Search results

  1. desmess3000

    Largest US Native Millipede Species?

    Are you doing anything different in there setup (substrate, temp, humidity, diet ect) to see if any of these are a factor for breeding? Sorry don't mean to hijack the thread here I'm just curious lol. I would agree with everyone else and say O. Texicolens would be the longest American...
  2. desmess3000

    Largest US Native Millipede Species?

    Sounds to me like we need to work on this problem lol. If anyone could find a way to breed these it's gotta be someone on this forum...I know a pet store ain't gonna get it done ;)
  3. desmess3000

    My Philippine Blues

    You really got an eye for them eggs so tiny:D
  4. desmess3000

    Orthoporus texicolens

    Awsome pedes that color is beautiful. I have lived my whole life in Texas and have traveled all around the state and have yet to find one of these or any large pede for that matter. I'm a very avid log/rock tipper even...lots of huge centipedes...but no Millis :/
  5. desmess3000

    a question..(for millipedes)

    Moon valley friendship plant is doing great in my tank with ivorys they nibbled at everything except that one and a small maidenhair fern as only defense against millipedes eating my plants is more supplemental foods...cucumber, leftover fish food or bearded dragon food in my case. At...
  6. desmess3000

    Keeping african giant millipedes and pure common hissing roaches together

    I did this for a bit and everything got along fine...I now have two hisses in with my ivory vivarium and everyones happy.
  7. desmess3000

    New to breeding (ivorys)

    Been awhile since an update this has turned out to be one of my favorite tanks to date. They only nibbled a few leaves here and there at the beginning but that just seemed to help the plants grow faster...the micro fauna I have in this tank is thriving as well. All in all this is by far my...
  8. desmess3000

    Petco millipedes

    I got my first millipede from petco African giant black back in 2005. He just passed recently from a tragic fall unfortunately but I have him and petco to thank for igniting my passion for myriapods. Glad to hear there back at it.
  9. desmess3000

    My Flameleg

    Dibs!! Lol :) Congrats...I envy your entire collection but for me these take Tha cake.
  10. Sam Floyd

    Review by 'desmess3000' on item 'Sam Floyd'

    Speedy response, very helpful with questions. All millipedes arrived alive and healthy and I received more than I payed for! Highly recommended and I will purchase again in the future.
  11. desmess3000

    Narceus gordanus

    Awsome scrubs:happy: Been thinking of getting these as well...from the same site! Good to have a positive review.
  12. desmess3000

    Giant African millipede in a Paludarium a good idea?

    Now in no way would I ever say lawnshrimp is wrong for he has great knowledge of all things myriapod. But are there not rivers and streams in AGB natural habitat...I understand that the large majority are living in dryer conditions away from water but I'm sure there are some wild colonies living...
  13. desmess3000

    Giant African millipede in a Paludarium a good idea?

    And you are doin just fine with your English...I understood you completely :)
  14. desmess3000

    Giant African millipede in a Paludarium a good idea?

    Sounds like a cool idea...I know that many millipede keepers have had there millipedes drown in a water bowl that they could not get out of so your transition to water would need to be very gradual as you previously stated. Also make sure nothing is extended over the water were they could climb...
  15. desmess3000

    Mystery Naked Apeuthes EGG

    THE EGG! Lol Can't wait to see what ya got there.
  16. desmess3000

    Moving millipedes

    Does this apply for micro and dwarf species of isopods as well? I just couldn't imagine how those tiny guys could do so much damage to such a large millipede (even babies) I also have isopods in one of my enclosures and am wondering if I need to do the same.
  17. desmess3000

    Lester is on Death's Door

    Sorry for your loss :(
  18. desmess3000

    My Archispirostreptus gigas AGB

    That is awesome! I love this millipede can't wait to start a colony of my own...keeping um strong and healthy in the us :)
  19. desmess3000

    Rotting wood help

    Awsome thanks for the write up.
  20. desmess3000

    Rotting wood help

    Wow thanks for the tip...this stuff seems awsome. How do you go about fermenting yours?