Search results

  1. lacrosse5001

    Avic. avic strange behavior

    Just an update, he/she finally ate! It took a bit of persuading, and the worm wasn't thrashing very much, but it finally got eaten.
  2. lacrosse5001

    Ready.. Set...SHOOT!

    Wait fuzzy, if my avic avic (3") doesn't have very obvious lips it's a male? Will they be a different shade than the surrounding area?
  3. lacrosse5001

    Need help with rehousing

    You've got a beautiful gal on your hands :) Since this is an OW, you will have to take her out if you want to do any maintenance or cleaning in her enclosure. The reason I say so is because pokies are very fast and skittish, and she will probably flee if you're in her space. As suggested, the...
  4. lacrosse5001

    When is the gap between beginner and intermediate bridged?

    I have to agree that a lot of the bridge is mental. To be able to make the jump without issues, you need to develop a healthy respect for what more "difficult" T's. As belle said, there are people who, myself as an example, jumped off the deep end early. But from what I've seen, we are an...
  5. lacrosse5001

    Does there exist any OW Tarantula similar to Acanthoscurria geniculata (B.WhiteKnee)

    When it comes to old worlds, you won't be getting much visibility with most of them. Obviously there are exceptions to every generalization about tarantulas, but for the most part old worlds are secretive. HOWEVER, with that said there are plenty of species that meet the first two requirements...
  6. lacrosse5001

    Slings and Baby Mealworms?

    When I'm concerned about the prey item hurting the T, which is most of the time, I first use a piece if straw or grass to test their reaction to movement. If they go for it, I take the Hannibal lecter approach and remove the jaws of the worm with my exacto knife. Works like a charm.
  7. lacrosse5001

    Choosing a new arboreal????

    Hey gang, I'm in a bit of a conundrum here. I'm looking for T #7 and I'd really like to expand my horizons further into arboreals. I currently have a King Baboon, OBT, C fimbriatus, GBB, LP, and Avic avic. I am very interested in the Psalmopoeus genus as I can get a juvenile female for a...
  8. lacrosse5001

    First OWs.

    First OW was a King Baboon. Funnily enough, it was only my third T. Now I have 6, 4 of which are OW. (C fimbriatus, OBT, KB).
  9. lacrosse5001

    Avic. avic strange behavior

    I figured. Always see people talking about versicolor webs, but never Avic avic webs.
  10. lacrosse5001

    Avic. avic strange behavior

    I won't be able to get a pic up right now, but I'd say the abdomen is just barely larger than the carapace. The injuries are both totally dry, and the limbs have full use. I wasn't really "looking" but nothing about the mouth stood out when I was getting him/get into position for pics. I will...
  11. lacrosse5001

    Avic. avic strange behavior

    Hey all, Normally I wouldn't ask this question and just use the search function, but there are a few confounding variables here that I feel would compromise anything I might learn from previous posts. I acquired an Avicularia avicularia about a month ago. It was (and is) a 3" specimen...
  12. lacrosse5001

    I need your help !

    The hairs can be pretty irritating, but these are T's that don't flick quite as much as Brachypelmas. My LP has only flicked at me once during a very stressful transfer and I just backed up for a few seconds. Given how infrequently they kick, I feel that it's a bit if a non issue.
  13. lacrosse5001

    OBT and Indian Violet... My body is ready

    Just got a C. fimbriatus with an OBT sling as a freebie. These are my 2nd and 3rd old worlds, but my P. muticus is underground 24/7, so I wanted to share how excited I am for some craziness. That and I love being able to watch how industrious Old worlds are compared to new worlds. The OBT didn't...
  14. lacrosse5001


    I was trying to get across the point that most T's do not require heat above 80 degrees. I agree that 80-85 degrees is not abnormal for many species.
  15. lacrosse5001


    Tarantulas, being unable to generate body heat, are able to happily live in hugely fluctuating temperatures. Most tarantulas do not need any temperature above 80 degrees F, but I do not think 85 F will cause them harm. I'm not educated enough on the issue of circadian rhythm as it pertains to...
  16. lacrosse5001

    New Tarantula??

    Hate to rain on the parade, but this sort of thread is much better suited to the "Tarantula Chat" section of the forum. Get the versi though, they're awesome.
  17. lacrosse5001

    The OFFICIAL YouTube thread for tarantula care and husbandry channels

    As my collection has recently gone from 4 to 6, I made a channel to accompany them. I'll be posting stuff starting Wednesday/Thursday. I'm waiting on a macro lens to ship in for my smartphone camera as it's all I've got and the...
  18. lacrosse5001

    What do y'all keep your ephobopus in?

    I followed SpiderEngineer's YouTube vid about keeping haplopelma sp. I use walmart's mainstays brand gallon plastic container for my king baboon and Indian violet and they are constantly digging. Since T's don't have a great capacity for sight, I don't think fossorial T's mind limited floor...
  19. lacrosse5001

    How to setup the T shelf?

    If you get flexwatt, make sure to get the one with clips, unless you can solder.
  20. lacrosse5001

    Oh No!

    Shipping (assuming they were shipped) can be really hard on slings. Plus given the fact that it's the end of August means heat is pretty brutal in some areas of the nation. As Forrest Gump says: "s$@& happens"