to get a sustainable captive bred colony going.



Old Timer
Jun 27, 2010
I've kept Apiomerus californicus briefly a few times. When I'm teaching my summer classes, I'll go out and grab a few and keep them for a few weeks. They do fine short-term, but I've had trouble keeping them alive long-term. I think it's because of their dietary preferences. While I have been able to get some of them to eat crickets, they have a definite preference for bees - which are a bit harder to come up with on a regular basis. I've had a few live for a couple of months in captivity, but the last few years, I've just released them after my classes were done.


Dec 25, 2014
Thanks for the chime in. Their preference for bees is what worried me the most, I was unsure how well they would do to adapting to a primarily cricket or roach diet. I will probably have to take the approach you did and release them back after a couple weeks, though I am going to keep 1 or 2 and do a little experimenting on trying to switch their diet.......cause you never know, I might get one that doesn't really care what it eats.