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  1. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Identifying my Androctonus

    I just bought this Androctonus species at an expo and they did not provide me with a latin name. I believe the common name was "black tip fat tail scorpion". I believe it to be A. australis but I am unsure. How do I determine which species it could be?
  2. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Is there a possibility that I can save these embryos?

    I recently received a very gravid C. sculpturatus. Although there was a problem, she appeared to be constipated. Well, just now I found her dead, still limp so I suspect it was very recent. Is there anyway I may be able to save the embryos? I'm thinking maybe cutting her open and trying to...
  3. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Key west, Florida scorpions?

    I found two females in the Keys last year
  4. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    I’m not sure of the specifics of my fixture. It’s long wave I’d say based off what you said
  5. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    My local petstore keeps a permanent fixture on their Heterometrus petersii. Although considering everything else UV would be the least of their worries. That place is terrible.
  6. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    Fascinating. Do you know any of these species?
  7. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    How would that work?
  8. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    Yeah that’s what I’ve been thinking I will probably do that since everyone seems to agree
  9. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    I shall upload pictures of the current situation then
  10. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    You think so? The light fixture is actually just over their normal enclosure which has all the necessary hiding spots to make them feel comfortable. I can provide images of everything
  11. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Experimentation with mycosis

    So most of my C. sculpturatus are riddled with mycosis. I’ve already lost two. They came to me with several issues (broken telson, bum leg, etc.) but the mycosis is the most prevalent. Always be careful buying from eBay. Well I have been doing the usual accepted treatments for mycosis. But I...
  12. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Pain index

    I don’t know anything about the ant but I have been stung by C. sculpturatus. The sting was on the palm of my hand. Immediate intense pain. My entire arm was extreme pins and needles. The next day my middle finger had lost all feeling. An hour after the sting my mouth would get that pins and...
  13. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Paravaejovis confusus care

    I actually just bought a sling. And I’ve kept an adult before. They’re pretty straight forward. I don’t think they’re picky. Not in my experience anyway. They’re a bit energetic so be prepared for that. They like burrowing
  14. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Help me to identify Species and sex

    Also you should give that one some substrate and remove those insect parts to prevent mite
  15. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Help me to identify Species and sex

    Where did you get them from. I have a couple of ideas but a source would help. Narrow down
  16. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    They came today!!!

    I agree with you. I’ve never been big on morphs anyway. Even in the ball python hobby. It’s just unnatural and unnecessary and sometimes downright cruel. (Spider ball pythons). It’s fascinating, sure. But I’d be more excited over a wild type jacksoni. They’re absolutely mind blowing. If I wanted...
  17. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Do Scorpions eat already dead insects ? cuz mine just did !?

    My friend has a Hadrurus spadix that almost always eats prekilled roaches. He says if she does kill a bug for whatever reason she’ll bury it almost as if she feels guilty although that’s not the case. She’s a peculiar scorpion though. Got me wanting a spadix myself
  18. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    H. Arizonensis Sting

    I’ve had my fair share of tags. You’ll feel the effects almost immediately. It’s always a localized pain that lasts 5-30 minutes in my experience but everyone’s reaction is different.
  19. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    H. Arizonensis questions.

    That looks too young to be gravid. If you can get a photo of the pectines on the ventral side I could possibly sex it if the photo is good enough
  20. VaejovisCarolineanusSDS

    Tips on finding Vaejovis carolinianus?

    I used to do a ton of research on this particular species. Unfortunately they’re not in my part of Kentucky. They’re in Central. But that’s irrelevant. One key thing I remember is they prefer pine forests. Also if you find one you’re bound to find more