A pet peeve of mine at Rept/Tarantula shows...


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Street bargaining tactics. I don't know why people have such a hard time grasping this concept.

They AREN'T being fair for a reason.

Elytra and Antenna

Arachnosupporter +
Sep 12, 2002
i think the OP has a point about the dehydration thing.
He said they just molted which would mean they'd almost certainly have tiny abdomens. How's that random vendor supposed to know the skinny little abdomen wasn't because they were starved or dehydrated?

Elytra and Antenna

Arachnosupporter +
Sep 12, 2002
...and that they were only worth $20 for BOTH. Please...:rolleyes:
BOTH wasn't in your initial post so it seems strange you'd caps it. Your rant about those vendors is one-sided and I'm saying it's possible you may want to consider you may be being unfair and unrealistic. You won, next time fork over the money for a table and a license and sell those two for $150.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2008
Street bargaining tactics. I don't know why people have such a hard time grasping this concept.

They AREN'T being fair for a reason.
i agree with this. They pretty much know there being cheap, but they also know if they keep being cheap people will still sell it to them cheap. In addition to this, they buy everything wholesale and they cant give you much especially if they don't know you as who knows the pair could be both immature males, they could have an injured fag that may be missed initially and, giving you a good offer means selling even higher which translates to having to take care of them for a long time before they sell.

The worst i've seen at a show is somebody being offered 75$ for a 6" parahybana female. its not like 20$ for a male female smithi pair, but a female parahybana that size around here could fetch 150-200$ I think they traded it in for a corn snake morph of a 75$ value. 75$ also isn't bad considering that they probably bought it for 10$ as a sling


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I saw a kid spend $300 plus bucks on a 3" LP, a HUGE glass tank, a heat pad AND a heat lamp. It broke my heart knowing that he could've gotten a perfectly adequate set-up plus the exact same T for ~$20.
Glad I wasn't there. I would've just told the kid right before he bought that about this forum and how much he could have actually gotten here with that cash. I hardly would care what the vendor thought of me since I wouldn't want to give him my business.

Really bites because I do really want to go to expos that sell tarantulas since I've never gone but this info about some of the vendors is a downer.. :(


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
I saw a kid spend $300 plus bucks on a 3" LP, a HUGE glass tank, a heat pad AND a heat lamp. It broke my heart knowing that he could've gotten a perfectly adequate set-up plus the exact same T for ~$20.

Awe, thats messed up.


Old Timer
Nov 21, 2008
I saw a kid spend $300 plus bucks on a 3" LP, a HUGE glass tank, a heat pad AND a heat lamp. It broke my heart knowing that he could've gotten a perfectly adequate set-up plus the exact same T for ~$20.
I hate that kinda stuff,a few years ago before i had access to the internet,i paid 55.00 for a LP sling at a show just because it was the first one i'd ever seen for sale.:(


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
I hate that kinda stuff,a few years ago before i had access to the internet,i paid 55.00 for a LP sling at a show just because it was the first one i'd ever seen for sale.:(
If you love your lp, it was worth the $55 right?


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
If you love your lp, it was worth the $55 right?
i disagree with the logic.
if you like your car, would you be happy with a car payment thats double what you now pay? of course not.
no matter how much you like the car, you would be pissed to find out you got ripped off.


Old Timer
Nov 30, 2009
i disagree with the logic.
if you like your car, would you be happy with a car payment thats double what you now pay? of course not.
no matter how much you like the car, you would be pissed to find out you got ripped off.
quoted for truth

i love my LP, but the fact people get them as freebies still irks me that i paid 10 bucks for him at 1.5", which wasnt a bad deal from what ive seen, just that i could have gotten him for *free*. i still feel it was worth it, so im split on the decision.

but 300 bucks for an LP with a huge cage and light+heat pad!?
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Old Timer
Dec 10, 2008
OP, did you try countering their offer? That is generally how it works you know...


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
i disagree with the logic.
if you like your car, would you be happy with a car payment thats double what you now pay? of course not.
no matter how much you like the car, you would be pissed to find out you got ripped off.
All I'm saying is that at the time when he paid $55 for the LP, he felt that it was worth it and that's all that matters. Is it worth it to him NOW to pay $55 for another LP? Probably not since he now knows the going price.

I paid $25 for my first LP but only $5 for the last 2 that I picked up.

Do I look at my LP's and dwell on the extra $20 I spent on the first one? NO. If someone stole my LP now, I would pay WAY MORE than the going price to get him back because he is worth waaaaay more to me than $20.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2008
OP, did you try countering their offer? That is generally how it works you know...
If there offering you 20$ for t's worth 200$, i doubt they would offer anything worth the op's while.

I paid 15 for my lp. I could of got slightly smaller ones mayby a month earlier, but i wanted one when they were 15$. I don't really care i spent an extra 7$. 50$ extra would suck, but you thought it was worth it at the time. Either way, with their exponential growth rate, it only takes a couple months until its a noticeable size and actually worth 50$


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
It just really irks me to no end to be treated like someone who just fell off the turnip truck by some of these small time vendors at shows. Any one else have similar experiences?
Yep. At the expo I go to there is this absolute idiot who always has different Ts and reptiles at every show. He does not know what he has, or how to take care of them. His Ts and snakes are always supper skinny (starved), dehydrated and unhealthy looking.

He couldnt tell a G.rosea from an OBT. He was selling adult female H.macs for 15 bucks and I picked up an adult female S.rubronitens from him for 20 bucks. His loss for not knowing what he had.

This guy really makes me angry. If I try to educate him on what he has, he blows me off insisting that he knows it all.

I asked him about the price of one of his slings one time. It was marked orange baboon but it was not an obt and about an inch long. It was marked 5$ and he overheard me telling my buddy that that was a super low price and that I really wanted it. When I told him I wanted to buy it he said, and I quote, "Oh, uh, that must have been marked wrong, its actually 50$. Those are real rare".......yeeeaaa. I told him good day and went and got some stuff from tarantulainc and these other guys I buy from.