Search results

  1. Ravnos

    Measuring bearded dragons

    STL is snout to tail length, full length from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. SVL (snout to vent length) is also used since lizards with nipped tails are not uncommon, which is measured from the tip of the nose to the vent opening where the tail starts.
  2. Ravnos

    Bascs lizard (little skink)

    The sad thing is, many shops that sell exotic reptiles have no idea how to care for them. They all too often rely on high stock turn over to sell animals before their ignorance and poor care causes its demise. My first thought was a bosc monitor as well, but with a little search, I found that...
  3. Ravnos

    Communal Snakes

    Several of my rescued snakes came to me because the previous owner freaked out when they ate their cage mate, which is why I never recommend housing snakes together. I've seen boas (especially dumerils), burms, balls, and rat snakes all become cannibalistic without any real reason. Not saying it...
  4. Ravnos

    Tailless Whip Scorpion Question

    I've only ever used the palps to tell the gender of Damon sp. I'm not sure if it works in other species. There is a species native to Texas as well that is tiny and almost impossible to guess at too. I bet though, if you got a magnifying glass and looked at the palps that the males would be more...
  5. Ravnos

    Tailless Whip Scorpion Question

    I keep mine in a vertical tank (~10g) with a large flat piece of cork bark leaning to one side to create a shadowed area, with basic organic soil as a substrate. Mist it down a couple times a week depending on how humid the tank is. I feed small sized crickets, a few at a time in the evening, a...
  6. Ravnos

    Community Tank

    For most frogs and toads, anything that fits in their mouth is fair game for food. So keeping such a tank is always a risk, but I haven't had any problems keeping similar sized frogs together. Green trees, grey trees, barking frogs, and so forth. One thing to also consider about mixing...
  7. Ravnos

    Venom variation between localities?

    I read a paper a some time ago about tests done with prairie dogs and Crotalus viridis venom. They found that the prairie dogs had a good amount of immunity to the venom of their local prairie rattlers, but when they tested with venom from one of the same subspecies, from outside their range...
  8. Ravnos

    Wild Snake ID

    The Texas Brown Snake more typically has some pattern to it, and is more often lighter in color, and the worm snake barely ranges into Texas at all. My vote goes for the Rough Earth Snake as well. They are very common throughout the entire central and eastern half of Texas. Though, it could be...
  9. Ravnos

    Cohabitation in Crotalus vitiris helleri

    Talk about stepping into the fire, not what most people would consider a good choice for a first foray into venomous... I highly recommend writing yourself a protocol book with all the information on this species, and what the proper first aid and medical treatments are. Make sure this book is...
  10. Ravnos

    Friendly Tokay Gecko?

    I suppose it is possible to have a friendly one. I've seen the occasional friendly nile monitor, and even the occasional friendly adult male iguana... but in my experience thus far with tokays is that if one never tries to bite, its sick. :) Rav
  11. Ravnos

    Snake eats pet cat

    Its just one feral predator vs another, no? House cats do far more damage to native wildlife populations than burmese pythons do, I guarantee it. :) Really though, the main issues is people breeding burms like puppy mills, and pet stores selling them for 30-50 dollars apiece so anyone at all...
  12. Ravnos

    Species Chaetopelma olivaceum (a.k.a. Chaetopelma gracile)

    I'm in the US, and got mine at a local pet shop. I've seen them turn up on lists every once in a while, but they're definitely not real common. Someone is breeding them though. :) Rav
  13. Ravnos

    Sloth help

    A local exotic shop has a two-toed on display. She's fairly calm, but can be fussy with her diet and get downright mad if not fed what she wants. Their teeth are huge, and I imagine could do some serious damage if they were properly motivated. She spends most of her time up as far out of reach...
  14. Ravnos

    Is this a decent price? =O

    Broken teeth? Snakes shed and replace their teeth constantly. 250 is pet store retail price. Buying online from a breeder, at a show, or from a wholesaler, I would expect to pay closer to half that... of course, I haven't paid for a burm in ages. Dozens of them turn up in rescues every year...
  15. Ravnos

    octopus vs shark

    Strong, have a very sharp, strong beak, and many species are also venomous so they can do a number fairly quickly on prey creatures. Rav
  16. Ravnos

    Polish amphibians and reptiles

    Brings back some memories. Those little Natrix were the first snake I ever kept. They had such an attitude for a small snake and those lacertid lizards were very hard to catch they were so fast, and they'd swing around and bite you if you did manage to catch one. Great fun. :) Rav
  17. Ravnos

    Anyone using "Habitrail" tubes?

    I use them for hamsters... not tarantulas, but it is a cool idea. :) Rav
  18. Ravnos

    Largeish yellow ratsnake

    Pretty sweet. 7 foot isn't too uncommon with these guys though, I'm sure there are larger that no one has bothered to actually measure and get recorded. A friend of mine has one thats nearly 7 foot. Rav
  19. Ravnos

    Coconut Bedding for snakes

    I've tried it a few times, and the only thing I've had it do is get stuck in their nostrils, heat pits, and mouth. I prefer using something with a little more substance, like cypress mulch. Rav
  20. Ravnos

    Iguana Question

    Short of removing the food & bowl from the area or removing the iguana, I don't think you will stop it. They are incredibly stubborn when it comes to stuff they shouldn't be getting into. I'd probably plop a plate of his salad down in front of the door if he started scratching at it to let him...