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  1. USMuscle9403

    Calisoga longitarsis

    Didn't Mike Dame try to breed them several years ago? What ever became of that? I'm interested in these guys, as well.
  2. USMuscle9403

    ID? Spider found in basement.

    Trachelas sp., probably tranquillus.
  3. USMuscle9403

    Purseweb spider hunting tips?

    Apparently, everyone finds non-theraphosid mygalamorphs except for me, nowadays. I work at a zoo, so I'm obviously surrounded by a bunch of people who love animals, even spiders. Normally, I'm the one they come to for spider ID, etc. A (cute) girl from the Horticulture department found a...
  4. USMuscle9403

    Purseweb spider hunting tips?

    I don't think it really matters, but I've never tried hunting them at night. Their webs are hard enough to keep track of during the day!
  5. USMuscle9403

    Purseweb spider hunting tips?

    Look on the sides of trees, especially around ant populations. Sides of and under rocks, as well. My first purseweb was actually found in a tube web under a large rock. They're very hard to spot but normally if you find one, you find more.
  6. USMuscle9403

    Are these in the hobby???

    I know Mike "Troll" Dame had a breeding project with them years ago, if I recall correctly. Haven't seen them up for sale in years, but they do come by once in a blue moon. Awesome species. Feisty, too!
  7. USMuscle9403

    Scorpions in Charleston,SC

    Isle of Palms and James Island.
  8. USMuscle9403

    Scorpions in Charleston,SC

    Hentzi lives there, but you'd have better luck finding them on some of the islands. They prefer sandier, drier areas with ground cover. Think Palm fronds and bark. Beach houses often get infestations. I'm not so sure about carolinianus, I'm thinking they're more of an inland species. But once...
  9. USMuscle9403

    Latrodectus woes

    Geometricus is completely taking over here in South Carolina. I scarcely see mactans or variolus anymore.
  10. USMuscle9403

    Help Id? Trapdoor-huntsman?

    Yep, mature male Androdiaetus. Encountered one wandering in southern Missouri. He was comically defensive; fell over backwards while showing me how big and bad he was.
  11. USMuscle9403

    Australian Spider ID

    How gorgeous is she against the red clay? Wow. Sorry, that's all I have, I'm not good with Australian huntsmans.
  12. USMuscle9403

    "Winter" Arachnids In The Ice and Snow?

    Here in the Southern US, broad faced sac (Trachelas) and yellow sac (Cheiracanthium) spiders are especially active during the winter. The cold doesn't slow them down one bit.
  13. USMuscle9403

    ID on dead spider

    Hunting for them is pretty challenging. Road sides, dried up riverbanks, hillsides and other sloping areas are generally your best bet. When do you find one, pay close attention, because there are usually more around. The young don't tend to migrate too far, so they're often in "colonies", so to...
  14. USMuscle9403

    ID on dead spider

    Good call. Wonder if it's M. neilyoungi :) Heres a reference for OP: We have this genus in my area (mid South Carolina) even though it doesn't show on the range map. Not sure of the species, though.
  15. USMuscle9403

    ID on dead spider

    Yep, that's a myglamorph of some stripe. Poor guy :/
  16. USMuscle9403

    (Wolf Spider?) in my bathroom

    Terrible pics, but something in the Coras genus, maybe?
  17. USMuscle9403

    Kukulcania Terrarium size?

    Doesn't even need to be that big. Just a standard sized KK is fine for an adult female.
  18. USMuscle9403

    Dream true spider?

    Well, now it's the Ancyclometes posted by Widow Lover :shame: