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  1. Atalanta

    i watched a guy get bit by a cobra on animal planet

    It always killed me watching Steve Irwin get chomped by a goanna or some such creature, blood streaming down his hand and arm, and calmly sitting there saying "now that's a naughty lizard." Loved that man. Austin Stevens - seen that show. In fact, I'll seek out reruns at times just to see...
  2. Atalanta

    Netherland Dwarfs

    I love them. They are so cute. I had a Polish Dwarf who looked more like a Netherland, and she was a doll baby. Thanks for posting pictures of your sweet pets!
  3. Atalanta


    Adorable! I love wabbits. How are they doing?
  4. Atalanta


    This is my new little Lionhead rescue guy. He is hilarious.
  5. Atalanta

    A Letter to Tink

    One of my friends emailed me some pictures she took of Tink. Here are a couple showing how curious she was!
  6. Atalanta

    A Letter to Tink

    Thanks, Kamil. Her picture makes me smile. :)
  7. Atalanta

    A Letter to Tink

    Thanks. It's been a week today, and I'm going to the vet's office sometime in the next few days to pick up her things and the mold they made of her paw print. I'm lucky to have caring, competent vets nearby. I'd take all the shelter bunnies (and dogs and cats) home if I could. I'm sure a...
  8. Atalanta

    A Letter to Tink

    Thanks, guys. She was a sweetie, that's for sure. I took a vacation day last week after she died and spent it at the local humane society in the small animal room. There were about 13 bunnies there, so I brought them an exercise pen, groomed them, and trimmed their nails. It felt good and...
  9. Atalanta

    A Letter to Tink

    Dear Tink, Sweet, tiny bunny, I hardly know where to begin. I miss you so much. You were only in my life for 8 months, and that was not nearly long enough. While you are still very much with me, your physical absence has left an unimaginable void. You had a rough start in life, my...
  10. Atalanta

    What type of bunny/rabbit

    I'm not an expert but I have some experience. I think these are Flemish Giants. I've heard they are generally very friendly, too. And it's a good thing! Apparently they don't get *quite* that big, though.
  11. Atalanta

    What type of bunny/rabbit Here's a pretty good page about breeds. To answer your question about ears, all the dwarf rabbits I've seen have very small ears unless they are crossed with another breed. Netherland Dwarf bunnies have small ears that stick up, and Polish Dwarf...
  12. Atalanta

    What type of bunny/rabbit

    Paul - Bunnies are great pets for some, albeit a lot of work. I have three, and they are handfuls but totally worth it to me. First, there are really no beginner domestic rabbit species; it's all about personality and finding the right rabbit for your personality, your lifestyle, and...
  13. Atalanta

    A little birdy told me...

    ...that she likes my porch! I was gardening this weekend and noticed a pair of very small birds (finches, I think) flitting around my porch. The female kept landing on the edge of a hanging spider plant and looking around. I finally got curious, and while they were away, I climbed up on the...
  14. Atalanta

    What type of bunny/rabbit

    Either Holland or French Lop. Hard to tell before the ears drop when it gets older. They are cute; I have a Holland Lop.
  15. Atalanta

    Uuuhm... that was unexpected.

    Congratulations, I guess. Previous posters gave some great advice, and let me just add this: PLEASE have the parents spayed and neutered (and any babies you may keep when the time comes). Bunnies do that and they will keep doing it and can produce litters faster than most people imagine...
  16. Atalanta

    Best Picture You Ever Taken.

    My god, it's Pepe' and Penelope. Too funny!
  17. Atalanta

    Hardcore Shedding

    Hardwood floors help my cause, thank goodness!
  18. Atalanta

    Hardcore Shedding

    Thank you for that, Lorkagor! I'm excited that the small ones are recommended for rabbits. I'll probably get one. :)
  19. Atalanta

    Gerbils and Kitties oh my

    Adorable pictures. The kitties look like they have a lot of personality!
  20. Atalanta

    Hardcore Shedding

    Ugh, two of my three bunnies are having a shed-athon. They seem impervious to the crazy Kansas weather fluctuations we're having. I may end up making a pillow or two. :D Funny, I never thought about skunks shedding! What is their fur texture like?